In My Mailbox/Letterbox Love #4

In My Mailbox & Letterbox Love
 IMM is something that was started on TheStorySiren so click on the link and check out her blog if you want to find out more about it and how to participate. Letterbox Love was started over at NarrativelySpeaking and is a more UK based version of IMM. This is basically a way for me to show what books I have received, borrowed or bought each week.
Also check out Friday Finds over on ShouldBeReading and Stacking the Shelves over at TyngaReviews, I am in love with all of these as I love finding other blogs to follow and books to read through these! So check them all out and see what you find, Stacking the Shelves has a lot of participants as well which is great.

This week I bought:

Lucy Christopher

 Emily's dad is accused of killing a teenage girl in the woods. Emily is sure he's innocent, but struggles to work out what actually happened that night. That is, until she crosses paths with Damon, the boyfriend of the dead girl. Maybe they could help each other? But Damon has his own secrets about the dangerous games that are being played in the dark.

I bought this as I had seen it on quite a few people's lists last week. A lot of them praised her other books, neither of which I have read. I did borrow Stolen from my library a long time ago, but struggled to get in to it and returned it. If anyone has read it I'd love to hear what you thought and if it's worth trying again.

Emmy Laybourne

This is the story of what happens when 14 kids are trapped inside a superstore in the town of Monument. Inside they have everything they could ever need, and with no adult supervision they can do whatever they want. 
Sounds like fun?
It is.
Until they find out that the world outside is being destroyed...

I picked this up with The Killing Woods and Hidden as they were on a buy two get one free deal. Sounds interesting and hope to read this one soon.

Marianne Curley

When he took Ebony away from me, I knew I would spend my life searching for her. Now I have found her, her will do everything in his power to keep us apart.
Ebony has led a very sheltered life. She isn't ready for the disturbing things which start happening to her. But these events are just part of a discovery that will rock her whole world. 
Ebony's life wasn't 'sheltered' - she was hidden away. Now her location is secret, but who will find her first.

I'm not too sold on this one at this point. But I am kind of a sucker for vague blurbs for some unknown reason. Let's hope it's good.

This week I borrowed:

Marissa Meyer

Cinder, a gifted mechanic in New Beijing, is also a cyborg. She's reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's sudden illness. But when her life becomes entwined with the handsome Prince Kai's she finds herself at the centre of a violent struggle between the desires of an evil queen - and a dangerous temptation.
Cinder is caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal. Now she must uncover secrets about her mysterious past in order to protect Earth's future. 

I picked this up because I have been seeing it's sequel on so many of people's book hauls, and the third in the series seems to be one many people are eagerly anticipating. So I thought I would give it a try, I saw it when it first came in to my work but I wasn't too sure about it. Have read some really great reviews though. Will track down the second in the series before I start, just in case I end up loving this and want to read it straight away! 

Holly Bourne

Soulmates do exist. But not as you think. 
Every so often two people are born who are the perfect match for one another. Soulmates.
But what if meeting your soul mate is earth-shattering - literally?

The back cover of this book gives nothing away, it has the most vague of blurbs! May have to check up a some reviews before I start this one, if I ever do. Interest peaked. 

L. J. Adlington

No such thing as witches...
Not here in Rodina, where being superstitious is punishable by death.. Me, I was doing OK, keeping my head down, fitting in with everyone else at school. Then came the faith-crazy Crux, invading our nation. Now I'm up in the skies as a bomber pilot. 
Fighting to survive the war. 
Fighting this urge to fall madly in love.
Fighting to hide a growing sense that I'm different - darker - dangerous. 
Who can I tell? Who can I trust? 
And what will happen if I defy all laws and logic to break free and be me?

I picked this up because it sounded quite unusual. If anyone has read it I would love to know whether you enjoyed it or not. Trying to cut down how many books I add to my endless to be read pile!

Joelle Charbonneau

Do you possess a winning combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and raw intelligence?
Do you have what it takes to lead others?
Are you willing to crush those who stand in your way?
Every year, the United Commonwealth invites top graduates from each colony to participate in The Testing. Successful candidates will go on to the university and help the government rebuild our war-stricken world.
This process is not optional.
Disclaimer: The United Commonwealth is not responsible for candiates' psychological or physical health during The Testing.

This one caught my eye because of the cover. I looked at it and knew immediately that it would be a book in the same vein as The Hunger Games, Legend, Divergent and so on and so forth. I have loved them all and am always looking for similar books that are just as amazing. We shall see if this is any good.

This week I received for review:

Jolene Perry

All they have in common is that they're less than perfect. And all they're looking for is the perfect distraction. 
Kate's dream boyfriend has just broken up with her and she's still reeling from her diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Aidan planned on being a lifer in the army and went to Afghanistan straight out of high school. Now he's a disabled young veteran struggling to embrace his new life. When Kate and Aidan find each other neither one wants to get attached. But could they be right for each other after all?

This one I found on Netgalley and it was one you don't need to request. I looked it up on Goodreads but at that point it had 0 reviews. But I decided to take a chance, I loved the cover and I think it could be a nice, quick read.

Didn't go too crazy this week. As always, leave a link to your own book haul as I love checking them all out!

Since my last haul I have managed to read and review: 

Time After Time by Tamara Ireland Stone
Pawn by Aimee Carter
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

Kind of freaked out when Meagan Spooner sent me a tweet about my review!

I also want to thank the people who recently followed me as well. It still amazes me every time I get a new follower. So thank you Mixed Book Bag, Studio Reads, The Bookish Daydreamer, Book Cupid, Jenn Renee Read, Boarding With Books and one other whose blog I can't track down! Thank you!


  1. Some great books! i enjoyed both Cinder and Monument 14 very much. I still need to read Hidden. I lovd the Guardians of Time books by the same author.

    1. I'm hearing some great things about Cinder so want to read that as soon as I can!

  2. Lovely haul of books. I see that you got some interesting books. Cinder really was interesting. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

    1. I am getting quite excited for Cinder as I keep hearing such great things about it! Will come check you out. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I want Soulmates and Cinder! I mean just LOOK at those covers. Happy reading!

    My STS

    Amber @ My Bookshelf Is Hungry

    1. I know, I think covers are really important! It's what makes you take the time to pick up a book and find out what it's about.

  4. Cinder has been on my TBR list for a LONG time. Once I finish a few of the series I am already reading, I plan on starting that one. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!!

    Here is my STS:

    1. Yeah I'm hoping to get to it soon, but things don't usually work out that way! I always find others I want to read more. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Lovely haul this week :-) I have The Summer I Found You this week as well. Happy Reading :-)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Hidden sounds good and I hear Cinder is great. Enjoy!

    1. That's what everyone has said about it, it's what finally convinced me to read it! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. AWESOME Haul! I got Cinder this week as well, and I have The Testing but haven't read it yet! Well, enjoy all your great books, and thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers! :)

  9. I got The Summer I Found You this week as well, the cover drew me in. And, I LOVED Cinder. I hope you do too! Happy reading :)
    My STS

    1. Thanks, that's what convinced me to download it too! I'm really hoping to get to Cinder soon, have heard great things. Thanks for stopping by =D

  10. I freaking loved cinder! OMG You will love it! Followed via bloglovin hope you follow back :)

    Stop by at mine too <3 We have tons of giveaways :)

  11. Wow, what a great week. I absolutely loved Cinder and I really enjoyed The Testing as well. I've had Monument 14 on my kindle for awhile now but I haven't read it yet. Have fun reading and thanks for visiting! ~Pam

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed The Testing, haven't really seen it anywhere so wasn't too sure at first. I really need to read Cinder now as everyone seems to have loved it. Now I'm excited to read it! =D

  12. I really liked Monument 14 and Scarlet! And the cover of Hidden is so gorgeous :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. You're welcome! I need to read Cinder, everyone is saying such wonderful things about it! =D

  13. I looooved Cinder (the book, not Cinder the character because my heart belongs to Kai <3). Anyway, GREAT haul! I hope you have the time to read all your new books. Happy reading and thanks for dropping by <a href=">my STS post.</a>

    1. I am most excited to read Cinder, because of all you lovely people saying such amazing things about it! Hope it's as good as you all say it is!

  14. Monument 14 and Cinder. Both books I really really need to read one day too! Hope you enjoy everything you got!
    Laura @ Music Plus Books

    1. I have so many books that I have to read and never seem to manage to get around to!!

  15. Ooooh, great haul!! I hope you enjoy them all!! I love the cover for Hidden. Though the story isn't my usual type, for some reason I'm really drawn to the cover. LOL Enjoy!

    1. It really doesn't sound like my kind of story either, like you I was a sucker for the cover! I know I shouldn't buy books based on covers but I can't help myself lol =D

  16. Cinder is amazing! Love that series, and I can't wait for Cress <3
    I really need to read The Testing since I've heard so much about it. Great haul, and thanks for stopping by :)

    1. Arghh I can't even begin to explain how excited you wonderful people are getting me about the Cinder series, I'm just to not have ridiculously high expectations though! Eeeek I will be pushing this to the top of my TBR list! =D

  17. my sister and blog partner leslie LOVES cinder and the other books in the series. she's been urging me to read it for a long time. you have a very awesome book haul this week. happy reading :D

    hope you can stop by my StS/Sunday Post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

    1. Everyone who's read it seems to love it, I'm going to be pushing it to the top of my TBR list most definately!

  18. I love Cinder! Such an interesting and original concept :D
    You have a really great haul. Happy reading!

    1. It's top of my TBR pile now thanks to all the great things people have said!

  19. Great haul. The Testing is a great read I really enjoyed it. The Night Witches looks good I will have to add this to my list. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my haul :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to come check out my haul and comment! =D I find way too many books for my list looking at everyones hauls but I love it.

  20. I bought Monument 14 just a few weeks ago as it was on my wishlist for ages!

    1. I'm hoping to read it soon, hoping to being the important part! =D

  21. Nice haul. Happy reading :)

  22. Lots of good-looking books this week! Soulmates looks interesting. Great haul and happy reading! Thanks for the follow. I'm following back via bloglovin. :)

  23. I have Cinder on my TBR everyone has said such amazing things about it, I can't wait to read it, along with a ton of other books! So many books so little time! Great haul!

    1. So many books, so little time indeed! I am really excited for this book but it will probably be ages before I actually get to read it! =D Thanks for stopping by!

  24. I've heard of a lot of these but haven't read any of them. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

    Zareena @ Books and Books

    1. Thanks, hopefully I'll enjoy them once I actually managed to get around to reading them!

  25. Great haul! I have been wanting to read Monument 14 for a while, but just haven't had the chance. Hopefully it's good. Enjoy :)

    1. I hope I can get to it soon! Thanks for checking out my blog =D

  26. Ooh Cinder is SOOO good! You'll love it...I know I did. I still have to read Scarlet though! Enjoy your books and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. I am getting quite excited for Cinder now, thanks to everyones amazing recommendations! Thanks for checking out my blog!

  27. Great haul! I've been wanting to read Monument 14 for a while now. Hopefully, I will be able to soon :)

    Christy @ Christy's Book Addiction

    1. It'll probably be a while before I can get to it, but it looks really good! So hopefully we will both be able to read it soon =D

  28. Looks like I found a new book to add to my TBR with The Killing Woods. The Testing was already on my TBR as well. :) Enjoy your new books and Happy Reading!
    Here are my new books.

    1. That is how I found it myself, seeing it on someone elses haul. That's how I'm finding a lot of my books now! Thanks! =D

  29. Monument 14 is pretty good. For Cinder, I've heard literally nothing but good things about it :) I hope you enjoy all your books!

    1. I know, I wasn't sure about it but all I have heard is amazing things. I hope I don't go into it now with ridiculously high expectations, might ruin it XD

  30. I have a copy of Monument 14 on my shelf waiting to be read. I got to meet Emmy during the Fierce Reads Tour and she was so funny! Soulmates also looks good. Happy Reading this week =D

  31. Awesome stack! Hidden is one I'm really curious about. Cinder is fabulous! You should definitely read that one and then the next book, Scarlet! Thanks for stopping by my STS!

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

    1. It's going to be one of the next books I read I think, after How I Live Now! =D Everyone has got me very excited about it.

  32. I read The Testing not to long ago. It was interesting. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. I'm hoping to get to this one soonish, but it usually never turns out that way! =D Thanks

  33. Cinder is soooo good :) I didn't love Scarlet as much but I cannot wait till Cress! I hope you enjoy it as well as all your other books! Thanks for stopping by my haul!

    1. I have to read Cinder now, all anyone can say about it is amazing things.

  34. I loooved THE TESTING! Don't listen to the whole "hunger games" reference some websites mention in the summary. It's not really like it at all. It was so good, especially if you love challenges. My younger sister really liked CINDER. THE KILLING WOODS sounds quite good! I love thrillers. Hopefully this one fairs better than the last book you read from her!

    1. I really like the look of The Killing Woods so I'm hoping it fairs better than the other one. I am quite excited to read The Testing, it does sound really interesting. Thanks for stopping by!

  35. Awesome haul! I also really want to read Monument 14 and The Killing Woods. Enjoy your new books!

    Thanks for dropping by my StS! :D

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

    1. You're very welcome! =D Hopefully they are both incredible.

  36. I seriously need to get around to picking up Cinder! Keep hearing so many good things, it's making me curious, haha. I also picked up Hidden on a whim, before I remembered I don't have a good reputation with Marianne Curley. I DNF'D Old Magic, even though I have that half face/creepy eye stare cover, (which is why I picked that up in the first place. Hope you enjoy it though, and thanks for stopping by mine. :)

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. Yeah I am not really sold on Hidden, think it's one that will sit on my shelf for years unread! I feel like I need to read Cinder now too, everyone is raving about it. Feel like I'm missing out!

  37. I've been meaning to buy a copy of Monument 14 but its just so expensive here mehehehe

    1. I hate when I really want a book but it seems like it's too much money to spend on a book.

  38. Thanks for stopping by my SP & STS yesterday! You got several good looking books! LOVED Cinder! YAY for that!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. I am really excited for Cinder now, everyone has said it's really great! Thanks for stopping by.

  39. I still have to read Cinder! I went to a book signing with Marissa Meyer and bought both Cinder and Scarlet, but I still have to read them.

    I've read Monument 14, and I hope you like it better than I did. I usually love post-apocalyptic stories, but the writing was so simplistic in this one. And it was strange because it features sex and drug use. I'm still debating whether I want to continue with the series.

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

    1. I now really want to read Cinder and Scarlet because of how many amazing things people have said about it on this blog post. But I know even if I plan to read it soon it usually won't work out that way!

      Monument 14 was one I wasn't sure of, some people have said they really enjoyed it but I'm not sure when I'll get around to reading it, i'm not really excited by it atm.

  40. You've got some awesome-looking books there! I think I have Monument 14 as an ebook, but I never seem to get around to reading it *sigh*
    I haven't read Hidden but I enjoyed a couple of Marianne Curley's other books, so I hope you'll like it :)
    Cinder... still haven't read it >.<
    Oh, and that cover for Night Witches is badass o.O
    Thanks for stopping by, sorry it took a while to get back to you...

    1. That's no problem, I really enjoy checking out everyones hauls but I know what it's like trying to find time to reply to people! It will probably be a while before I get to read a lot of these, that always seems to be the way though.
      I'm hoping Hidden is good =D
      Thanks for stopping by.

  41. Haven't heard of 'Night Witches,' but it sounds so interesting! I also am looking forward to reading 'Monument 14' - I don't know why I haven't gotten to it many books, so little time. I do hope that you enjoy 'Cinder' though, it's amazing! Thanks for sharing - and thanks for stopping by!

    1. I am definitely reading Cinder after I reread Divergent and Insurgent, then Allegiant and then it shall be Cinder. Everyone has got me so excited to read it. It will probably be a while before I get to Monument 14 as well, I buy books and then end up reading ones I've borrowed or requested!

  42. I've read lots of great reviews about Soulmates. :)

    1. I have heard absolutely nothing so I'm glad to hear positive things =D Thanks for stopping by.

  43. You got some lovely books! I really liked Monument 14 and hope you enjoy it too. Thanks for stopping by :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.