Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Make You Cry


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

I have been a terrible blogger this week *slaps hand*. I have been super busy and haven't done much reading/reviewing/commenting and all that this week. I never realised how much guilt came along with blogging, ha! I am really hoping to do better next week when I am less busy. 

I have booked my place for London Book Fair 2014, which I am really nervous about. I am going by myself, I live in London so can just get a train there each day, but I feel weird being there all by myself. I have never gone before and don't really know what to expect. 

Top Ten Books That Made Me Cry

This one is ridiculously easy for me because a good book can make me sob like nothing else. It can turn me into a blubbering, snotty, weeping mess. I decided to do ones that made me cry because they might not necessarily make everyone cry - my mum is like an ice queen when it comes to sad books/movies, she never cries.

Young Adult Books

If you are a Harry Potter fan and you can read this from beginning to end without crying, then you are clearly heartless. I pretty much sob from beginning to end as J.K. Rowling kills off, what feels like, hundreds of my favourite characters - in reality it's about ten! There are two deaths that really got to me, because they were such amazing characters and they didn't get a real death scene. God I hate this book *sobs*.

Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman

I find that I can't take a shock, unexpected death in a book as it just destroys me. Yes, I want a happily ever after; I grew up watching Disney so my expectations for happy endings is pretty high! So I have no idea what all these authors are doing, destroying all my hopes and Disney-like dreams. I adore this book though. 

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma 

This book broke me! I did not expect to cry at a book that's essentially an incestuous love story between a brother and sister. I thought I'd be grossed out or want to put it down. But no, I fell in love with this book and then it gut-punched me and then kicked me in the face for good measure. I cried like a baby. 

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

This book tells the story of seventeen-year-old Mia who finds herself looking down at her own body after her families car crashes. She loses her whole family in the crash and is left behind, aware that she has the choice, move on and be with them or fight to live. It's a really beautiful and moving book

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

I really loved this book, and I remember it making me tear up and cry on more than one occasion. Lennie Walker is struggling with the death of her sister, and in a time when she should be grieving, she finds her herself falling in love. I just found this so moving and it made me so emotional. 

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitpatrick

This is more of a love story, which I absolutely loved, but it did get really emotional for me at the end. There's scenes that take place in a hospital and they just got to me, really badly it. I feel like it's something that spoke to me personally and probably won't turn others into blubbering messes. 

Adult Books

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Gah, this book!!! Seriously, it killed me. I was pulled into this book one hundred percent and it made me an instant Jodi Picoult fan. It just destroyed me because the whole thing was a shock to me and usually that ruins a book to me, but I just really loved this book - did not love the movie!

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I adore this time travel love story but it did make me sob a lot. Again, did not love the movie!

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

How can you not cry at a story like The Lovely Bones. Susie Salmon, our teenage narrator, tells us her story from her own personal heaven. She tells the story of how she was lured into an underground hide out by a local man, where she is attacked and killed. But while we know all the details, her family do not. It's so emotional, watching Susie watch her family deal with her disappearance and the assumption that she is dead. A really incredible book and I definitely recommend. 

The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf

This book made me cry out in absolute shock. It just takes a very unexpected turn half-way through and you realise you have been so wrong all along. When two families wake up to find their little girls missing, a hunt begins to track both the girls down. We follow the story through different point of views and it works really well. This story really shocked me, but moved me to tears many times. 

Grey's Anatomy

Be sure to leave a link to your own post so I can come check yours out.


  1. I own The Lovely Bones! I should read that! I've heard so many mixed things about it. I'm unsure :3

    And oh god. The Fault in Our Stars. Can we just--


    YA Book Queens

    1. The Lovely Bones is a difficult read and it definitely isn't for everyone; but I adore it. The Fault in Our Stars... I can't even go there. That movie is going to turn me into a blubbering mess. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I was a mess at the end of If I Stay too.

  3. That grey's anatomy gif is just perfect. Christina is awesome LOL.
    I must be heartless because I actually read the last Harry Potter book without crying to be honest, although I loved every minute of it. Great post!

    1. I love Christina! :) Heehee well I cry at anything... so maybe it's just me!

  4. If I Stay made my list, and so did a few of Jodi Picoult's books. Harry Potter slayed me. There were a lot of tough moments in that series! I am WORRIED about Forbidden just because of the premise, but I've seen a lot of great reviews for it lately so I think I need to check it out. Great list!

    1. I definitely recommend Forbidden because I absolutely loved it, but I know it's not going to be for everyone. Jodi Picoult's books always seem to make me cry!

  5. If I Stay made my list! And I had no idea that My Life Next Door was a tear jerker! It just got bumped higher on my TBR pile! Thanks!

    Here's My TTT

    1. It might just be me who cried at My Life Next Door, but it had me sobbing. If I Stay was just so sad, but so beautiful at the same time.

  6. I hope you have an amazing time at the London Book Fair! I'm a little jealous and I'm sure there will be so many bookish people that you won't be alone there for long.

    I adored The Sky is Everywhere and I love seeing it on your list! :D If I stay and HP7 are books I had on my list.
    Great list!

    Kate @ whYAnot

    1. I know, I hope I love it :) Thanks for checking my list out!

  7. Great list, girl! <3
    I haven't read any of these books... though I own Forbidden but I feel like I should avoid it now. I don't want to be a sobbing mess. :')

    My Top Ten!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. You definitely shouldn't avoid it, sobbing messes are necessary sometimes ;)

  8. Aw, blogging shouldn't make you feel guilty! I do know how you feel though...I get a bit slack now and then. *shrugs* But still! Great picks...though I haven't actually read any of them. >_< The My Sister's Keeper movie made me cry, but I really want to read the book.

  9. Yeah I chose the last 3 HP books! Seeing Forbidden a lot today as well!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. I have If I Stay on my list as well, though I find it's sequel, Where She Went, even more emotional. I cried the whole time I was reading it. You have some other great titles :)
    Here is my list:

    1. I've read If I Stay a lot, but Where She Went only once. I definitely need to check it out again as I don't really remember it. It will probably have me sobbing :)

  11. wow o.O I am SO going to read Forbidden! That book just sounds so... wow.
    Otherwise great picks ;) . I have seen the movies to 'Lovely Bones', 'The Time Travelers Wife' and 'My Sister's Keeper'.. Especially 'The Time Travelers Wife' really got to me and I think I am going to read it some time this year.

    My list:

    1. I definitely recommend reading the book, I found it so much more emotional than the movie. READ FORBIDDEN, it's AMAZING :)

  12. Forbidden was on my list too, was such a heart-breaker of a story, and I strangely loved every moment of it! The Fault in Our Stars was on my list *guilty is charged*, but it's too good not to be. I'm also planning to read If I Stay soon as well, but another book that I didn't put on my list was The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith which comes out soon, so keep an eye out!

    Top Ten Tuesday #13

    1. I loved every moment of Forbidden too, even though it destroyed me. I've seen that one and really want it, will definitely be looking out for it :)

  13. Oh my gosh, how could I forget about If I Stay. *face-palms* I loved that book and I forgot about. I'm ashamed!!
    Great list, Most of these are on my TBR and now I'm nervous to read them. I don't often pick a book up if I now it will make me cry.
    My TTT

    1. I forgot about some great books too, and was really ashamed of myself when I saw them on other lists. Thanks for stopping by :)

  14. My Life Next Door is a tear jerker? That is on my TBR list and looks like a cute contemprary love story. I guess not.

    I still have the last Harry Potter and The Fault In Our Stars on my TBR list or I'm sure they would have been on my list as well. I plan on reading TFIOS before the movie comes out.

    Great list!!! Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

    1. It was probably just me who cried at MLND, it just got to me personally and couldn't stop myself from having a little sob.

      Definitely recommend getting to both soon, such great books :)

  15. That GIF is incredibly accurate. Also was intrigued by the addition of Forbidden! I've heard of that book, but didn't see too many reviews. Nice TTT!

  16. The Time Traveler's Wife has been on so many lists today too! I have it sitting at home, so I think I'm going to start it tonight (: I just finished a book, so perfect timing!

  17. Love your list, and it's great how you split it :)

  18. The only one that I've read on your list is My Life Next Door and I don't remember if it made me cry or mot but I know that I loved it :)

    Also, I really like the Grey's Anatomy GIF ;)

    1. You've got to love Christina! :) I think I might be the only one who cried, but I love that book so much :)

  19. I feel like less of a Potter fan since Harry Potter is the only thing that didn't make it on my list. Now I have to go do a post dedicated to Potter. *sigh*

    Great List!

  20. How did I forget Noughts and Crosses!!That was sooo sad!

    My TTT

  21. I can totally relate to your blogging guilt. I've been a bit hit-and-miss with doing Top Ten Tuesday, and I always feel so guilty when I skip a week!

    The London Book Fair sounds fun! Maybe you can meet up with some other London book bloggers there? I've always wanted to go to Book Expo America (which I'm assuming is similar to the LBF) but I have no one to go with (plus, plane tickets are expensive).

    I've been meaning to read Noughts and Crosses and Forbidden. I'm a bit hesitant about Forbidden though because of the incest theme.

    1. Blogging guilt is THE WORST! Hopefully I'll meet some amazing people there :) Definitely read Noughts & Crosses, it's amazing!

  22. I'm glad to see a Forman book and Harry Potter made it to your list. I think I've cried over nearly every book that Forman has written. I've seen Forbidden on a lot of lists today. I'm guessing I will have to get to my copy soon. Great list and thanks for stopping by! :)

  23. I didn't cry at Harry Potter but it was on a lot of lists!

    1. I cry at everything, which is why this post was so easy to do.

  24. Great list! Forbidden nearly made my list - it hurt me a lot! I still haven't got around to reading The Lovely Bones but I really need to. Aaah. The feels. D:

  25. I'm pretty sure everyone in my family cried when they read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (even my dad and brother). And as a sister I thought that My Sister's Keeper was heartbreaking. I haven't read many of the others but I can see why they might be sad!

    1. Everyone who read it in my family sobbed too, such a sad, but brilliant book! :)

  26. Oh wow, Forbidden...I forgot about that one! While the whole incest thing is disturbing...I agree you do feel for the characters and I definitely cried reading it!

  27. HP is in my list too. If I Stay is heartbreaking for sure. I haven't read My Sister's Keeper, but I know the movie made me cry.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  28. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier! Yet another blog with Forbidden listed! Man I'm really going to have to brave the subject matter and check that one out. Also, I haven't read The Lovely Bones, but that movie was definitely emotional. I actually got a book for review by the author of The Lovely Bones. I'm hoping it'll be awesome!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Definitely recommend Forbidden, it's a tough read but worth it :) Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  29. THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE!! I totally forgot about that one when I was making my TTT list! I haven't read most of these books... time to add them to my TBR list!

  30. Oh, The Lovely Bones! Great choice. I was so mad at the end of My Sister's Keeper, I wanted to throw the book across the room. Great choices. Can't believe I didn't include Harry Potter!

    1. I was so mad at My Sister's Keeper too... and yet got really mad when the movie changed the ending! :S

  31. I didn't think of "My Sister's Keeper" until after I did my list. So glad it is on yours--it is a total sobfest!!

  32. I almost put The Time Traveler's Wife on my list too. Great choices. I must read The Fault in our Stars book because you are right, that's made it on a lot of lists!

  33. love your list! The Sky is Everywhere *sigh* an easy favorite. Same with Forbidden. :D

    1. Both are such amazing books, even though they made me sob like a baby!

  34. I've just recently been seeing Forbidden everywhere and everyone is saying the same thing. Now I'm intrigued. I want the feels too!
    The Time Traveler's Wife and My Sister's Keeper just missed my list. I could have easily done a top 20. So many emotions. Authors are cruel. But it makes me happy. Lol.
    Great list!
    And thanks for stopping by! :)

    1. Definitely read Forbidden, it's AMAZING and full of feels. Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  35. I really cannot believe I forgot Deathly Hallows on my list! Oh I was a wreck. I could not read the pages I was crying so hard! I have not yet read The Sky is Everywhere but I really want to! I have heard so many amazing things about it. I think it is going to be an emotional couple of reading weeks. :)

    1. I definitely recommend The Sky Is Everywhere, it's amazing! Deathly Hallows almost destroyed me.

  36. I cried during My Life Next Door too. I cry a lot when reading good books though. Lovely Bones for sure had me sobbing as did The Sky is Everywhere. I really like the covers of The Sky is Everywhere and If I Stay... are those the UK ones?? Oh yeah and HP 5-7 and The Time Traveler's Wife both got me too!! Cool list!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. They are both UK covers :) Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  37. Such a great list! I really want to read My Life Next Door, Noughts & Crosses, If I Stay and The Time Traveler's Wife.
    The Lovely Bones was a heart-breaker!

  38. I forgot about My Sister's Keeper - also cried during that one

  39. Great list! The Lovely Bones is definitely one to add to the list. I cried in that one many times. I also agree with you about The Time Traveler's Wife. I almost didn't get through that one because I was so devastated.

    1. I almost didn't either, I was absolutely devastated - that book hurts to even think about, it's probably why I've avoided rereading it.

  40. Oh The Lovely Bones is definitely a sad one. My Sister's Keeper is on my list as well. The Weight of Silence is one of my favorites, but not a tearjerker for me. The Time Traveler's Wife is on my bookshelf but I haven't read that one yet but soon! My TTT is here.

    1. The Weight of Silence brought me to tears because I was really in shock. I just wasn't expecting it at all. Definitely recommend The Time Traveller's Wife, it's really great.

  41. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!
    YES I love that GIF!!! LOL!!!
    The Time Traveler's Wife~ Damn! I Forgot about that one! I believe I did cry when I read it too! I haven't read My Sister's Keeper but I seen the movie and balled my eyes out!
    Great list! xoox

    1. I really recommend My Sister's Keeper, but the book is different to the film and I found the end way more devastating!

  42. Awesome list! I reallly loved My Life Next Door, though I can't say I cried during it. Thanks for stopping by!

  43. I have wanted to read the lovely bones for a while. I will have to check out some of the books on your list. Thanks for stopping by ours!

  44. The Sky is Everywhere was such a beautiful book. And Time Traveler's was such a love love that book. My Sister's Keeper, what a shocking ending (and so weird how they changed it in the movie). Great list! ~Pam

    1. I hated the ending and yet was so angry that they changed it in the movie. The movie ending made more sense, but it just didn't get to me in the same way! :)

  45. Love the Grey's Anatomy GIF!!! Also, The Sky is Everywhere was sooo good! Loved that book! Thanks for stopping by my TTT!:)

  46. Fabulous list :-) I agree with so many of your choices!

  47. Other than HP, I haven't read any of your books. I'll have to check them out.

  48. I totally forgot Noughts and Crosses. The ending of that book was horrible. And I'm in total agreement with HP as well, because I cried so much in it. Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Elen @ A World of Reviews

  49. I haven't read Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows yet. *hides* Now don't throw rocks at me. I'm still at The Prisoner of Azkaban and I need a re-read of The Chamber of Secrets because it was yeaaaars ago when I last read them. Anyway, I can't wait to read your experience on London Book Fair. I just love reading about any bookish events held in other countries.

    1. I hope you finally get to finish HP soon, it's amazing and the books just get better and better! I am excited for London Book Fair, I hope I love it :)

  50. I've only read Harry Potter of those you mentioned and it was really cry-worthy!

  51. Thanks for visiting my TTT! Great list, I've only read HP, My Life Next Door and My Sister's Keeper but most of the others are on my TBR list. My Life Next Door didn't make me cry, but I can see how it would have the potential to do so if it hits you on that personal level - that's pretty much how I feel with any book with cancer in it.

    Bernadette @ The Bumbling Bookworm

    1. I know, I sob at books really easily and as soon as it hits you on a personal level, it's ten times worse! Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  52. Contrary to many people's choice, I didn't cry while reading My Sister's Keeper. Don't know why but the novel didn't touch me that much.

    1. I cried from complete and utter shock, plus a big bit of anger too! :)

  53. Ooh, I forgot about The Weight of Silence! Such a great, but disturbing, book. Awesome list!

  54. Great list! Seeing your LOTR gif at the beginning of the post reminds me: that was another tearjerker for me! After reading the whole trilogy I was just so emotionally invested in all the characters... It was also interesting to see the different UK covers on your TTT list, for My Sister's Keeper and If I Stay. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  55. My Sister's Keeper!! How could I have forgotten that one on my list. SOBBED. I was wrecked after that one. And looks like I need to read Gayle Forman. She made a lot of lists.

    1. I was destroyed by My Sister's Keeper, such a horrible ending!

  56. Oh yes My Life Next Door made my heart hurt! That was such an emotional read. Great picks!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  57. My Sister's Keeper literally broke my heart.I really want to read Forbidden but I know that it's sad and heartbreaking so I keep putting it off.And I plan on reading My Life Next Door this month!Thanks for stopping by my blog!Happy Reading!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

    1. My Life Next Door is amazing, and I definitely recommend Forbidden! Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  58. I cannot bring myself to read My Sister's Keeper, because I know I'll just end up sobbing my entire way through it. I have My Life Next Door on my TBR pile and I'm looking forward to it, although if the hospital scenes are anything like what I think they may be like, I'll end up crying at it too. Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten!

  59. Oh, gosh, My Sister's Keeper. I started it and had to quit - I knew it was going to devastate me. I do need to read The Time Traveler's Wife, though. Thanks for stopping by my TTT list yesterday!

    1. Ha it's probably good you quit, the ending is a shock and it's devastating! Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  60. I didn't even think of My Life Next Door - even though it wasn't on the same heartbreaking level as the books I did choose, it was definitely an emotional read that got to me sometimes!

  61. So many great books! Jodi Picoult never fails to make me get teary eyed, and I also really didn't like the movie for it. The ending was just wrong.
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)

  62. Oh yes, Harry Potter and the death scene that never was. I'm so sad about that, I love those characters and I was so sad that they never got a proper death scene. I haven't read My Life Next Door yet, but I always thought it was a very cute, fluffy book. I'm curious now about the ending!

    1. I think it would have made me cry more, but I was just so angry they didn't get a death scene!!! It's still cute and fluffy, I think I am the only one who cried at that.

  63. I haven't read most of those, but several of them are on my TBR list. Looks like I'll be bringing the tissues with me as I read them.

    Once Upon A Dream Books

  64. That Lord of the Rings GIF... it gets me every time.

    Of the books on your list, I've only read HP7 (I have a lot of the other books on my TBR list though). And I feel like the last 3 HP books are all cry-worthy, but Deathly Hallows is by far the most emotional for me.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. I cry at all three of those HP books too, but the last one has me crying from beginning to end practically. Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  65. I've been really wanting to read Noughts & Crosses and now I'm TERRIFIED but really intrigued because of this shocking death and un-happy ending. You picked great books on this list, I really have to catch up :)

  66. Yaaaaay for Book Fair! I am coming, too, maybe we can see each other! :)
    As for books: Potter: yesssssss... :'( I have yet to read the rest but I am looking forward to Blackman's books.
    Happy reading!

    1. Yay! Happy to find someone else who is heading to the book fair! I definitely recommend the Noughts & Crosses series, it's incredible. :)

  67. Deathly Hallows made me cry so hard. So many deaths. Oh god. I always forget how crushing the end of Noughts & Crosses is. It always kills me!
    The book of My Sisters Keeper was so sad! The movie was terrible though compared to the book. The twist at the end of the book killed me and it was so soul destroying.
    Great list! :)

    1. I know, that twist ending in My Sister's Keeper was awful... and yet I was soooo angry when they changed it for the film! Noughts & Crosses still makes me cry now when I read it, such an unexpected ending.

  68. I know exactly what you mean by the guilt. Whenever I don't have time to reply to comments straight away *coughs* like now, I always feel incredible guilt.

    MLND made me cry too!! I actually felt a lot of emotions reading that book, more so than others it seems so I'm glad that it got to someone else on an emotional level as well!!!HOLY SMOKES! I can't believe I forgot My Sister's Keeper and The Time Traveler's Wife! Those two nearly did me in!!! Great list!!!

    1. Thanks so much! Glad to find someone else who not only understands the blog guilt, but cried at MLND - I felt like the only one! Those two almost did me in too, such sad books and not what I was expecting.

  69. The Time Traveller's Wife also had me sobbing. It was so sad. The Movie was junk. I was SO disappointed. I have never heard of Noughts and Crosses. I am intrigues by it though. Thanks for sharing it.

    Great list!

    1. I definitely recommend Noughts & Crosses! I was so disappointed with The Time Traveller's Wofe, it was not what I was expecting at all - didn't make me cry once.

  70. I forgot about Deathly Hallows! I only cried a little, but I still cried!

    1. I cried buckets and I cry buckets still... it's very embarrassing =/


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