Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want My Cousin To Read


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic. This weeks is:

Top Ten Books I Want My Cousin To Read

My cousin turned eleven in August, and as her mum; my aunt, had passed away quite suddenly, we all wanted to do something special for her birthday. We took her to see Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and a meal out in London; but I wanted to give her a gift just from me. I couldn't think what I could do for her that would make the day special, all I could give her was what I know best, books. Books are the perfect gift, I wanted to give her a world so rich that she could get lost in it. I chose The Hunger Games, which is one of my all time favourites, and after my cousin finished it she honestly said: "I didn't realise books could be that good.", which I not only found adorable but it made me happy. Now I want to introduce her to more young adult book series that I love.

More Young Adult Series She Can Love

1. The Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling

This has to be number one. The rest of the books will be in no particular, but Harry Potter has to be number one. I think it's one of the greatest worlds that I have ever lost myself in. This is a world I can revisit even now. I got lost in the whole world, the books, the movies, the studio tour, the walking tour, anything Harry Potter. I want to share this with my cousin, even if she says she doesn't want to read it.

2. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

Lyra Belacqua, I love her. She stole my heart in The Northern Lights and still to this day I think she is one of my all time favourite lead characters in a book. This book gave me Pantalaimon, and the idea of dæmons, animal beings that stay with you throughout life; who doesn't want one of those. Such an amazing series and something I have to share with her. 

3. Noughts & Crosses Series by Malorie Blackman

I love these books. I love them! I fell in love with both of the main characters, Sephy and Callum and loved having both of their point of views. It was a book that had me proper sobbing, but although it's sad I still love it. I'm hoping my cousin falls in love with these books as well. 

4. The Sight Series by David Clement-Davies

This series is amazing, and one I read for the first time when I was about the same age as my cousin is now. It is a really great series and it's told from the perspective of wolves, wolves! A really great world to get lost in, but not a light and fluffy animal read at all. It's actually pretty brutal at time and had me in tears multiple times. I still reread these books now, would definitely recommend them. 

5. The Declaration Series by Gemma Malley

Another great series that I think she will like. I found these after I had read The Hunger Games and was dying to find more dystopian fiction. They are a lot more light-hearted than The Hunger Games, the female lead isn't as strong as Katniss; but I loved this series when I read it. I haven't reread it for years now, but I hope it's a series I'd still love now if I did.

6. The Matched Series by Ally Condie

Another great series that I found whilst trying to find more dysopian fiction that I could love. I believe it's another series my cousin can really get lost in and really enjoy. Although these love triangles are getting a little old in books! 

7. If I Stay Series by Gayle Forman

When I read If I Stay it really touched me, it's such a beautiful book. When a car crash kills Mia's parents and brother, she is the only one left alive, able to watch her remaining family as they grieve for her and hope she wakes up. But she has to make the decision of if she wants to stay behind, knowing how hard life will be without all the people she loves most. Such a sad but moving book. Where She Went was a great sequel as well.  

Stand-Alone Young Adult
Fire Bringer
8. Firebringer by David Clement-Davies

David Clement-Davies is a master at books told from the perspective of animals. I just fall in love with them and I would honestly recommend them to children and adults alike. My cousin has to read and love these books or I will have to disown her. 

Forbidden9. Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma

I love this book, I honestly just want to recommend this to everyone. I'm giving a copy away in my Giveaway because I love it that much. But as it deals with some really tough issues and has a rather taboo subject matter; I don't think it'll be appropriate for her to read until she is a bit older and can actually handle it. Then she will probably hate me because it will make her cry like a baby. 

The Sky is Everywhere

10. The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

A really beautiful book that deals with the mourning of a loved one. I thought it was a really beautiful story and showed just how crazy and emotional loss  can make a person. At times I kind of wanted to shake or slap Lennie, but I loved her. I think it's a book she can really appreciate when she's a little bit older. 

So there you have it, some of the young adult novels I would want her to read. There are loads more, including adult fiction but for now these will do. Divergent by Veronica Roth would have made the list, but after reading the huge waste of time that was Allegiant, I can't do that to her. 

I would love to hear your voice, but most importantly I would love to hear one book that you think I have to read. Let me know and leave a link to your own Top Ten post so I can check it out.

Also This Week:

My WWW Post
Review: Dare You To by Katie McGarry
My Weekly Book Haul
My Feature & Follow Friday
Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I would also like to thank the people who followed me this week, thanks so much!


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  1. YES to Harry Potter! Every kid has to read those or their lives won't be complete. I liked the Matched series too and it seems appropriate for younger teens. Totally agree about Forbidden, that's darker and it's a good idea to wait :P
    Awesome list, and I hope your cousin loves these :)

    My TTT

    1. She definitely won't receive Forbidden until she is A LOT older! Such a great book though, so she will have to read it some day! I already have HP purchased for her, ready to give her it at Christmas! I hope she loves them all too.

  2. I love your choices this week :-) I would definitely recommend a few of them! A book that I think everyone should read is Stay Where You Are and Then Leave by John Boyne or Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.

    1. I really loved Speak! A really great book. will definitely be sharing that with her as well. Have read a few John Boyne and loved them, will definitely give that one a go. Thanks for checking out my post!

  3. Ah, sorry about your aunt. My cousin lost her mom shortly before she turned 11 too. I think introducing her to good books and great world-building is such a wonderful gift. ESPECIALLY Harry Potter. There is not a person that won't benefit from reading Harry!

    1. Thanks, I thought so too, who doesn't love getting lost in a good book! HP has already been purchased, ready to give to her at Christmas, I hope she loves them! Thanks for checking out my post!

  4. This is a great list! I think that since she's 11 it's the perfect age to start reading Harry Potter!
    Here's my TTT!

    1. I know, I have the complete boxset purchased for her ready for Christmas! I'm really excited and I hope she loves them! Thanks for checking my post out.

  5. Great list! His Dark Materials was the first fantasy trilogy I had ever read (as far as I recall) and really enjoyed it xD

    My TTT

    1. Thanks! I loved His Dark Materials, such an original idea and such a great series!

  6. This is such a great list! I loooooove Gayle Forman. Her books are amazing. :)

    1. They really are! Although, I have to admit to not being a fan of Just One Day- terrible, I know!

  7. Omg, she haaas to read Harry Potter, she's the perfect age! I also loved His Dark Materials, and the idea of companion-daemons. I bet she'd love those too.

    Hope you and she are both hanging in there. Hopefully you will be able to show her how books can be great companions during life's dark moments. All the best <3

    1. Thanks so much, I hope she enjoys getting lost in a good book as much as I do! I know, she has to read it and she has to love it! I have already purchased the complete boxset for her, will be giving it to her for Christmas! His Dark Materials is still one of my favourite book series.

  8. What a lovely gift and comment from your cousin! I hope she finds many more YA books to love - I'm sure you'll be a great mentor!

    1. She will be forced to read all the books I love, and she will be happy about it! Heehee

  9. What a great list! I like that you really focused this on an 11-year-old. That's the perfect age to start Harry Potter.

    1. I know, it matches up so perfectly! If it was up to me I'd make her wait a year between each book - I had to wait so why shouldn't she! - and then she can grow up with them like I did.

  10. Great list and list topic. Recommending books to children is so much fun. I'm sure she'd enjoy all the titles on this list, especially Harry Potter and His Dark Materials.

    1. I hope she loves them all as well, especially the HP and HDM as they are two of my all time favourite series!

  11. The Sky is Everywhere is a fantastic book, that's one of the first YA books I recommend to my friends when they ask me for a recommendation! Then it's normally followed by If I Stay, haha. Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by my top ten. :)

    1. Thanks so much! I loved both of those as well, such beautiful books!

  12. Lots of fantastic choices! There's a few you listed on my TBR list, I may have to get to them sooner.

    And I love your comment on Divergent/Allegiant. That's why it didn't make my list!

    1. Haha glad I'm not the only one who felt that way about Allegiant, such a let down! Definitely bump them up the list, all really amazing books!

  13. Great list! I am not really familiar with good books for 11-year olds, but If I Stay series is one of my all-time favourite! I have been meaning to read Forbidden for a while now, but still can't find enough courage.

    1. I hope you find the courage soon, it is well worth the time!

  14. Wow you are an awesome cousin. You just gave her the best gift ever... love for books!! I hope she likes all of these books too (although how can you NOT love Harry Potter). The Sky is Everywhere is probably going to make her sad, but it is pretty perfect for what she's going through.

    My rec for you: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.... it's AMAZING!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. I have been wanting to read Fangirl for a while, will definitely make an effort to buy myself it now! Thanks for the recommendation.

      If she doesn't love HP I will, quite honestly, have to disown her!

  15. Those are great suggestions for your cousin. Especially Harry Potter. I've only started reading them myself. (I know, shame on me. lol)

    The book I would love to get is Captive by A.D. Robertson.

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway! :)

  16. I loved If I Stay and Where She Went. great list!
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  17. Ahhh you have some great titles on your list. I love If I Stay, Where She Went, & The Sky is Everywhere. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried reading all three of them.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

  18. Nice list! I really want to read IF I STAY and THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE--I've heard great things. Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. I hope you get round to them soon, they are both great reads!

  19. Awesome list! I loved loved IF I STAY & WHERE SHE WENT! Such sad books, but soo good!

  20. I'm sorry about your aunt, it's a good thing what you're doing for your cousin. I feel like it's definitely going to help your cousin to get over the loss.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    1. You're welcome! I hope she loves getting lost in these books just as much as I did!

  21. What a wonderful list! The only books on here that I've read are the Harry Potter series, but I've added a couple of these to my library list. Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier!

    1. I hope you enjoy them all when you read them, they are all really great!

  22. Harry Potter + Golden Compass are perfect! The Sky Is Everywhere is so so lovely.

  23. Great picks, Harry Potter and His Dark Materials are among my favorite books! I would recommend these books to absolutely anyone. :)
    I have yet to read Noughts and Crosses though but am excited :)

    1. I would definitely recommend Noughts & Crosses, really amazing series! HP and HDM are two of my favourites as well.

  24. I love the Sky is everywhere that book is fantastic!

    1. Definitely agree with that! Thanks for checking out my post =D

  25. Thanks, will definitely give that one a try; have seen it on so many lists.

  26. Harry Potter and His Dark Materials are must-must-reads! The other books/series are awesome too!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Myra @ Pieces of Whimsy

    1. You're welcome, thanks for checking mine out too I love those series, two of my all time favourites =D


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