W... W... W... #5


This is from ShouldBeReading and is simple to take part in. All you need to do is answer the following three questions:
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finished reading?
  • What do you think you'll read next?

The Naturals
Currently Reading:

The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Have just started but after reading Allegiant anything would look good and so far I am absolutely loving it. Probably because it is fast paced, with actual character development and it isn't putting me into a coma.

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)
Recently Finished:
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
The most boring book I have ever had the displeasure of reading. Ruined everything I had come to love about the first two books and made me have to write a spoiler free and spoiler filled review. For spoiler free review go here. And for spoiler filled go here.

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)

What I will read next:

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

This is so I can read Crash Into You.

On The Blog:
I reviewed:
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Allegiant (SPOILER FREE) by Veronica Roth
Allegiant (SPOILER FILLED) by Veronica Roth
Also on blog:
My weeks book haul.
My Feature and Follow Friday.
My musing for Monday.
Also my laptop has died so that's why I haven't been as active on the blog. Should hopefully have a new one on Friday.


  1. So sad when a book you are looking forward to disappoints so much. Here is my WWW http://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/www-wednesday-october-30/

  2. Enjoy your week.

    Stop by my blog if you like for a book giveaway. The post is titled: GUESS THE AUTHOR.

    Have a great evening.

    Silver's Reviews
    My W...W...W...


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