Top Ten Tuesday: Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In & Characters I'd Never Want To Be


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

I've had another fun week, but not as much time to read or blog. I finally managed to finish Part 2 of my Top 20 Non-Disney Animated Movies, which were a lot harder to think of than my first ten. It's made me want to do a Disney favourites post though. I've had lots of work, and no time to read & barely any time to blog either. It'll probably be the same for the next week too. Hopefully we'll be a little better soon.

Might have forgotten about this TTT, so this will be kind of rushed! 

Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In

Panem from The Hunger Games

This is a world where children are made to fight to the death, so it's pretty self-explanatory why I wouldn't want to live there. Plus, I am definitely no Katniss Everdeen and would probably be the first to die.

Chicago in Divergent

Everyone is separated into factions, and people seem to only have one of five types of personalities. Sounds dull as hell. Even more dull when it's an experiment that makes NO logical sense. Just saying.

Wonderland from Alice in Wonderland

It's confusing and scary, and after reading Splintered, I officially would never want to go to Wonderland.

Characters I'd Never Want To Trade Places With

Bella Swan

This one is mainly because she is infuriatingly stupid. If a man, who is almost a hundred, sneaks into your room at night without you knowing, so he can watch you sleep... well, this is not romantic, it's creepy as hell and you should phone the police.

Tris Prior

Because if I was that whiny, I wouldn't be surprised when people throw knives at me.

Harry Potter

I love these books, but out of everyone in them, I definitely wouldn't want to be Harry. It might seem like  fun to be the chosen one, but when that means having to face a scary guy with no nose once a year, it doesn't seem like much fun anymore.

Sloane Barstow

Not only will the Program try to take all my amazing memories of James, but I kiss Realm - gross.!


Yup, I don't want to be her soooo much that she gets two mentions.

Also On The Blog

The Treatment by Suzanne Young: Review 3/5
Splintered by A. G. Howard: Review 3/5
Impostor by Susanne Winnacker: Review 4/5
Witch Finder by Ruth Warburton: Review 2.5/5
The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson 2/5


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  1. I said I wouldn't want to be anyone in TWILIGHT. ;)

    1. I don't think I would want to be any of them either... actually, I just wouldn't want to be in Twilight.

  2. Great picks! I agree wholeheartedly with the ones I know! And ooomg, I was soooo laughing at the Bella Swan x2!! Very nice! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I hate to include her twice... it was definitely needed. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I love your list! I have Harry on my list too. I'd love to be an extra in the HP universe, but not Harry.

  4. Bella is quite the idiot. :)

  5. You really dislike Bella don't you? I haven't read Twilight, but I'm trying it this year, have to have tried it to make a judgement right? I agree with Harry, I hadn't considered him before!

    Amanda (Book Badger)
    My Top Ten Tuesdays #12

    1. I definitely agree, it's why I read them and I actually have a love/hate relationship with that book. I kind of like parts and really hate parts. I hope you enjoy it :) Bella's just a very weak character and it's embarrassing to read.

  6. People drool over exchanging lives with some of these characters lol *rolls eyes* ah well everyone needs to dream about something right >.<

    Great post. Have a great week! =)

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    Rinny & Kimmy
    Opinionated Cupcakes

  7. I feel like I should have put Divergent on my list because I live in Chicago and would not want to live in that Chicago! Given the synopsis of The Program I don't think I would want to live in that world but I have yet to read :)

  8. The faction thing from Divergent would seriously bother me! And of course no one sane would want to live in Panem! Yikes!

    1. Exactly, I'd find it strange if someone picked Panem as a world they would love to live in.

  9. Pretty much any dytopian or paranormal book I don't think I'd want to be in. Ahhh...poor Bella. :) ~Pam

  10. Lots of similarities in our lists! I really, really need to read Splintered!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you get time for Splintered soon :)

  11. Aw, I don't think Bella was that bad, personally. ;) I think she needed a hobby know, some distraction from the devastation of Edward's handsome (??) looks. I would definitely NOT like to be in Panem!!! YIKES.

    1. I don't think anyone would want to live in Panem, well no sane person! She definitely needed a hobby :)

  12. I couldn't agree with you more! Divergent world is boring. Bella is a joke. Your gifs on Bella crack me up. LOL

    1. Thanks, she was just too much for me and she needed two mentions ;)

  13. OMG! I am dying at the Twilight/Harry Potter thing! Nice list! Thanks so much for stopping by earlier!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

  14. hehehe, i like the twice mentioning of bella swan! like your list and the combo you did there!

  15. Oh definitely Wonderland!! I love that whole story, and all the retellings but GOSH it would be scary to live there!!!

  16. Hahaha! You crack me up! Yes, I love the world of Harry Potter and I'd love to go to Hogwarts and all of that, but I definitely wouldn't want to be Harry, and I probably wouldn't want to be at Hogwarts when all that Voldemort shiz went down. However, I'm the same age as Harry, so if the place was real, I would have been there during all of that... Great picks!

    1. I would have been too, but at least it would have kept the school years interesting ;)


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