Two Giveaways!

Angelfall Giveaway

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)World After (Penryn & the End of Days, #2)

My boyfriend bought me Angelfall and World After for Christmas, but had a problem with World After when it arrived. It has the tiniest dent in the back cover from where it has obviously got knocked around the box in transit. He got in touch with TBD, because he knows I am so particular when it comes to books, and they sent a replacement. Now I have two copies, and looking at the 'damaged' one, it's barely noticeable and I wouldn't have been that bothered. But seeing as I only need one copy of it, I am going to give that one away. I will also throw in a paperback copy of Angelfall to the winner as well. So just remember World After has tiny bit of damage to the back of it. As I will be sending by post, this giveaway is UK only
The tiny damage! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

200 Bloglovin Followers Giveaway

I have reached a big milestone for me, which is 200 followers on Bloglovin. To think just a few short months ago I had none at all, well it kind of blows my mind. Thank you for all your support, your comments and recommendations. I have found so many amazing blogs, bloggers and books since starting my blog. It's probably the best thing that I have done all year! 

To celebrate I want to do a little giveaway. So I am offering one winner the chance to win £20 worth of books from Book Depository. That way I can do an international giveaway and you can pick the books you want. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Doctor Sleep by Stephen King.

    Happy New Year and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  2. I don't have a copy of Fall of Five, so Fall of Five it is. :D

  3. I'm not really sure! There are tons of books that I want and it is extremely hard to pick just one. lol

    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on 200 followers!!!

  4. I don't know what I would get! So many great books coming out this year, the choices are endless!

  5. Maybe Cruel Beauty. I don't know yet. But it sounds like a great book.
    Thanks for the chance to win this.

  6. Cress...or maybe Ignite Me? Or Winner's Curse...
    Or or Dreams of Gods and Monsters! I can't decide! xD


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.