Five Friday Favourites: Playing Catch Up!

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

I am catching up on the last four weeks as I have missed them all! Wish me luck.

Five Favourite Blogs

Book Badger

Amanda over at Book Badger had to make the list. For one thing she is the reason that I am even making this post. But she also has one of the greatest blogs and I love checking in a few times a week to see her posts. She has the perfect mix of reviews, memes, discussions and original posts.

Notebook Sisters

I love Notebook sisters. Every post of theirs manages to make me smile. They use great gifs and their reviews always get me giggling. This is another blog that I like to check a few times a week so that I don't miss any of their great posts.

[YA] Escape From Reality

I really love the discussion posts that [YA] Escape From Reality, they are always great fun and always get me thinking. I love posting my own answer but also reading everyone elses.

Flip That Page

I want to mention Flip That Page because it has so many great book surveys that you can take part in... and I love a good book survey. I always want to take part but then I never manage to get the time. One of these days I will get there.

The Broke and the Bookish

THEY GAVE ME TOP TEN TUESDAY! Do I need to say more? I love TTT, I have found soooo many new books that way.

Honourable Mention

Reading Is Fun Again

Five Favourite Couples

Ron & Hermione

ALWAYS! Hermione and Ron were just meant to be together and I never saw anything else. I feel like Hermione and Harry was never a possibility...ever! They were always just the best of friends and I loved that. But Ron and Hermione were always meant to be more to me and I will ship those two forever. Harry & Ginny on the other hand... what the actual hell?!? Going after your best friends little sister... naughty!

Callum & Sephy

Oh how I love and adore Noughts & Crosses. It's just such an amazing book and is still one of my all time favourite books. It provided me with one of my favourite couples ever, Callum & Sephy who grow up as best friends before falling in love. But this book was so much more than a love story and it literally broke me. That book still makes me sob.

Aria & Perry

I absolutely loved Under the Never Sky and the whole series is amazing. Aria & Perry quickly became one of my favourite couples, I just adore those two.

Samantha & Jace

This book was just too much. I am pretty much, 100% certain that I fell in love with Jace Garrett myself, which is a real shame considering the fact that he is entirely fictional. *sigh* If you haven't read My Life Next Door you really need to go do it... NOW!

Maya & Lochan

I can't help it... I just love them. Did I mention they're brother & sister...

Sorry not sorry.

Five Favourite Heroines

Hermione Granger

Let's be honest, Hermione is amazing. She's smart, she beats the guys at everything, she's funny and I adore her. I love that she was one of the guys and that without her Harry & Ron would most likely be dead, or failing at Hogwarts.

Katniss Everdeen

Katniss is brilliant, I mean, the girl survived the Hunger Games twice. I would blatantly be one of the first to die in that situation and there she is, kicking-ass, taking names and being all cool with a bow and sh*t. I am clearly very, very, very jealous. And to top if all off she gets Peeta, even though she's completely miserable. Go Katniss!

Sephy Hadley

I really do recommend the Noughts & Crosses series, it's one of my favourites. I always loved Sephy as a character because she was flawed and she made mistakes. She fights hard for what she believes in and she goes through a whole lot over the course of that series.


I may just use the same books and people over and over again. I am really picky and always come back to my favourites. I only read Under the Never Sky a little while ago but I really fell in love with the series. The book could do no wrong and the characters were all brilliant. Aria is a great heroine because she goes through such a big change and becomes a much better person because of it. Plus there is one scene where she kicks a characters ass that really deserved it and I loved her for it!

The Sight (The Sight, #1)

Do wolves count? Well I am not sure if they do but I am totally going to pick one anyway because I am such a rebel. But, on a more serious note, I read this first when I was a kid and can still reread The Sight even now. It's told from the perspective of wolves and it is utter genius. Larka is a great heroine even if she is an animal and that girl made me feel so many feels it is unreal. Gah this book makes me want to cry just thinking about it.

Five Favourite First Books In A Series

I am ashamed of myself; I almost completely forgot about Northern Lights. I really want to amend my above answer and have Lyra on the list because she is one of my favourite book heroines! But... I am really lazy and it's getting late.
Harry Potter is my favourite series of all time. I grew up reading those books and I say it all the time but it provided me with the best childhood... EVER! Noughts & Crosses is just epic and breaks my heart every time I read it. Under the Never Sky totally blew me away and became a favourite instantly. And The Hunger Games.... it's an easy choice because it's sooo friggin' epic.

Okay... that's everything!

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 500 Bloglovin' followers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kindle Fire HD March Giveaway

Uninvited by Sophie Jordan: Review

Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne

Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Authors I Have Never Read

Discussion: Why I Can't Read James Patterson's Books

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge: Review

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover: Review

My Weekly Book Haul


  1. Thank you so much for taking part! I love that you put all the topics on one big post, that'll be great for discussing them all. I'm really honoured to have made your list of bloggers, it means a lot because I never expected to be so, well, liked! I never knew about about the Notebook Sisters, but they're blog is so cute, I'm going to have to keep an eye out for them a little more now too.
    For your couples, Ron and Hermione is an always, they were so perfect for one another. I agree, Harry who? ;) and Maya and Lochan, my heart! It hurt to ship but I shipped so hard!
    I'm going to have to try the Noughts and Crosses series and Under the Never Sky because they seem and sound so good and you obviously like them a lot! I like your advise.
    And for your first books, it gives me hope for Northern Lights, because I've heard very mixed things on it and have been avoiding it because of that..
    Once again, thank you :D

    1. I wanted to do them all because I LOVED all the topics but I never found the time to get to them before! I will plan more in advance for the others so I don't miss them ;) Your blog is seriously one of my absolute favourites & I love the Notebook Sisters because they make me laugh so much.

      I am happy to find more people who love Ron & Hermione as much as I do. Plus, YAY, I thought I would seem weird for shipping Maya & Lochan, but I seriously wanted those two to run off and get married. I LOVE NORTHERN LIGHTS <3 Childhood favourite right there. And I definitely recommend Noughts & Crosses and Under the Never Sky ;)

  2. Great list! I agree with you on a lot of these! I really want to read the Noughts & Crosses series and Under the Never Sky. :)

  3. Thank you for the shout out. :)

    I am doing a Harry Potter reread over on They are going to do a few chapters a week and talk about it on their site. It should be fun. :)

  4. Great list! I love Ron and Hermione too! And Katniss really is such an awesome heroine! :D I'm adding some of these books to my TBR list now. Thanks for sharing! :)

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

    1. Thanks for checking out the post! I definitely recommend all of the books I mentioned... obviously ;)

  5. OMG OMG YOU MENTIONED US FAKJDL;DJAS THIS HAS TOTALLY MADE MY DAY. EEEEP. ^.^ Intense happiness!!!!, calming down from randomness. *ahem* SO. YES. I do like this list, and I haven't heard of this meme before! I should check it out. I love TTT, they're such an awesome blog. AND GO KATNISS. She was so awesome and miserable and I'm so happy she got Peeta. That is a fandom I will never stop flailing for.

    1. Your blog... it's sometimes too awesome for me to handle ;) TTT is so much fun to do and I like this one as I only have to think of FIVE, sometimes ten is just five too many! I LOVE PEETA! <3

  6. I also love the couple in Forbidden! That book had me sobbing at the end - I don't think I'll ever be able to reread it, despite how amazing it was :) Love Aria and Perry too!

    1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who rooted for Maya & Lochan; I wanted them to run off and get married. I have reread it a lot and it never gets any easier.

  7. I've not heard of this meme, but it sounds like a lot of fun. good job catching up! That is a lot of favorites. I totally agree with your fave heroines. I love Katniss. I felt a connection to her immediately.

    1. Thanks! It's a really fun meme and I can't wait to take part in more. Katniss is definitely one of my all time favourites, I think you really feel an instant connection to her :)

  8. Thanks for the mention, I really appreciate it!

    Perry and Aria…love them too. I keep hearing great things about Forbidden…I just may have to read it. And Jase Garrett…love him too! ~Pam

    1. Jace <3! I definitely recommend Forbidden, I loved that book far too much.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.