I'm Not Dead, I Swear!

Sums me up right about now.
As I am sure most of you know, blogging can take up a considerable amount of time. It takes away from your reading time, which means you have less reviews to write and that means less to blog about. I have realised that I have kind of stopped doing anything other than read or blog. And now I feel like I kind of need a few days to relax. Plus all this time I'm spending on my laptop is making my head hurt far too much. My problem is so severe that I have yet to watch season 8 of Supernatural, which I OWN, and have always watched THE MINUTE IT COMES OUT!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?

So I plan to just take the next three or four days to read, relax, watch TV or game. I will probably be posting a review but won't be doing any meme's till Friday. If you leave any comments I promise I will get back to you when I come back on Thursday or Friday. For the next three days, other than work, I plan to do this ALL DAY:

And with Frozen coming out tomorrow, probably a lot of singing Disney songs at the top of my lungs and annoying the crap out of the boyfriend. And I might watch Catching Fire another nine or ten times...

Now it's just actually sticking to this and not coming on again tomorrow to blog! I must control myself. So if I seem absent this week I swear I haven't died. I am just curled up in the foetal position on my bed watching TV, playing Dark Souls 2 or reading a book. And if I don't seem absent at all then it's because I couldn't stop myself. Blogging is a serious addiction. 


  1. You know what girl, just have fun and take a break. From the sounds of things, you really want to, so I make it my personal project that if I see you around the blogsphere or on your blog or commenting anywhere, I'm going to tell you off! :P You don't want blogging to take over your life, so trust me, take a few days, free up your time and do what you want, you deserve it :D

    1. Thanks Amanda! I am trying to finish anything I need to do tonight, like replying to comments and visiting people back, and then I plan to relax for a few days. I just feel like I am so far behind on everything that isn't blogging, and even then I am so unscheduled it's a little crazy lol. I will definitely try to stick to this one after today. I'll be back again Friday for the Friday Favourites, I love that meme and I have already been thinking about my picks ;)

  2. Guess what TERRIBLE EVIL will happen if you leave your blog for a few days?

    *drum roll*

    Absolutely nothing. I promise. I left my blog for over a freaking year, came back and week ago and everything is running just as it was, still getting comments and things. If anything it's doing better than it was when I left.

    So breeeeathe. Take some time off! Heck if you take a month think of all the blog posts you'll be able to schedule.

    ★ Under The Mountain - Can You Keep Up With Sequels? ★

    1. Haha! I am absolutely dying to spend some time getting ahead on the blog and scheduling the posts. Was going to take the whole week off but I adore Amanda's Friday Favourites meme and have to take part. But then I might take another little break after that. I want to have some posts scheduled so I can breathe a bit easier ;)

  3. Ah...I know it's an addiction. I kiiiind of probably should consider doing this myself. BUT I'M ADDICTED. Sort of. So have a good break and I totally understand! (Though, like if there's posts here, I'm probably going to be commenting because I love your blog and yes just sayin'.) Also GO WATCH THAT SEASON OF SUPERNATURAL. Seriously, I'm only on season 2 and I can't...I need...wah. I have to watch them online because my library is lending them to other people first (not fair, they should give them straight to me because I ask nicely) and they ALWAYS freeze when I watch them online. Like seriously, don't freeze when I'm watching ma boys fight/discuss around the impala. It's not fair. *ahem* OKAY. SO have a good break!

    1. It is so addictive and four days off felt more like a life time! I am happy to be back :) I didn't get to Supernatural :( And I got the release date for Frozen wrong, it's this Monday coming :'( But I did get some books read, I didn't really accomplish too much but it was relaxing ;)

  4. LOL!!!! This made me laugh :3 Good for you! I agree that every so often you need to 'me' time or down time.

    "Plus all this time I'm spending on my laptop is making my head hurt far too much."

    OH MY WORD!!! AMEN TO THAT! I get so aggravated with my laptop, I wish I could just turn it off and leave it in the shoe cupboard for a long while. Gives me headaches and all sorts. But all the work I need to do requires it. Anywhoo, I await your next review! Have a great lazy day.

    1. Thanks! Laptops can definitely be a giant pain, it felt nice to leave mine alone for a few days as punishment.

  5. Enjoy your blogging break! You're so right--it is an addiction. I've actually found myself reading less since I've started book blogging, which sounds contradictory but it's true! And sad. So kudos to you for trying to pry yourself away from your laptop, if only for a few days. It's a hard thing to do!

    1. A bad addiction. Four days felt like a lifetime, I'm happy to be back tbh! ME TOO!!! I spend far too much time blogging that I have less time to read.

  6. Enjoy your break, it is well deserved! Blogging, and everything that goes along with it can be time consuming so it's nice to chill out and read for pleasure, watch tv, and live life :)

    1. It was fun to relax for a few days - well, kind of! I did miss the blog far too much though :)

  7. Just take some time off and don't worry about a thing! We'll all be patiently waiting! :)

  8. Dude, I feel you on the Supernatural thing. I was SO behind on this latest season. I had a marathon catch up, but even now I'm still like four episodes behind. It's so bad. I MISS DEAN'S FACE

    1. I MISS THEM TOO! I didn't even manage to get to Supernatural :'(

  9. SPN FAN HERE. You better catch up! I'm on Season 9 now, eating 1 crumb a week to survive and see Sam and Dean and Cas. Take your much needed break and relax, and come back with your awesomeness! Enjoy your rest days :D

    1. I didn't even manage to get to Supernatural :'( But I am determined to catch up soon :)

  10. Lol! That's kind of been my life too. I've been reading, and then I've been blogging, and then in my free time I watch Catching Fire, Frozen, and Thor 2. Yep, I'm a very exciting person.

  11. Enjoy your break! Love the gifs, they made me smile. ~Pam


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