Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR List


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Top Ten Books On My Winter TBR List 

This is a hard one for me because I change my mind, a lot!

The Program & The Treatment by Suzanne Young

I have both of these; The Treatment I have as an ARC, and as I have heard so many great things, these will be top of my list to read on my two weeks off work over Christmas! 

Avalon by Mindee Arnett

I have this as an ARC and, as it comes out on the 30th of December, I really need to get around to reading it. I am actually really excited for this one, think it looks really amazing.

Sleepless by Tracey Ward

I applied for the Blog Tour of this one and was excited to get sent an e-galley. It looks like a great and interesting read and has lots of amazing reviews that I have seen! My review of this and the Blog Tour will start at the beginning of January. 

Splintered & Unhinged by A. G. Howard 

I have heard so many wonderful things about this series and really want to make sure I get to this on my time off. I have the ARC of Unhinged and a copy of Splintered, so I can read them back to back without having to wait! Excited.

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

My boyfriend bought me this and a few other books on our anniversary, he knew I had been desperate to read it. I keep seeing great reviews for this and it made me just have to get to this, sooner rather than later. 

Red Hill by Jamie McGuire

This arrived at work recently and I decided to pick it up. I have way too many library books at home waiting to be read, and I don't mean twenty or so, oh no, way more than that. So will be determined to at least read one of them before Christmas. This is as good a place to start as any.

Cinder & Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I HAVE to read these! Have heard nothing but great things and will definitely make an effort to read these on my time off. I hope I love them as much as everyone else seems to!

Now my aim is to try and stick to reading these ten before Christmas. Thats ten books in 16 days, and I have lots of work, socialising, present buying/wrapping and blogging to do. May the odds be ever in my favour!

On The Blog

Waiting On Wednesday: Maybe Someday
My Weekly Book Haul & Sunday Post
Champion by Marie Lu: Review (Legend #3)
Another Little Piece Of My Heart by Tracey Martin: Review
New Weekly MeMe: Review Roundup
Book Blast: Shifting Fate by Melissa Wright & Giveaway

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YA Fanatic
My Shelf Confessions


I am helping Book Fever celebrate it's 2 year blogoversary and have donated a prize (a book of choice from TBD up to £15.) A ton of authors and publishers have also donated prizes, so make sure you check it out!

New Weekly Meme

I wanted a weekly roundup of my reviews, but short and sweet ones. For all the details please go here. Link up and join in.

For any who take part, you can enter the giveaway!

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  1. Cinder is amazing, and Scarlett might be the most fantastic sequel ever! :)

    ~Remy @ Books In Her Head

  2. I've got an e-ARC of Avalon from EW. I hope I will enjoy it as much as everyone who were able to review it. And I agree with you about Cinder and Scarlet, I've just read them last Dec 6. And gods, they're AWESOME to the power of bajillion. I gave both books my most coveted 5 star rating. And I can't wait for Cress to be released. February is so so far away.

    I hope you get to read all these books come 2014.

    Thanks for stopping by Thoughts and Pens.

    1. I hope I get to all of them too :) Especially Cinder and Scarlet, so unbelievably excited for both of those :)

  3. OOh nice list! Hope you get to read all these this winter!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I'm so super excited for Avalon! It seems like it's my type of book.
    Yes! Cinder and Scarlet are musts. :)
    I've yet to read The Program either. One day, right?...
    Great list!

    Hope you can stop by mine:

    1. One day is definitely right! I am so excited for Cinder and Scarlet!! :)

  5. THE PROGRAM IS AMAZINGGGGG! I just read it last week and wow. Suzanne Young writing is incredible, you feel everything that the main character does! I hope you love it as much as I do =)

    Happy reading <3
    Our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

    1. I hope I love it too! I am really excited for that one, it looks really amazing :)

  6. Cinder was a good book. I too have The Program on my winter TBR. I can't wait to read it. I was also thinking about reading Splintered, but I have to see if I can fit it in that list. *sigh*

    1. I am really excited for the Program, it looks like a really great read :)

  7. I love your list! I read The Program and enjoyed it very much :)

    Erica's TTT

    1. I am glad to hear The Program was really great, I'm really excited for that one!

  8. I have not read Scarlet yet, but Cinder is a really great book! I hope you enjoy it! :)

  9. I've seen Avalon around alot lately so I think it's about time I look up what it's about! You have to read Cinder it is such a great book! :) Great list!

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  10. The Program, MLND, and The Lunar Chronicles are all amazing! I hope you enjoy them all as much as I did. I'm also looking forward to Avalon and Splintered/Unhinged. Great list!

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
    My TTT

    1. Glad to hear so many amazing things about those books, those are actually my top picks and the ones I will be getting to first! Thanks for checking out my post :)

  11. I really loved My Life Next Door, which I wasn't expecting at all, so I hope you like it just as much, especially since you're looking forward to it! :D

    1. I am glad to hear you liked it when you weren't expecting too, because that's how I felt. I ended up buying it because I kept hearing such amazing things :) I hope I enjoy it too.

  12. I know what you mean, I change my mind all the time! I hope you get around to reading The Program and Splintered though because those books were completely amazing!

    Ha, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who hasn't read Cinder yet, I own it but just haven't gotten around to picking it up yet. It's probably best to read them when Cress comes out so that I can just sit down and marathon them... and then wait for Winter...

    Roxy @ Story Envy

    1. I am so excited for The Program, have heard such great things and I am especially excited for that one :)

      I am kind of tempted to do the same with Cinder, I hate waiting!!! :)

  13. I need to read Cinder as well. I just bought it for my Broke and Bookish Secret Santa and I haven't even read it yet!! I so hope you read My Life Next Door soon. It's so good!! And sweet and heartbreaking and happy, and just amazing.

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. I am really looking forward to My Life Next Door, glad to hear such amazing things about it :)

  14. My Life Next Door is so freaking awesome. I love it. You should move it to the top of your list. I plan on tackling Cinder and Scarlet soon too.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I am so excited to hear great things about MLND, I am super excited for that one :)

  15. Oooh Cinder and Scarlet! I really hope you read these as I just adore them. Enjoy!

    1. I am really excited for Cinder and Scarlet, will definitely be reading those :)

  16. MY LIFE NEXT DOOR! I have that from the library and am hoping to read it SOON, for I've heard it's pretty amazing. Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. I'm excited for MLND too, have heard amazing things :) Let's hope we both enjoy it!

  17. I'm planning to read Splintered and Unhinged this winter too! I also need to read Cinder and Scarlet so I'll be ready for Cress when it comes out! I don't think I know one person that doesn't like this series! Hope I'm not THE ONE! haha

    1. I am really worried that I'll be THE ONE too, lol! That's probably why I am so hesitant to read it and have put it off so long :)

  18. Great list! I still need to read a few of these as well. :) Red Hill was great, I hope you enjoy reading it!

  19. Sleepless looks great! I haven't seen that one before, but I'll be adding it to my tbr shelf now too =) Thanks!

  20. I loved My Life Next Door, it was a great Summer read, so perfect for reading in the Summer too! I also want to read The Program asap, I have heard great things! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by! :)

    1. Glad to hear MLND is a great read, I'm really excited for that one!

  21. I loved My Life Next Door! I just read it not to long ago. Great list!

  22. While i was reading "My Life Next Door" i didn't think much of it. But after finishing it it kinda stuck with me, and if you ask me now i would tell you it was a great book! So have fun reading it, nice pick!
    Our TTT

    1. I'm glad to hear it grew up on you, I'm excited for that one :)

  23. The Program was AMAZING so I'm with you on the Treatment (get on the first one asap!) Oh my, actually, read the Lunar Chronicles first because I LOVED those. I haven't read Splintered either. I absolutely love your list, happy reading!

    1. I will definitely be reading The Program and the Lunar Chronicles. both look amazing to me :)

  24. I've read the two Lunar books immediately after they were released actually. Totally can be read in a day, maybe two, if only to give your blown mind a rest!

    I have to add Splintered & Unhinged to my eventual TBR list that keeps growing and growing every day!

    1. My TBR list is endless too! I am really excited for the Lunar Chronicles, they sound amazing :)

  25. My Life Next Door looks good. Heard so much about it, and yet totally forgot to add it to my to-read list. Thanks for the reminder :p

  26. I change my mind a lot, too, so I understand how hard it is to create a list like this. I'm such a mood reader these days! But you have some really awesome reads on your list. I've already read The Treatment and Unhinged, and they were fantastic, so you have some really great reading ahead of you. The Lunar Chronicles and My Life Next Door are also amazing reads. Hope you fit them all in! :D

    1. I really hope I fit them all in too :) I'm especially excited for The Treatment, Lunar Chronicles and My Life Next Door! I'm a mood reader too, means I change my mind a lot :)

  27. Ooh Cinder! That should've been on my list too lol The Program and Scarlet are both on my upcoming TBR.
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! Great list :)

    Dee @ Dee's Reads

  28. I really want to read Avalon, can't wait for that one. Cinder and Scarlet...loved them! I still need to read Splintered, I've heard such great things about it and I've had it checked out from the library for forever. I just keep renewing it! Great list! ~Pam

    1. I've had Splintered out from work for months too, really need to get to it soon :)

  29. Great list! Cinder and Scarlet = epic. Splintered was really good as well.

    Once Upon A Dream Books

  30. Holy cow! You got some great books. I already read The Program and The Treatment and they are amazing! I have Cinder, Scarlet, Red Hill and Splintered in ebooks, but I want them in paperbook to read them. Soon, I hope!

  31. Cinder and Scarlet were FABULOUS books, and you have quite a few others that I loved. I really want to read The Program and The Treatment, because I've heard so much about them. I'll have to give them a shot. Great list! :)

    Sydney @ Utterly Bookish

    1. Thanks! Can't wait for the Lunar Chronicles, they look incredible :)

  32. Great list! I read Splintered and I loved it! I like the dark twist on Alice that people keep doing!!! I am a new GFC follower!

  33. Great list!! Splintered, Unhinged, My Life Next Door, Cinder, and Scarlet are all still on my TBR list as well.

    I started The Elite last evening and I like it so far. I just wish she would select Maxon and move on with things. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. I know what you mean, I'm not sure what's taking her so long!

  34. Cinder and Scarlet are great, and I hope to get Avalon soon, too. I had it on my wishlist this week. I must read The Program soon as well, I had it for ages...
    Great list!

  35. I haven't read Cinder either - I'm so glad I'm not alone in that ;)

  36. I love seeing Splintered and Unhinged side by side - they are two gorgeous covers! I still need to read Cinder and Scarlet, too, so you're not alone. Good luck in meeting your reading deadline. That's very ambitious!

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

    1. Thanks, I have already changed my mind on some but still hoping to read 10 books before Christmas :)

  37. I have a few of these that I hope to get to soon, especially Splintered and The Boys Next Door. Enjoy them all and thanks for stopping by!

  38. Oooh yes! you have to read Cinder and Scarlet!! They're really good.. and get better and better! Totally agree with Splintered and Unhinged.. Those covers keep catching my eye and I just need to get to it soon! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!


    1. I'm really excited for Cinder and Scarlet, HAVE to get to them before Christmas :)

  39. I love your list! I have many of these on my general TBR pile too! :) And thanks for dropping by my TTT :) And new follower via bloglovin and twitter :)

  40. Great list!I really want to read My Life Next Door and I can't wait for Unhinged to come out!Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

  41. SPLINTERED and UNHINGED should have amde my list. I'm planning to read them! If you remember, definitely stop back Feb. 2-8 for my CRESS event! I'll be looking for guest posters, too, so if you're reading them sooner and want to do some kind of first-time-with-the-series post, that might be really cool! lol

    1. I love the sound of that, would definitely be interested in doing that :) Such a great idea!

  42. I can totally understand about the whole changing your mind a lot. Once I make the list, it's so hard to stick to it. This looks like a good list, hope you enjoy them!

    1. I know what you mean, I have already gone off the list! Still hope to read ten books before Christmas at least :)

  43. I really need to get to The Program too!! I was SO excited for it, and then I don't know what happened :P I agree about My Life Next Door, I've heard so many things about it from blog pals and I really need to get to it!! Happy Winter Reading :)

    1. Thanks so much, you too! I do that with so many books, get excited about them and then don't even get to them :)

  44. I hope I get to them all too! I am really excited for Cinder and Scarlet, like you said, everyone seems to love them :)

  45. I am definitely going to try, try being the important word. But so far I've already changed my mind and picked others! Ooops! Hopefully will read ten books before Christmas though :) Glad to hear Cinder is amazing, excited for that one.


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