Five Friday Favourites: Book Covers

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

I decided to stick with books that I have READ. Otherwise I would never be able to narrow this list down. There are far too many covers that I love, especially on books I haven't managed to get to yet. 

From doing this weeks Five Friday Favourite, I have realised two things. I like animal eyes and the stars on my covers. These Broken Stars is just one of the most stunning covers I have seen in a long time, I absolutely love it. Life of Pi is a movie tie in cover, but I don't care. That cover blew me away and I love it above every other Life of Pi cover, and there are so many. Glow is just stunning, it's a shame the rest of the series doesn't have covers that are this beautiful. The Sight, it's very simplistic but I absolutely love it. I love Larka! The Sky Is Everywhere is also a simplistic cover, but  I think it's brilliant. Purple is my favourite colour, so that helps. 

Honourable Mentions

See what I mean... More stars and more animal eyes! Alienated has a great cover and it looks so good when you are holding it in your hands. Fell is so pretty too, it is one of those covers that you need to see in person. The eyes shine, the castle looks magnificent and the swirls around Fell look so good. Maybe Someday has a lot going on but I love that about it. It's bright and catches your attention, and I love the couple kissing in the letters.

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 500 Bloglovin' followers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Those are beautiful book covers. I especially like The Sky is Everywhere cover.

  2. Ahhhh, these are all so beautiful! I especially like These Broken Stars, Glow and Alienated. :)

    1. All the space ones ;) At least I am not the only one who likes them!

  3. Some really great covers there, some very different ones too! You really do have a thing for animal eyes and stars! These Broken Stars and The Sky is Everywhere are probably my favourites off your list, they're so eye catching and elegant, and I'd love to just have the covers. I want to read The Sky is Everywhere at some point, so I might try and get that cover. Thank you for taking again! :D

    1. I know! I couldn't think of many books off the top of my head for some reason, but these were all the ones that instantly came into my mind. I just think they are all so pretty. The Sky Is Everywhere was a great read, I definitely recommend it :)

  4. I really like These Broken Stars and Alienated…there's just something about sci-fi covers. And I don't think I've seen that Glow cover, the one I read was definitely a lot different. ~Pam


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