Musing Monday #8

This is a weekly meme hosted by shouldbereading, which is where you can post your musings of the week. This can be describing a reading habit, what books you've bought, what books you want, what you're reading or any rant you can think of book related.


This week I wanted to share this genius book I found while shelf tidying when I was on relief at a different library branch. I saw the title and it made me laugh so much that I pulled it off the shelf and took a picture and sent it to everyone at my branch. I just love the tagline - "Forget the cud, they want blood...". Pure genius and definitely had me giggling!

I reached 100 followers on both GFC and Bloglovin, I can't quite believe it to be honest! I am really happy with how the blog is going and truly amazed at how it's going. I've hosted my first giveaway and it's really great so far. I'm sad I only did 1 prize now though, I'm hoping to host another around Christmas time but have three winners then. 

Dare You To (Pushing the Limits, #2)

I'm currently reading Dare You To by Katie McGarry. I received Crash Into You, by the same author, as an eARC and as it's a companion novel I wanted to read the other books first. I had mixed feelings about Pushing the Limits, but so far this one is going well. I have a problem with how overly packed on the authors religious views are; she has made every character, and I mean every character religious; which is just unrealistic and makes me feel like I am kind of being preached at. Hopefully this book will go better than Pushing the Limits, I like Beth a lot more as a lead character. And at least she has a normal name!

On The Blog:

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry: The Review
In The Blood by Sara Hantz: The Review
My Weekly Book Haul
My WWW Post
The Switch by Dawn Pendleton & Andrea Heltsley: The Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Leave a link to your own MM! 


  1. Apocalypse Cow!? xD Oh dear...

    I would like to inform you that I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. I hope you accept and join in the fun of this blog prompt. See my post for more details.

    1. Thanks so much! Will try to take part if I can, may take a while because of work and other time constraints.

  2. Apocalypse Cow sounds like a really fun read! Here is my Musing Monday
    Congratulations on your followers - it is good to connect with so many other wonderful people :-)

    1. It's really amazing getting to talk to so many people who love books as much as you do! Thanks for checking out my post.

  3. What's the cow book about? Is it moo-ving?

  4. I love Katie McGarry's books! I just finished Crash Into You yesterday, I liked it as much as the other companion novels. I don't remember a really big religious component in Pushing the Limits--at least, not one that annoyed me a lot.

    1. I'm enjoying Dare You To a lot more than the first. It's not a really big component, it just grated on me that everyone is religious.

  5. Love the Cow book. Here is my post: MM

  6. ROFL Apolcalypse Cow wtf that is so random! Sounds like a hilarious B Grade book lol

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. I know, when I pulled it off the shelf I couldn't believe it!

  7. Apocalypse Cow .. lol .. . Heres my musing:


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.