Top Ten Tuesday: New To Me Authors Of 2013


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Top Three New To Me Authors Of 2013

Looking through my 2013 reads, I have only given six 5 star reviews this whole year. And only 3 of those 6 are authors that were new to me this year.

Tabitha Suzuma

She has to be number one. I can't believe I only read Forbidden for the first time this year, I've read it twice more since January because it's that good. It makes me want to buy all her books and read them all, but I am also waiting because I know I will just compare every other book to Forbidden. This lady truly is talented, she took such a tough, taboo subject and created something really beautiful with it. I love, love, love this book and author, I can't recommend her or Forbidden enough. For my Forbidden review, go here

Melissa Landers

Alienated was one of my top reads of 2013. I really thought I wasn't going to enjoy that, but then ended up absolutely loving it. I'd not read many books where you have an alien as the male love interest, but it really, really worked. I can't wait for the sequel to this and to get my hands on anything else Landers writes. For my Alienated review, go here.

Leila Sales

This Song Will Save Your Life was a book I had put off reading because I didn't think I would really like it that much. I don't know why, maybe it was the way LOVE was spelled out on the cover in pink letters, but I thought it was going to be a gushy teen romance story. It wasn't at all, it was truly incredible, and completely blew me away. That book had me feeling so many emotions; it was brilliant. Will definitely be looking out for more of Leila Sale's books from now on. For my review of This Song Will Save Your Life, go here.

Those are the three new authors that managed to get a 5 star rating from me, and they truly deserved them. All three of those books blew me away, and were ones that I really, really loved. I would definitely recommend them all.


I am helping Book Fever celebrate it's 2 year blogoversary and have donated a prize (a book of choice from TBD up to £15.) A ton of authors and publishers have also donated prizes, so make sure you check it out!

New Weekly Meme

I wanted a weekly roundup of my reviews, but short and sweet ones. For all the details please go here. Link up and join in.

There's also a giveaway, which you can get entries for every week you link up till the start of Jan.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for following:

Adventures In Reading
I'm A Voracious Reader
Christy's Love Of Books
Little Library Muse


  1. I only know Tabitha and Melissa but haven't read their books yet. Shame on me!

    Also I think GFC disappeared for everyone because it has for me too. Not sure what that's about but I've been expecting it.

    My Top Ten!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  2. I haven't read any of these authors books but I will have to check them out. I love that you pick you 5 star review authors of the year! Smart :)

  3. This Song Will Save Your Life was so much better than I expected it to be. Haven't read the other two authors yet.

  4. Great list! I need to read Alienated; I have heard lots of good stuff about it. :)

  5. I really want to read Alienated, it sounds so good. And I really enjoyed This Song Will Save Your Life. ~Pam

    1. I hope you get to read Alienated and you love it as much as I did :)

  6. LOVE Leila Sales. So glad you found her this year!

  7. I've heard really great things about all these authors, but haven't read them yet! Alienated is on my sister's shelf so I might steal that sometime. And Leila Sales! I hear so many good things. Great list!

    1. I hope you steal Alienated, it's an amazing read :) This Song is too, would definitely recommend!

  8. I LOVE Leila Sales, and I completely agree that her newest book is more than just a gushy romance. It's emotional and wonderfully written and just amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  9. I totally have to read This Song Will Save Your Life. Everyone I know gushes over it, that convinced me to go out and buy it, but I just haven't had the time to read it yet. It's one of my goals for winter break. I was kind of hesitant about Alienated because I'm not a big fan of aliens (I realize how weird that sounds lol) but I promised myself, if it got mostly good reviews, I'd give a shot! Great list! Thanks for stopping by!

    New follower <3
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

    1. I hope you enjoy Alienated if you ever get around to reading it! I would definitely recommend getting to This Song as soon as you can, it was an amazing read :)

  10. I never heard for any of these three but I am looking them up right now. :)
    Happy reading!

  11. Great list, I haven't read books by any of them but Alienated is on my wishlist and as I'm hearing so many good things about This Song Will Save Your Life I expect I'll end up reading at some point too!

    1. I hope you get to read both of them and that you love them as much as I did :)

  12. Sometimes we just need to change it from Top Ten to Top Three! Lol.

  13. Alienated sounds so good! I really want to read it. And I need to read This Song Will Save Your Life. I've heard nothing but amazing things about it. I will get on that in 2014 for sure. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. LOVE Leila Sales!!! So great seeing her on a list!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog!!

  15. I keep hearing so many things about This Song Will Save Your Life - I think I have to read it :)

  16. I've read so many good things about Leila Sales! I'll go check her books out! I LOVE discovering great new authors. Thanks! :D

    Followed you on Goodreads and GFC :)

    1. Thanks so much for following :) I hope you read This Song, it's amazing!

  17. I read Forbidden ages ago and it blew my mind. It was amazing. I'm starting Alienated this weekend. Super excited or that one. :o) I've never heard of Leila Sales, but I'll have to look up that book!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.

    1. This Song is truly amazing, would definitely recommend! I hope you love Alienated, was one of my favourite reads of the year :)

  18. Alienated sounds so good, I can't wait to read it! And even though I really liked Tabitha Suzumas writing, I had a hard time connecting with the characters in Forbidden. The ending really killed me, though. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :)

    1. I hope you love Alienated, that was such an amazing read :)

  19. This Song Will Save Your Life was such a beautiful book. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of Leila Sales books too!
    Great list! :)

  20. Wow I haven't heard of any of these authors. They sounds cool though!

  21. Haven;t read anything from those authors, but I really want to get to this song will save your life...

  22. I'm a big fan of Leila Sales too!

    Thanks for stopping by and I'm following back in Bloglovin :)

  23. Hehe, I ended up choosing some books that I didn't give five stars to since they just stuck with me ya know? Ratings are so tricky for me for short term versus long term impressions!

    1. I was really tempted to do that too, but I'd been at work all day and my brain couldn't function enough to choose them!


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