Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Hope I Get This Christmas


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Top Ten Books I Hope I Get This Christmas

Best and easiest topic EVER! I have a list as long as I am of books I would love to get this Christmas so I have a lot to pick from. I have dropped sooo many hints to the boyfriend that I hope he was paying attention to. We shall see tomorrow morning.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

 Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Not A Drop To Drink by Mindy McGinnis

 Ashfall by Mike Mullin
Angelfall by Susan Ee

Article 5 by Kristen Simmons
The Archived by Victoria Schwab

 Pivot Point by Kasie West
The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd

I've realised that every book in my top ten is one I only know about because of blogging. They all look incredible and I can't wait to see if I get any of them this Christmas.

I have been, and will continue to be, a little absent on the blogging front for the next couple of days. Christmas is a busy time, full of seeing family and lots of time away from home and my laptop. But after that I will still have a week off work and I can get back on track.

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  1. Nice! I keep debating over Shatter Me myself! And I LOVED Angelfall! Hope Santa brings you some in not all, of these books! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. The Archived looks like a fantastic read and I've heard Shatter Me is great! Great picks and Merry Christmas :)

    Here's my TTT!

  3. Fantastic list! Angelfall is one of my faves. And Shadow and Bone is just awesome.
    I've also been meaning to get to a lot of your list too. *sigh* So many great books. :)
    - Jasna -
    Our TTT

    1. Thanks! Santa was extra lovely this year and got me them all plus loads more, I pretty much died of happiness. I'm really excited to read Angelfall :)

  4. Shatter Me, Pivot Point, Article 5, Angelfall...all of them are so great! And I still need to read Jellicoe Road, I've heard such great things about it. Great list and Merry Christmas! ~Pam

    1. Merry Christmas to you too :) Santa got me so many books this year, I was super happy! Excited to read all of these.

  5. I want The Archived too! It sounds so great. :)

  6. Hope you get Pivot Point! It's a great read!

  7. Shatter Me & Pivot Point are GREAT reads. Hope you found them under your tree today. Not A Drop To Drink made my list as well!

    Stop by my blog to see my list if you have the time:

    1. I was lucky enough to get them all :) Now I just need to find the time to read them all! Thanks for checking out my post.


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