Some Changes & A Giveaway

I reached 850 Bloglovin' followers!
Celebratory Supernatural Dance!

Not only did I reach a huge milestone in followers, but I also finally made some changes to the blog layout. I have mean wanting and needing to do it for so long but I really suck at design. This is where one really amazing blogger stepped in to help me! The amazing Amanda over at Book Badger. She recently redesigned her blog and I absolutely loved it. When I mentioned to her that I'd been trying and failing at mine she randomly emailed me a header she had worked on for my blog. See what I mean about being amazing? For the last few days she has designed side bar headings, headers, icons and so much more for me. She also got me designing things myself and working with code. I am really happy with what we have achieved on the blog in just a few days! Amanda is truly amazing, I am so happy to have made such a wonderful friend. Together we actually managed to update my blog, even with Blogger trying to stop us every step of the way!

Take that Blogger! 

So onto the giveaway! I have become addicted to giveaways, it's a real problem. But I get super happy when I email a winner and they get back to me, super excited because they won something! And how can I not celebrate the fact that I have reached over 800 followers, and that's just on BL alone. I am beyond happy and I adore you all, those who come and check out the blog and comment. I always try to visit you back and come comment too. Thank you all!

*High five blogosphere!*

I am sticking with the same prize as last month, which is one winner will get £30 worth of books from Book Depository. Good luck.


  1. I love your new blog layout! The butterfly is a nice touch. :)

  2. Again; your new blog layout is super awesome. I love the pink!

    I'd like to get my hands on Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi! I recently finished Through the Ever Night so I really need it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Thank you! I am glad you liked it. Yes, you definitely need it, that book is AMAZING! :)

  3. I love the hot pink lettering, they really pop.
    I think that I really need the next KateaDanielsof KatetDaniels and Patricia Briggs series
    thumbs up for supernatural gifs :)

  4. Ahhh there's so many books I would love to get my hands on! I would have to say Under the Never Sky or Divergant! Thank you for this giveaway!

  5. Ahhh, this is so exciting! I'm so so pleased and glad I could help you out hun, and I'm so glad you've learnt things along the way and that we've really become friends. I'm so so happy!
    Congratulations on gaining over 800 followers on blogloin' though hun, that's amazing, you'll reach 1000 in no time at all! Always love a giveaway I do, so I'd have to choose the final book in the Skulduggery series, because after Last Stand, my nerves and emotions are fried, or On the Fence because I'm so jealous people have gained ARC's of that beauty and I haven't..

    1. It was such fun being able to come up with different designs with you! I am beyond happy with how everything has turned out on the blog, it looks so good. Heehee, I think I would die if I actually managed to reach 1,000.

  6. Your new blog layout is really wonderful! :)
    Congrats on 850 Bloglovin followers :)
    Can't wait to read Devil's Game by Joanna Wylde,The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter,several books by Cynthia Eden,etc :D
    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much!!! Good luck for the giveaway and thanks for taking part :)

  7. Thanks for the giveaway! The new layout looks lovely.

    I have no clue what book/books I want most (it's such a long list, oh my gosh), but I'm currently leaning towards Diamonds & Deceit by Leila Rasheed and Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen.

    1. Thank you!!! :) Great choices, good luck for the giveaway :)

  8. I'm loving the changes to the blog design! Amanda is definitely one amazing lady!

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I am really looking forward to Isla and the Happily Ever After!

    1. Also, I can't believe I forgot...CONGRATULATIONS on reaching such a big milestone follower-wise on your blog. :)

    2. She really is, she worked some proper magic on the blog! Thank you so much and good luck for the giveaway :)

  9. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    I’m most looking forward to Dorothy Must Die or Isla and the Happily Ever After!
    Congratulations on the followers milestone and thanks so much for hosting a great giveaway!

    1. Me too, they both sound amazing. Thanks so much for taking part, good luck! :)

  10. YOU ARE ON FIRE. OH GOSH. Seriously. And I'm mostly just here for the occasional Supernatural fangirling...*ahem* Aaaaand the books. (But Supernatural...ahahhafldks) I love your blog! BUT ANYWAY. I'd love to read Dorothy Must Die.

    1. Me too, that book looks AAAAmazing! Thank you, good luck for the giveaway :)

  11. This is an awesome giveaway :D But I think I might have overused my luck recently.... Anyways, I want to get Stolen Songbird, Love Letters to the Dead, Dorothy Must Die, and more! Fingers Crossed :)

    1. Haha, I never have any luck with giveaways. Good luck for the giveaway and thanks for taking part :)

  12. Love your new layout!!! There are too many books that I really want to read! On top are the lux series, Aristotle and Dante, Love letters to the dead etc etc...

    1. Thanks so much! The Lux series is great, dying to read Love Letters myself. Good luck :)

  13. Oh, that is a hard question. I really wanted to read What I Thought Was True, but I saw your review and now I'm not sure about it anymore. But I'm really looking forward to Tarryn Fisher's new book!

    1. At least now your expectations will be lower, so you may end up absolutely loving it. Good luck! :)

  14. yay for new header!!! ♥ congrats on your achievement!

  15. Uh so many! I'd probably go with the third book in Throne of Glass series and Ruin and Rising as well :) Thanks for the giveaway :)

  16. Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh. I already got an ARC and can't wait to read it :)

  17. Something by Rainbow Rowell - I've heard soo many good things.


  18. Tidal by Amanda Hocking, The Winner's Curse and The 57 lives of Alex Wayfare are the first books in my to-buy list, I can't wait to read them.
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway, this is so nice of you! :)

  19. Love the supernatural GIFs by the way, they're hilarious! haha

  20. great new layout, i love the colours. id have to say top of my list would be a supernatural book - i love sam and dean so much have all the dvds and cant get enough of the books! :)

    1. Thanks so much! You've got to love Sam & Dean, they're incredible :)

  21. Hmm.... I would have to say City of Heavenly Fire which comes out in a few months and then The Winner's Curse and Death Sworn. Love the Supernatural gifs!!! I'm actually watching it right now :)

  22. City of Heavenly Fire! And Every Day, but David Levithan :)

  23. there are so many books i would love to get my hands on; i don't think i could choose just one right now. it's crime fiction and autobiography i like so maybe something by Karin Slauhhhghter,Val McDermidd or Patricia Cornwell.

  24. This new blog layout is awesome, congrats! So many books I'd love atm, especially a Rainbow Rowell book, which I've heard, are amazing. :)

  25. Thank you for the giveaway, and I do like you blog look and layout. It just nice and clean, and uncluttered, yet has everything I'm looking for!

  26. Congrats!
    And your blog looks beautiful! :)

  27. Wow, congrats on all the followers! In just one year as well. How on earth did you do it =D
    The blog looks amazing! Congrats to you and kudos to Amanda. I'd love to learn how to do that through a tutorial or something, I like messing about with the blog design. Only I never change it a usually its too painstaking to get it just right! Hahahahahehehe.

    I heard about this book called One by Leigh Ann Kopans, and it looks like such an interesting read. I think I'd get that if I won. I totally forgot to check if your giveaway was international before I entered =/ Sorry! I hope it is! =]

    I love those Supernatural gifs. So much. (*w*)

    1. I HAVE NO IDEA!!! Do you have a blog? I have never been able to hunt yours down lol. I know, that's the whole reason I never tried but she helped me so much that it made it all so easy.

      It is international, as long of Book Depository ships to you (but they ship almost anywhere lol!)

  28. Congratulations :) I'm really looking forward to get my hands on Eleanor & Park especially after the movie news yesterday :)

  29. OMG your layout is so gorgeous! I absolutely love it! I'm most excited to get my hands on Cress

  30. I'm thinking I need to read Divergent or Eleanor & Park before I see the movie! Love a good dystopia in the case of Divergent :) Great blog and thanks for the giveaway!!
    mbrigham7 at yahoo dot com

    1. I really enjoyed Divergent! I have yet to read Eleanore & Park but definitely plan to do it. Good luck :)

  31. I'm looking forward to read Clockwork Angel and Eleanor & Park! Thanks you so much for the giveaway :D

  32. The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa. Thank you! <3

  33. Your new layout is splendid. And congratulations on your success!

  34. I can't wait to get my hands on Tara Browns Midnight coven Blackwater witches

    1. Will have to look that one up, it's new to me. Good luck :)

  35. Love the color combo! I can't wait to get my hands on Kate Forsyth's books!

  36. I love the new design- it's awesome!!
    I'm dying to get my hands on The Winner's Curse!

    1. Thanks so much, dying to get my hands on that one too :)

  37. congratulations for your followers :) oh it's difficult to choice haha but now i think that i'm dying for me before you of jojo moyes <3

    1. I've heard good things about that one, thanks for taking part :)

  38. One of my most highly anticipated books of the moment right now is Karina Halle's Love, in English. It comes out next week and that's not nearly soon enough for me. :)

    The new layout looks great! Congrats on 850 followers. :)

    1. Thanks so much, glad you like it! Thanks for taking part and good luck :)

  39. Words of Radiance or maybe The Perilous Sea!!

  40. I'm really looking forward to What I thought Was True <3

    1. I was too, but I ended up not enjoying it all that much. I hope you end up loving it though :)

  41. Congrats! and thanks for the giveaway.

    I think I would complete some of my unfinished series, like the Shatter Me series and the Mistborn series.

  42. Great giveaway!
    Congratulations for your followers!
    I just found your blog and I think that is amazing!

    Kisses from Greece,

    1. Thanks so much!!! Good luck for the giveaway and thanks for taking part :)

  43. LOVE the supernatural dances! So funny! Thanks for the chance x

  44. Congrats! and thanks for the giveaway.
    I’m most looking forward to some romantic book :)

  45. Hi! I am a new follower. It's very funny the Supernatural pictures that you post. Thank you for make this giveaway, love buying books but there is one that I can not find in spanish language named "1491" wrotten by Charles C. Mann. I am in love with this kind of books that relate particularities facts about human history.

  46. There are far too many books that I need to read! Rally looking forward to reading Salvage and Burial Rights :).
    Congrats on the milestone bubs! xx

  47. Several, but in particular, The Dead Wife's Handbook, The Apple Tree Yard & Sycamore Row :)

  48. Congrats on the followers!
    I'd probably go for last Laini Taylor novel, I have 2 so I cannot wait to binge read. :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Thank you!!! :) I am planning to binge read that series too. :)

  49. That was so nice of Amanda! I love how cheery and bright your design is. I'm dying for Dorothy Must Die! Thanks for the giveaway! Congratualtions on your achievement! :D

  50. City of Heavenly Fire and A Feast for Crows. :D


  51. I would love to get my hands on Killer Frost or Sweet Reckoning. Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

  52. the third book in the lunar chronicles

  53. Shield of winter by Nalini Singh!

  54. Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor, The Winner's Curse by Marie Rukoski and Red Rising by Pierce Brown are on the top of my list. Thanks for a giveaway! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.