500 Bloglovin' Followers International Giveaway

I started this blog 6 months ago and didn't really know to expect. Part of me wondered if anyone would actually read it because I was such a newbie and had no idea what I was doing. My blog design is still completely amateur but I am slowly but surely getting there. I am becoming more confident as a blogger and that feels amazing.

I reached 500 Bloglovin' followers!

I can't really express my surprise that I am here doing a giveaway to celebrate reaching 500 followers via Bloglovin'. That actually blows my mind and it's all thanks to you guys. There's not much I can do to thank you all for the support and for making my day with your comments. The only thing I can do is host a giveaway.

I always struggle with ideas for giveaways but I finally decided what I wanted to do. I want to offer one winner up to £30 worth of books from Book Depository, of their choice. But I will also be giving them a copy of Alienated by Melissa Landers which came out last month. I was lucky enough to get an earc from Netgalley last year and ended up falling in love with this book. You can read my review here. With the cover reveal of the sequel, I thought it was time to let one of you win a copy so you can read it, love it and eagerly await the sequel with me! 

I mean look at the gorgeous covers.... how can you not want them? 
Alienated (Alienated, #1)Invaded (Alienated, #2)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the 500 followers, girl! That's amazing and you deserve it!

    There are many books I want so it's kinda hard to say but I wouldn't mind getting The Ancient Alien Question by Philip Coppens.
    And the book I would recommend is... The Golden Apple by Michelle Diener (though it isn't out yet!)

    Thanks for the giveaway! =D

    1. Thanks so much! I will definitely be keeping an eye out for The Golden Apple :)

  2. OMG!!! YOU ARE SO AMAZING!! I've been blogging for 2 years and I'm still WAY tinier than you, so gosh girl, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

    1. Your blog is one of my absolute favourites! Every post of yours make me smile and you are so funny without even trying to be.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! You're blog is amazing and you definitely deserve the 500 followers!

    1. The book I'd want the most is Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. The book I would recommend the most would be The Divinvers by Libba Bray.

    2. Thanks so much! I definitely recommend Under the Never Sky, it's INCREDIBLE! And I've had my eye on The Diviners for so long now, will have to read that soon. :)

  4. Congratulations! Oh my God! 500 followers that's insane! You deserve each and every single one of them you and your blog are amazing!! I'm so happy for you!! :D

  5. Oh awesome giveaway!! Haven't check my Bloglovin status lately. I stick mostly with GFC because it's how I started blogging and it's what I'm used to. Adding in new ways of following blogs makes things difficult for me to check things everyday during my blog visits! But amazing job!!

    One book I would recommend, oh there are soooo many. But I'll rewind to an older favorite of mine that I discover loooooong before Paranormal YA was a genre on its own. Back in the day I had to sift through nearly EVERY YA book on the shelf looking for good titles that would be Paranormal or paranormal-y!

    First series I recommend is The Mediator by Meg Cabot. Susannah is a mediator, she can see ghosts. Not always a good thing since they sometimes get chatty. But when her mother moves the family to a new house in CA, there happens to be a very hot cowboy ghost haunting her room and let's just say she isn't that unhappy about things! ;)

    Another absolute fave is a standalone book called Old Magic by Marianne Curley. I reread this one quite a bit. It involved a teen witch trying to help a boy from her class rid his family of an age long curse that has plagued them for generations. And it involves going back in time to when it began!!

    Ooh, oooh--yeah I got a TON of them--my first vampire novel Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes was another instant fave. Jessica is a teen (and a writer!) who wrote a book about vampires. Only thing is, it's all real. She just doesn't know it. So the big, bad vamp, Aubrey--her villain, who's real--comes to see what she knows and possibly kill her if it warrants it. Yeah, it was freaking awesome! Read that one several times too!

    Okay, I'll stop with the recommendations because I can still go on and on. But figured it was safe to go with my "starter" paranormal reads since not many bloggers tend to know of them.

    I think a book I look forward to reading most...or was it just picking one I really want to read in general if I win? (already forgetting because I got wrapped up on the recommendations!) Anyway one book I would pick is Wings by Elizabeth Richards! Really looking forward to seeing how this trilogy ends!

    1. I find it really hard to even figure out how many followers I actually have altogether because there are so many different ways to follow. I like the sound of the Meg Cabot series! I have actually never heard of that series before. I would definitely not be complaining if a hot cowboy haunted my room.

      I have a Marianne Curley book but it isn't that, so will have to look that one up on Goodreads. Demon in My View sounds so good and unique, will HAVE to look for that one and see if I can get it here. They are great recommendations because I haven't heard of any :)

      Nice pick! I've been seeing that book a lot recently, makes me want to go check out the authors books. Thanks for the awesome recommendations! :)

  6. Uhh, I have a ton of books I want, but the one I want the most would have to be Half Bad! it's been on my TBR for soooooo long! And I'd recommend people to read Side Effects May Vary :)

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

    1. I really want to read Side Effects May Vary, happy to hear you enjoyed it :) Good luck!

  7. Wow, congrats on 500 Bloglovin' followers!

    Hmm...I think the book I want most is Cinders & Sapphires by Leila Rasheed, and the book I'm recommending most right now is Better off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg. It's literally my shove-in-people's-faces book at the moment.

    1. Thanks! I have it as an ARC and will definitely need to hurry up and read it :)

  8. The one book you want the most: Cress, at the moment. :)
    The one book you would recommend the most: Corridor by Robin Parrish.

    1. Will definitely look that one up, thanks for the recommendation. Good luck :)

  9. part two of the Overton Window 'The Eye of Moloch' since i had begun reading it and wasnt able to finish it due to time restraints.
    I would recommend 'Do You Believe In Signs; Journey Beyond And Back' by Shalomi from Lulu, 'The Left Behind Series' and 'The Harbinger' are good ones to start with. I have read thousands!
    congrats on over 500 followers!

  10. Ive red to many books to recommed just one and I am waiting to read a lot that are not out yet to narrow down to a certain number

  11. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are really too much books I want to read! Maybe the lux series? I've been meaning to read it for a long time!
    And I would recommend Angelfall by Susan Ee, Incarnate by Jodi Meadows!

  12. Congratulations on this great milestone! There are so many books I want, considering there isn't any bookstores nearby. I've been wanting to get an actual copy of Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge, a set of books by Paulo Coelho and The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.

    I'd recommend Cruel Beauty to anyone who enjoys retellings of mythology. I think it's a very well done story!

    1. Thanks! I have just started Cruel Beauty and so far I am quite enjoying it. Good luck for the giveaway :)

  13. Congratulations!! Just a few more and you got 500 followers!! That is really awesome!
    Uhm...the book I want the most is (I think) The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison and the I would also recommend you this serie, it is the Hollows and it is really, really, really good.


  14. Congratulations on such an amazing achievement! Ahhhh *throws confetti*

  15. Congrats!!!!! The one book that I'd love the most to have is Origin by Jennifer Armentrout :)
    Thanks for the giveaway - Sofia T.

  16. Congrats! I think the book I want the most (at the moment) is either Night Broken by Patricia Briggs or Lady Thief by A.C. Gaughen :) And I'd recommend anything by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Maria V. Snyder, or Cassandra Clare!

    1. Thanks! I love JLA, her books are always so much fun. Good luck :)

  17. This is an amazing giveaway girl! Utterly amazing! Congrats on blogging for 6 months and congrats of the 500 followers! I've only been blogging for around 4 months properly, so I'm still a little behind you :) I'd probably have to say book I'd want the most would be either Burn Bright by Bethany Frenette or Fangirl and I'd definitely recommend either The Distance Between Us to anyone at all, or the Skulduggery Pleasant series, it's fantastic! :D

    1. I love your blog and it's one I always love checking every week! I hope to organise myself a bit better and have more discussion posts soon. Thanks for the recommendations and good luck for the giveaway :)

  18. Congrats on reaching 500! The book I want the most is Amy and Roger's Epic Detour and one I'd recommend is My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. :)

    1. Thanks! I LOVED MY LIFE NEXT DOOR! Such a brilliant book :) Good luck for the giveaway :)

  19. I want the book Throne of Glass the most and I would recommend Harry Potter (obviously)

    1. Haha I have read Harry Potter more times than I could count ;) Clearly the best books ever! :)

  20. Wow 500 followers in such a short time is great! Congrats! I'm dying to read Alienated and a book I recommend all the time is any book by Tana French.

  21. Congrats! :D And I want Maybe Someday and Faking Normal the most (I think) and I'd recommend Pivot Point. :D

  22. 'Grats!! Woo. I'd really recommend... oymhy fod. I can't choose. I'd go for steelheart as f now :D

  23. Wow thanks for the giveaway! I would say Steelheart by brandon sanderson and i would definitely recommend the knife of never letting go by patrick ness! The whole series is AMAZING.

    1. I LOVE the Chaos Walking trilogy, it's sooooo good! Thanks so much and good luck :)

  24. Wow that's a lot of followers!! Huge congrats!!! The one I would recommend is Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and the one I want most is Scarlet

  25. Hmmmm, a book I want most right now? Jo Walton's My Real Children, which isn't out yet, alas. Something that is out... Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge -- I keep seeing that around and wooondering.

    Something I'd recommend, hm, another version of the Beauty and the Beast story, Robin McKinley's Rose Daughter. The ending is quite different to other versions I've seen, and I loved it.

  26. I really want to read Words of Radiance. I recommend the Parasol Protectorate series to lots of folks. :)

  27. I have a whole list of books I want and love!

  28. Thanks so much! I will need to hurry up and start VA series before the movie is out. Thanks for the recommendation and GL :)

  29. Congrats on 500 followers!
    I want to read Breakable by Tammara Webber the most, it's coming out in May, and I highly recommend its prequel, Easy!

    1. Thanks! I really want to read Easy... I even own it but just haven't gotten to it yet. Good luck :)

  30. One of the books that I'm looking forward to the most is The Retribution of Mara Dyer, for sure! I'm also looking forward to Dreams of Gods and Monsters as well. It won't be long until we only have to wait just another month for that book! :D

    The one book I recommend the most at the moment? I'll have to say Pantomime by Laura Lam for sure. :P I'm reading Splintered right now, however, so who knows... my choice might change. I'm certainly enjoying it so far. xD

    1. I haven't heard of Pantomime so I will definitely look for that one on Goodreads! Thanks for the recommendation and good luck! :)

  31. Congrats! It is great to see your site doing so well. Here's a toast to many more followers. :D

  32. Cinder by Marissa Meyer or Shatter Me by Tahere Mafi, I would recommend the Consequences series by Aleatha Romig

  33. Congrats on 500 Followers!Bravo :)
    The book I want most and recommend most is Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon - this book is fantastic,simply fantastic!
    Thank you for this amazing oportunity :)

  34. Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment!
    I am a newbie blogger and dying to know how you gathered so many followers so quickly

    1. Thanks! I don't really know, I visit other blogs a lot which always helps :)

  35. Congrats! It's a great milestone :)

    It revolves around my favorite author: Nalini Singh :D I always recommend the 1st book in her Guild Hunter series, "Angel's Blood"; and I can't wait for her "Shield of Winter" book

    1. Thank you! I have heard of her but have never read her anything of hers yet. Thanks for the recommendation and good luck for the giveaway! :)

    2. I hope you read it and love it :)

  36. I would want Killer Frost by Jennifer Estep!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Congratulations on your 500 followers! That's awesome! :) And thanks for the giveaway! :D
    I think the book I want the most is The 57 lives of Alex Wayfare, have you read it/heard of it? And the one I would recommend the most is either The Hunger Games (but who hasn't read that already? haha) or any of the series by Richelle Mead: Vampire Academy, Bloodlines, Succubus... love them all!

    1. I have The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare as an eARC and I can't wait to read it, I've seen some really great reviews. I really want to start RM's Vampire Academy series, really must do that soon. Thanks & good luck :)

  39. Congrats!!
    The book I want is Under the never sky and the book I would recommend is The Mediator by Meg Cabot :D

    1. Thanks! I LOVED UNDER THE NEVER SKY!!! You definitely need to get that one. Thanks and good luck :)

    2. I really need to congratulate you so much, I wanna be like you :) I am a new book blogger too, more than a month old and I am so bothered about me being amateur. Hehehe

    3. I remember just starting out, I felt completely lost most of the time lol! I had no idea what I was doing, still don't half the time. But it gets easier and I have been fortunate to talk to some amazingly lovely bloggers.

  40. Recommend: Paradise by Judith McNaught
    Want: A hardcover of Across A Star-Swept Sea (to go with my HC of book 1)

    Thanks very much!

  41. Congrats on your 500+ bloglovin followers and to many more! :)
    The one book I really want is a HC of The Rising (Darkness Rising, #3) by Kelley Armstrong to finish my trilogy.
    A book I would recommend is Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  42. Congrats on 500 Bloglovin' followers and wishing you many, many more! :)
    I will cheat and name 2 books I would want the most: The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski and Plus One by Elizabeth Fama. The one I would recommend the most - Red Rising by Pierce Brown.
    Thanks for a giveaway! :)

  43. Congratulations!

    The book I want the most is Infinite by Jodi Meadows and the one I recommend the most is A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, good luck for the giveaway! :)

  44. Congrats
    the one book I want the most is Shattered promises by Jessica Sorensen and I recommend it as well.

  45. I really would like Cinder, and I recommend Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell :)

  46. Congratulations on so many followers! One of my favorite series is The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, so I would love to buy the two that I don't already own. ;) I would recommend reading the classic, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde... it's hilarious. Thank you for the generous giveaway!

    1. I love Oscar Wilde, that man was a genius - but I have yet to read that book. Thanks for the awesome recommendation and good luck for the giveaway! :)

  47. A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin

    I'll recommend A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. (one book is not enough :D)

    1. I have read the first two, but need to make time and get to all of the others! :)

  48. First of all congrats!! :))

    The book I recommend the most is Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. The book I want the most huuuh...so many - probably If He Had Been With Me :)

    Thank you!! :)

  49. Congrats! I would pick Destroyed by Pepper Winters.

  50. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!
    I would recommend Stolen Songbird, its beautiful
    As for the book I want the most right this second, hmm probably Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews!
    Thanks for the great giveaway ^.^

    1. Thanks! I love the look of Stolen Songbird, happy you enjoyed it so much.

  51. I want the Siege and Storm because I just finished Shadow and Bone and it was amazing!!! I would recommend Splintered by A.G. Howard.

    1. Thanks! I have Shadow and Bone and can't wait to read it, happy that you loved it! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.