Musing Mondays #5

This is a weekly meme hosted by shouldbereading, which is where you can post your musings of the week. This can be describing a reading habit, what books you've bought, what books you want, what you're reading or any rant you can think of book related.

This week I am thinking about displays, more specifically library displays. My library is kind of limited to the use of a printer, some scissors and a laminator so you have to try and get as creative as possible with that. It would be quite nice to have a large selection of materials to work with, but it's never going to happen. So I am curious about the kinds of book displays your library do. Or what your favourite one is that you have seen so far? I have seen so many amazing and creative ones on the Internet, I wish our library could pull them off.

In our Teen section I recently have done a display for the books, it incorporates books and their TV or movie adaptions. It works quite well I think but for some reason our question mark on one of them was taken. Don't ask me why, I have no clue why you would want or need a large laminated question mark!

Blog Design

I have finally got around to changing my background. I didn't mind my old one but I thought it was too bright and plain and wasn't really me. I'm more satisfied with the one I have got but am still not happy. I will keep it for now but I know I need to start designing my own if I am going to be 100% satisfied. I just want one that's not really plain and brings across more of my personality I guess.

Last Week On The Blog

I read and reviewed:

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff 
Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman

Also on the blog:

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was 'Forced' To Read
W.. W... W... Wednesday
Fridays Book Haul

And as always I will take the time to thank the lovely people who have followed me. Thank you:

Leave a link to your own MM and I will check it out.


  1. Very cool displays!

  2. Have a great reading week!

    Here is my post.

  3. I love the display in the library very creative. Here is my Musing Monday

    1. Thanks, I wish to never see a laminator again in my life though!

    2. :-) I can imagine but look what you managed to achieve!

  4. The best ever is this project (

    1. Those book sculptures are incredible, you have got to be pretty talented to manage that. I want one! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Great displays. Here's my musing:

  6. I like the new background. We have a ton of printed off flyers and publisher posters. Nothing quite so creative.

    1. I only managed to find the time to do it because I was dying of a cold and no one at work wanted me on counter, infecting them with my sickness. Worked out for me though as I quite like how it turned out! Glad you like the new background!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.