Five Friday Favourites: Contemporaries

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

My Life Next Door (My Life Next Door, #1)
I only read this for the first time late last year and I really wish I had heard of it sooner. It's such an amazing book and I instantly fell in love with it. Jace Garrett became my book boyfriend from the very moment he appeared in this book. The story had me laughing, crying and everything in between. Truly an amazing book, you can read my review here
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
This book had me sobbing. It's such a sad book and yet it's beautiful and uplifting all at the same time. After her mother, father and brother are all killed in a car crash Mia is left clinging to life. Her body is in a coma but she's watching from the outside as the other people she cares about deal with the fallout from the accident. She knows the decision is hers - to stay or to go. Does she really want to live the rest of her life without her family?
This is one of those books that I literally want to chuck in peoples faces in order to make them take notice and read it. It's one of those books that needs to be read and shared. It's a story I have never seen told before, especially for a young adult audience. It's messy, heart-wrenching and had me feeling more emotions than I can count. If you haven't reads this then I implore you to go give it a try. You can read my review here.
Buy Forbidden
Slammed (Slammed, #1)

This was one of the very first New Adult books I read and it really blew me away. It wasn't what I was expecting at all. It provided me with a really sweet romance and I fell in love with the story and the characters. If you are looking for a great NA or just a sweet romance then I definitely recommend Slammed. You can read my review here.
Buy Slammed
The Sky is Everywhere

This book blew me away. I really want to reread it so that I can review it for the blog and share the awesomeness with you. This tells the story of Lennie Walker who is trying to come to terms with the death of her sister. In a time where she should be grieving Lennie finds herself falling in love. It's a really beautiful story and I definitely recommend it.
Buy The Sky Is Everywhere

Next weeks topic is: Five Favourite Book Covers

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 500 Bloglovin' followers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Where You'll Find Me by Erin Fletcher: Review

Easy by Tammara Webber: Review

My Weekly Book Haul

Five Friday Favourites: Overall Series

Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy: Review

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: Review & discussion

Thanks for checking out my post!
Feel free to link up to your FFF post.


  1. Love If I Stay so much. I wasn't a fan of Where She Went Though, it just didn't work out for me.

    ★ Under The Mountain ★

    1. I remember If I Stay very well but actually don't remember too much of Where She Went.

  2. I don't know any of these :( I tend to shy away from contemporary especially YA. I'm more of a YA Fantasy reader. Lately I've been interested in reading contemporary though like Anna and the French Kiss and or anything by Rainbow Rowell. Well see. I'll have to look up these books that you have listed! Thanks for sharing girlie xoxox
    Book Hangovers Blabs Books

    1. Contemporary can be really amazing if you find the right book - like anything! It's just finding one that works for you. I think all of these are amazing though, so of course I would recommend them ;)

  3. Ohhh broke my heart! I was emotionally drained for days after reading it. Every time I walked by it on my bookshelf I started to tear up again! I, too, want everyone to read it, but the subject does put people off. Such a phenomenal book.

    I loved Slammed too. I was a bit unsure of slam poetry as first, but it just worked! I loved it. I haven't read the others, but I've had My Life Next Door on my TBR for a while now. I must try to read it soon. Great post!

    Alma @ Journey Through Ficiton

    1. Forbidden was just a meanie of a book and yet I loved it so much! I know, I really wish people would just get over the subject and give it a go, it deserves to be read.

      I definitely recommend My Life Next Door, it was such a sweet read!

  4. Ah! My Life Next Door, Forbidden, If I Stay, and The Sky is Everywhere! I need to read this :3 I've seen them EVERYWHERE, and I just need to get with that.

    I have Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, but not Slammed. :l

    YA Book Queens

  5. I absolutely loved My Life Next Door and The Sky of Everywhere as well! I gave both five stars, which they completely deserved. They're amazing contemporaries. I haven't read any of the other three sadly, but I'm sure I would love them just as much as the two I've read. :)

    1. I definitely recommend getting to them because they are truly all wonderful books. I gave My Life Next Door and The Sky is Everywhere 5* too :)

  6. Great list! Unforrtunately, I haven't read any of these books, although My Life Next Door, If I Stay and Forbidden are all on my TBR! I'll definitely have to check out Slammed and The Sky is Everywhere!

    1. You should get to them all soon because they are all really great :)

  7. I've heard of If I Stay before and I've always been interested in reading it more from the medical perspective of it but also just because it sounded very interesting.

    1. It's a really brilliant book and I definitely recommend it! :)

  8. My Life Next Door and The Sky is Everywhere…loved both of those! I keep hearing such good things about Forbidden, but I'm a little hesitant given the subject matter. ~Pam

    1. It's a tough book I am not going to lie but it's definitely worth it. I was put off by the subject matter but I ended up absolutely loving the book. She handles it very well in my opinion.

  9. If I Stay made me a wreck. I had to read Where She Went immediately after, which made me a mess too.

    1. Those books are just so amazing but, yes, they wrecked me too!

  10. I haven't even read any of these. MY BAD. I love contemporary, but I guess it's more like my "relaxing" read genre instead of my go-to genre. *sigh* Like seriously, my TBR right now is ALL epic/fantasy/adventure/magic/dystopian stuff. Maybe I need a contemporary break actually. I DO want to read My Life Next Door.

    1. You should definitely get to My Life Next Door because it is totally worth it! I've got a lot of contemporary reads to get through at the minute and it's a bit of a struggle. They seem to be blurring together at the minute.

  11. I've read two of the books here and I can agree, If I Stay and Forbidden are so good! I want to read The Sky is Everywhere and My Life Next Door, I always here fantastic things I need to get to them soon! Great list and once again, thank you for taking part! :D

    1. You're welcome! I hope you do get to them because they are all really great :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.