Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Books In The Dystopian Genre


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

My Favourite Books In The Dystopian Genre

Confession: I love dystopian but am so far behind on all the new dystopians that everyone seems to love. So I wanted to include my ten favourites and then the ten I am dying to read.

I am really behind on dystopian series right now, which is a shame because I love the genre. My favourite will always be The Hunger Games because it's what introduced me to the genre. I only recently read Under the Never Sky but it blew me away and I definitely recommend it. Divergent is a hard one for me because I do love that book but the sequel wasn't all that and the third book is one of the worst things I have ever read. So I'd recommend Divergent but not the series. The Declaration is one I read ages ago now but remember really enjoying it and own all three books - I'm hoping to reread it soon and see what I think now I am older. Legend is a great series and I wasn't disappointed by any of the books. Some people disliked Matched but I really loved that book, I thought it was beautiful. The Program really surprised me and even though I didn't enjoy the sequel very much I still recommend the series. Blood Red Road took me so long to get into but I loved it. I didn't enjoy how book two turned out so I stopped following the series after that. The Knife of Never Letting Go is truly amazing and the Chaos Walking trilogy is one I recommend a lot!

Need To Read

See what I mean about being so behind on dystopian at the minute? The worst thing is that I own all of these and so I have no excuse not to have read them yet. Cinder is one I hear nothing but good things about. Shatter Me looks good but I hear it's not the best book in the series. Not A Drop To Drink really intrigues me and the cover is gorgeous! Ashfall looks good but the cover reminds me of Roman times for some reason. Enclave looks good and I hear great things about that series. Article 5 I should really hurry up and read as I have an eARC of the third and final book. Angelfall is one I have been meaning to read for the longest time and I should really hurry up and do that. I don't even know how I haven't gotten to the Delirium series yet, I really need to hurry up and start that one. I love the look of The Darkest Minds and I am really excited to get to it.

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 500 Bloglovin' followers!

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Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge: Review

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover: Review

Five Friday Favourites: Playing Catch Up

Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg: Review

Thanks for checking out my post!
Feel free to link up to your TTT post because I love checking them all out.


  1. Angelfall is really amazing! Don't let the cover bother you! It's very action packed with great characters! Also, I really liked how you styled your post today! :D

    1. Thanks! :) I am really excited to get to all the ones I haven't read but I keep hearing great things about Angelfall.

  2. Great list - guess I'm a bit behind on this genre too. The only ones I've read are Hunger Games, Cinder, and Matched - although I do have Divergent waiting on my shelf. Happy reading!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Thanks! Well at least I am not the only one behind then ;)

  3. Fantastic list! I'm even more far behind than you are! I've only read The Hunger Games and The Chaos Walking trilogy completely! I'm in the middle of reading the Legend, Cinder, Shatter Me and Angelfall series. :) Under the Never Sky, Divergent, Matched, The Program, Not a Drop to Drink, Enclave, Delirium and The Darkest Minds are all on my TBR!

    1. Well I am kind of happy to know that I am not the only person behind on their dystopian. I'm excited to get to a lot of these, especially the Lunar Chronicles because of all the great things I hear.

  4. OOh nice love Divergent and keep debating over Rossi's books! Angelfall was awesome as well! Just started Shatter Me series and liked it okay, going to go further into it though!

    Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Jeeeej!! Someone who have a few books in here top ten that I even read! LOL.
    Not that I picked this genre. But I really enjoyd reading Divergent and the Hunger Games.


    My top 10

    1. Heehee, I kept finding lists where I had read 0 books and it sucked.

  6. This is fantastic! I've been seeing loads of people listing their contemporaries this week and I've been trying to decide what books to start consider getting from the libraries locally in the dystopian genre and I have to say, I've read Blood Red Road and The Knife of Never Letting Go and found them quite middle ground, but I am intending on trying The Hunger Games soon!. I also want to try The Lunar Chronicles, Legend and Shatter Me series, so it's good that you've either enjoyed these or want to try them too.
    Great list girly and different from the others today :)

    1. Thanks! I definitely recommend a lot of these, Blood Red Road made it because my brain turned to mush and couldn't think of many others. But I definitely recommend The Hunger Games and Rossi's series too.

  7. Great list! I'm not participating in TTT this week but I love some of your suggestions, so many great books to read :)

  8. Snap! We have two matches although Dustlands is Blood Red Road here I think? However I forgot to add The Hunger Games and I feel like a failure. I've only read Delirium of your not read list, I started Cinder but it just didn't appeal to me and I found too many plot holes in Enclave.

    New Follower, hi!
    Under The Mountain's Top Ten Dystopias

    1. Hi! Yes it's Blood Red Road here. I'm hoping to get to most of the ones on my TBR list soon. Thanks for checking out my post :)

  9. Angelfall and Cinder are absolutely INCREDIBLE. Like, book hangover-inducing INCREDIBLE. Great list!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  10. I really enjoyed Matched and Under The Never Sky and I can't wait to read The Delirium series! I hope you get round to reading the titles on your need to read list soon :) Great list!

  11. You make me feel so behind on this genre! I've only read 4 of these! 4! But I definitely recommend you read both Cinder and Angelfall asap!

    1. Thanks! I love the dystopian genre so I read it a lot, but I do feel really behind on newer ones.

  12. I loved Under the Never Sky, and I also read The Declaration a few years ago. I really need to reread that at some point. And I'd definitely recommend Cinder and Angelfall - they're both amazing!

    1. Me too, I feel like I have forgotten The Declaration. I am looking forward to Cinder & Angelfall, I hear so many great things about both.

  13. Gah, out of all the books on your list I've only read The Hunger Games! But you HAVE to read Not a Drop to Drink as soon as possible!
    My TTT

  14. You know, I love Dystopian. But I go through phases. Like I've read maybe two Dystopian books this year. Yet I have soooo many sitting on my TBR shelves looking at me. Lol!
    Anyhow, I've read a lot of the "older" ones too.
    Great list! Happy reading!

    1. Thanks. I will definitely get to them all eventually, I just need to be in the mood for them.

  15. Awesome choices! I also chose Dystopian for my genre. The Knife of Never Letting Go is a fantastic book! I can't wait to continue the trilogy. Quite a few of your to be read books made my list too so I hope you can get to them soon!

    1. Me too, I have them all but I just need to find the time to read them all.

  16. Great list, I love dystopians too! I've had Dust Lands on my to-read list for so long, I need to get around to reading it. Under the Never Sky is one of my favorites too. Also, I can't recommend Cinder enough - you've probably heard plenty of good things about it but the series really is one of my all time favorites because it's so well done.

    1. I have heard nothing but good things about Cinder, so I am really looking forward to that one :)

  17. Great list-I think I've read most of them, or have them on my tbr list. Enclave is really good-definitely read that one! As for Angelfall-it's one of my ALL Time favorite books-seriously, it's amazing! I actually just did a review of it and its sequel, World After, on my blog if you want to read a review of it :)

    Just found your blog and now following
    Finley Jayne

    1. Thanks for the follow, am following back :) I hear so many great things about Angelfall, looking forward to that one now :)

  18. Awesome list! I've only read The Hunger Games, Under the Never Sky, Divergent and Matched. The Hunger Games and Under the Never Sky were my favorites. <3

    I read Cinder and Shatter Me and you have to definitely get on those two, especially Cinder! Also, I started Not a Drop to Drink once but couldn't get through it. Maybe I will return to it sometime. :)

    My Top Ten!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. They're my favourites too :) I keep hearing amazing things about Cinder, very excited to finally get to that series.

  19. This is really interesting! As I haven't read a staggering amount of YA, that seems like a pretty comprehensive list to me. Good luck with your upcoming reads! Let us know if you find exceptionally good ones...

    1. Thanks, I will definitely be posting reviews for them all when I finally get to them :)

  20. Yay for Veronica Rossi's books! And I liked Ally Condie's series, too! I hope you like Not a Drop to Drink, and the Lunar Chronicles - I like them both! :)

  21. Great list. Divergent, The Hunger Games and The Program would've made my list as well. And I absolutely love Delirium and Article 5, they are some of my all time favorite books. :) I don't know if you read Unwind by Neal Shusterman or not, but if you haven't then that's a dystopia I more than recommend. :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. I have the Neal Shusterman books on my shelf waiting to be read, I will definitely make a point of getting to them sooner rather than later then :)

  22. Definitely read Shatter Me when you get the chance. It's my favorite dystopia, and I hope you'll like it too

    1. Thanks! I am waiting till I own all the books and then I will get to it :)

  23. Wait!? You mean I'm not the only girl on the planet who still needs to read Cinder!? ;) This is awesome news - I've had so many blogger friends rave about that and its sequels, now I just NEED to read it. :)

    Oh, I'm curious about Matched also so it's nice to see you recommend it.

    1. YAY!!!! I always love finding others who haven't read that yet, we are rare! I really enjoyed Matched, I thought it was a really beautiful book.

  24. Ooh excellent list!!! There are even some that I haven't read that I need to add to my tbr.

  25. Is CINDER really considered dystopian? I didn't realize that! SHATTER ME is sitting on my TBR shelf right now, as is THE PROGRAM, and THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO is on the list.

    1. I haven't read it so I wouldn't know, but I think so =S haha! I'll Goodreads it! I hope you enjoy them all when you get to them :)

  26. I haven't started reading The Hunger Games yet and I know that I need to. Not a Drop to Drink is another on my TBR pile… I recommend Cinder because I liked it .. wasn't able to get to the sequel though… I also started reading Under the Never Sky but didn't quite finish it

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    1. Thanks for checking out mine too! I definitely recommend The Hunger Games! :)

  27. Thanks for the post! I agree with you on The Hunger Games, it's my all time favourite YA dystopian novel, probably because it kind of introduced me to the genre and hooked me a lot, and also with Divergent, I liked it but I didn't love it, and I think one of the reasons is that it's not narrated in the first person and I ended up finding Tris and Four really annoying with all their secrets and lies, UGH I wanted to slap both of them! haha Thanks for the post, definitely added some of those to my to-read list, and reminded me of some books/series that I've been wanting to read for a long time :)

    1. The Hunger Games is just the best and it definitely introduced me to the genre too! I enjoyed Divergent but I hated the second and third book... Tris really got on my nerves and Four did too, especially in the last book.

  28. Great post! I loved Cinder - hope you enjoy it! Just finished Breathe by Sarah Crossan which was brilliant. :-) Thanks for visiting my blog.

  29. My 'need to read' pile looks pretty much exactly the same (expect I have read Angelfall which I did not like at all, and Delirium, which I remember being pretty good).
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog :)

    1. Well I am happy I am not the only one behind on the dystopians then ;)

  30. Nice picks. I loved many of those titles. I saw Cinder on your TBR list - you really must! It's a great series!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Jessica@The Bathtub Reader

    1. Thanks, I hear nothing but amazing things so I do hope to get to it soon :)

  31. Okay wow, awesome lists. I loved The Hunger Games. I have not seen that cover? I want to read Under the Never Sky and AngelFall really bad. I read Matched, and the second book in that series, but did read on to finish it out. I sorta lost interest by book 2. I LOVED The Knife of Never Letting Go. I just found the second book (The Ask and the Answer) on a discount rack at a furniture store(of all places) for like $2.00 and picked it up. I want to read Dust Land. I read Divergent and cant wait for the movie...and lastly, I read Enclave a while back and have the sequel sitting right next to me (Outpost) to read, but have not gotten to it yet. So yeah, I love love love your lists. Thanks for stopping by. and oh, yeah, I would like to read your Easy review once its posted.

    1. It's the first UK cover that I ever saw for The Hunger Games. Crossed wasn't as good as Matched, I definitely agree but I am glad I stuck it out - I enjoyed the series as a whole but one was my favourite. Thanks so much for checking mine out too :)

  32. I am really sad about Divergent. I was really into it when I first read it but then I never got around to reading Insurgent and now with all the backlash against Allegiant I've pretty much lost interest in finishing the series. :( Now, Chaos Walking -- that is an amazing series! Todd and Viola are definitely in my top ten fictional pairings.

    Ashfall, Angelfall, and Shatter Me are all on my TBR list, too. :)

    1. I hope we can both get to them soon! :) I really loved Chaos Walking trilogy, making the list really made me want to go back and reread it. I wouldn't actually recommend finishing the Divergent series, book 1 was by far the best... by MILES! :)

  33. Yes of course! The Program! That was what it was called! God. Do you know how long I have had that book on my mind, only remembering the cover not the title? How frustrating! Thank you!

    Delirium I cannot recomment, Enclave however.. Oh my God, read it! Please do yourself the favor and read it!
    I too am looking forward to article 5. It just sound so amaze-balls!

    1. Haha I hope you can get to The Program soon, I really loved that book! I will definitely need to hurry up and get to Enclave then :)

  34. Oh and the Chaos Walking series? You got great taste my friend!

  35. I totally agree with the first 6 on your list! I read The Declaration quite a while ago too, but I do remember it being amazing.
    Cinder, Shatter Me, Angelfall & Delirium are 4 of my favourite dystopian novels - especially Delirium & Angelfall because they both blew me away! I definitely recommend those 4 :)
    Great list :D

  36. Ahhh! You didn't like Allegiant? I love it! I was so glad that Veronica Roth had the gall to kill of characters. In a war-filled world it makes since that there would be a lot of death.

    1. The deaths in Allegiant didn't bother me at all, it was the lack of anything happening. The book was just really boring. The ending was the only exciting bit.


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