Feature & Follow Friday: 20/12/2013

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Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog of the week. It is a way for blogs to gain exposure but also so you can check out and follow other blogs

If you want to take part you must follow both hosts and both featured bloggers. Then add your own link and go visit and follow some bloggers. If someone follows you, you follow back. Simple.

This weeks question:
Pick a book in your favourite genre that you'd recommend to a reluctant reader.

My favourite genre is dystopian, and there are so many different books and series within that genre that I love. So it's really hard to pick one, but I have to go with the series that first got me into that genre. The Hunger Games, it's amazing and I don't see how you can not love that series. Katniss is such a strong female lead and I just love her. Plus it has the added bonus of having adaptations that don't suck, in fact, they are kind of amazing.

Plus these too:

The Declaration by Gemma Malley
Divergent by Veronica Roth (avoid Allegiant like it's the plague)
Legend by Marie Lu
Matched by Ally Condie

I'm well behind on dystopian and have loads of new series that I still need to start. If you have any great recommendations then I would love to hear them.


  1. I also chose The Hunger Games!

    My FFF

    Old Follower!

  2. Oh, The Hunger Games also introduced me to the genre. In fact, it was the book that started my whole book obsession! :)

    New GFC follower
    Roxy @ Story Envy

    1. Thanks for following! I think the Hunger Games could get anyone into dystopian, it's amazing :)

  3. I haven't heard of The Declaration, I may have to check that one out. Loved Hunger Games, Matched, Divergent, and Legend. I would recommend Under the Never Sky, Article 5, Partials, Delirium, Mystic City, Pledge, Never Fade, and Enclave. So many good ones! ~Pam

    1. I have to admit to not enjoying Partials, not sure why as I was positive that I would love it! I'll be reading Article 5, Delirium and Under the Never Sky soon and I'm hoping I love them all :)

  4. I've read THG, Matched and Divergent. So far, out these three series, I only loved THG. For me, Matched and Divergent started strong then lost their firepower during books 2 and 3.

    Thanks for sharing! Old follower.

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

    1. I do agree, I enjoyed Matched and Divergent the most - I hated Allegiant!

  5. Great picks! I'm new to the dystopian and fantasy genre and yours definitely helped me!

    Here's My FF

    1. I'm glad it helped, I love dystopian and I hope you get to try some soon :)

  6. Already following via GFC so I added on Bloglovin and Twitter.
    LOOOVE Divergent, I also really wanna check out Matched!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for following :) Matched is really great, would definitely recommend.

  7. LOL on allegiant. I feel the same way.

    New Follower via GFC! My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews

  8. The Hunger Games is a great choice. My husband isn't a big reader, but he gobbled this series up!

    1. My boyfriend doesn't read, I tried so hard with THG but he didn't budge! I bet he'd love it too if he did though :)

  9. Awesome recommendations!
    New GFC follower!
    My FF


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