Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Authors I Have Never Read


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Popular Authors I Have Never Read

I love to read and always have but I have to confess that I haven't read very many classics. The one I am most upset and embarrassed by is the fact I have never read any Jane Austen, which shocks even me. I have been determined to read Pride & Prejudice for so long but it's just sat on my bookshelves for years unread.

I had to mention Leigh Bardugo because I have been wanting to read her Grisha series for so long now. I keep seeing glowing reviews and it just sounds like the type of series that I can fall in love with.

The Shatter Me series is one that I got at Christmas and still haven't gotten too. I can't even count the number of times this series has been recommended to me. I feel like I really need to hurry up and read Tahereh Mafi so I can hopefully gush about her books with you all.

I feel like the only person who hasn't read Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles series and it is definitely something I want to do this year. I haven't actually seen one bad review for that series yet and so I can't wait to start it. I am a little nervous though, just in case it doesn't live up to the hype.

With the Vampire Academy movie coming out I feel it's time I read some Richelle Mead. I think I am mainly put off by how long the series is and that there is a spin-off series too.

The Percy Jackson series is one that I see everywhere and I see hundreds of kids devouring them all at work. I always assumed that they were for the really young and that they might not be suitable for me. But I have seen them on a lot of blogs written by people in their early 20s like me. Rick Riordan's series is another one that I am put off starting because of how many are out.

Rainbow Rowell is the author I am most eager to start reading. I see her books absolutely everywhere. Anyone I talk to who has read her books seems to have nothing but praise for her books. I really need to read Fangirl, I will probably get to that one first.

I saw the cover for Daughter of Smoke and Bone when it first came out and was instantly drawn to it. I picked it up and read the back and thought it was something that I would love to read... but I still haven't got to it. Shame on me, must get to Laini Taylor soon.

I find it really surprising that I haven't read any J. R. R. Tolkien before, especially since I absolutely loved the Lord of the Rings films and rarely watch a movie without reading the book first. I think I am scared that I won't love the books as much as I love the movies.

Pivot Point looks amazing and Distance Between Us looks really good too. This is another author where I have heard only good things about her books. I own Pivot Point, have an ARC of On The Fence and borrowed Distance Between Us - so I am definitely ready for a Kasie West reading binge.

Into The Still Blue by Veronica Rossi: 5/5 Star Review
Vitro by Jessica Khoury: 2/5 Star Review
Uninvited by Sophie Jordan: 5/5 Star Review
Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne: 3/5 Star Review

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Thanks for checking out my post!
Who should I be the most ashamed about never having read?
Feel free to link up to your TTT post because I love checking them all out and it makes it easier.


  1. Wow, you seem to have some great authors in there!!! Personally, I'd rec Rainbow Rowell hands down ;). Her books are amazing!
    Ninja Girl

    1. I think I have literally heard nothing but good things about her so I definitely need to make an effort to get to her books soon :)

  2. You need to read The Lunar Chronicles! To be honest I haven't read many of your authors either!
    My TTT

  3. I also haven't read Tahereh Mafi yet... But, definitely recommend Richelle Mead and Rick Riordan if you like middleschool books.

    1. I am worried PJ books might be too young for me but I really want to give them a try. Mafi's books do look good :)

  4. Fantastic list! I've read Kasie West (finished and started The Distance Between Us yesterday), Rainbow Rowell, Rick Riordan, Richelle Mead (recently for the first time), Tahereh Mafi (recently also) and Jane Austen.

    1. Well you are way ahead of me then ;) I really need to hurry up and get to some of these authors soon.

  5. I had many of the same authors on my list! It's good to know I am not the only one who hasn't read some popular Authors! I hope you get round to reading some of them soon :) Great list!

  6. Oh I love Richelle Mead! And Tahereh Mafi is one I just picked up a few weeks back. Haven't read the rest though.

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I've read from all of these authors except for JRR Tolkien and Jane Austen. Richelle Mead and Rick Riordan are two of my favorite authors! Marissa Meyer and Kasie West are also amazing. I have a love/hate relationship with Rainbow Rowell's books, lol. I DNFed one of Laini Taylor's books but will give it another shot next time. Tahereh Mafi... I don't like her taste in boys, lol! Leigh does a great job with world building but not so much with characters (at least for me). Lovely post!

    Aimee @ Read by the Undead

    1. Thanks! I really do want to try Riordan's books as I keep hearing so many great things. I will definitely be giving all of these authors a try at some point :)

  8. You have some great authors to look forward to. Tahereh Mafi, Richelle Mead, Rick Riordan, Rainbow Rowell and Kasie West are all some of my favorite authors. I hope you get to enjoy some of their books. :)
    Here's my TTT

    1. I hope I will get to enjoy them all soon, especially since I own books by most of them =/

  9. I totally know what you mean about a huge series and the fandom running away from you. I hope you do get to discover Richelle Mead, Rick Riordan and Rainbow Rowell though because their books have completely blew me away. I haven't read anything by JRR Tolkien either!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. I hope get to them soon too! I am happy to not be the only one who hasn't read any Tolkien yet!

  10. That's quite a popular list. I myself have only books by Kasie West and Jane Austen, but I do intend to read books by Lani Taylor, Rainbow Rowell, Marissa Meyer soon, if I can get my hands on copies of the books. Fantastic list lovely! :D
    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Thanks! I own books by almost all of these, so I have no excuse not to read them. Hopefully I'll get to them all soon =D

  11. I really recommend Rainbow Rowell and Marissa Meyer. I ADORE Kasie West, so read her too! Great list :-)

  12. Thanks for stopping by last week, I apologize that it's taken me so long to respond! You are the 2nd person to admit to not reading Austen, lol, 3rd if I count myself! @Get Lost in Lit

  13. I recommend reading Cinder! I didn't think I would like it, but it was actually a great read!

    I was embarrassed to admit I hadn't read Jane Austen either. I want to... I just never do. I think I avoid classics as well... I hated being 'forced' to read them in school.

    Please check out my TTT

  14. There are so many authors on your list that I recommend: Jane Austen, Kasie West, Marissa Meyer, and Rick Riordan, and then others whose books I liked (Rainbow Rowell and Tahereh Mafi). I hope you get to many of these authors soon!

    Here's my TTT:

  15. Great list! Glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read Jane Austen. Love your list! A lot of the authors on your list made mine :) I have just recently read Leigh Bardugo's, Shadow and Bone and Laini Taylor's, Daughter of Smoke & Bone. I'd definitely recommend Laini Taylor's book. It was pretty great!!
    Check out my TTT @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
    Thanks for sharing xoxo ♥

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to Daughter of S&B it looks good :)

  16. YAY! I'm not alone :) I am really looking forward to the Distance Between Us, it looks really good and it's sitting on my bookshelf just waiting to be read :)

  17. About half of yours are on my list as well! You must read Vampire Academy! It is so amazing! One of my favorite series ever!! Great List!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree
    My TTT

  18. Don't worry I've yet to read Austen either. But unlike you I just don't really care. I'm not a classics person. And I have tried to read P&P a few times. Can't get into it.
    But every one else on your list. You must get to! :)
    Hard for me to recommend one over the other because I love them all. But probably Bardugo and Riordan. Both their series are ending this year too, so you can netflix it up.
    Happy reading!

    1. YAY! I'm not really a classic person either... I just feel like I should have read it by now.

  19. I thought I was the only person in the blogosphere that hadn't read Tahereh Mafi! Glad to know I'm not alone!

    Here's My TTT

    1. Nope, me too! Happy to find so many others who haven't either, makes me feel less bad ;)

  20. Blasphemy! You must read all of these at once! But most importantly Rick Riordan, Rainbow Rowell and Marissa Meyer!

    1. I know! I promise to get at least half of them ticked off by the end of the year! :)

  21. Jane Austen's style is a little hard for me, but I love her stories so much I think it's worth it. I read Pride and Prejudice a few years ago, and then in 2012 decided I would read one of her novels a year until I finished them, so that year I read Northanger Abbey, last year I read Persuasion, and then this year I think I'll read Emma. It makes it easier to space them out!

    I really try to not be a part of the hype problem, but I seriously do love me some Marissa Meyer! I've also enjoyed the one Kasie West book I've read so far and definitely want to read more.

    I'm intimidated by Lord of the Rings as well (but I have read The Hobbit) and Percy Jackson, so you're not alone there!

    1. I think I will get to her eventually but I am just not a classics person. I just find them really hard to get through.

      Well I am glad I am not the only one intimidated by Lord of the Rings, the books are so long and my expectations after the movies are really high.

  22. I haven't read Jane Austen, Marissa Meyer, Kasie West, or Laini Taylor either. I'm not sure I'll ever read a Jane Austen book, but the others are all on my TBR.

    1. I don't know if I'll get to Austen, but I feel like I should.

  23. Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series.. I want her next book, Shield of Winter, and I'd recommend every single book in the series especially my favorite, Hostage to Pleasure :)

    Camille @ Girl meets Books

  24. If you want to read Tolkien, I would recommend The Hobbit. It is much shorter than the LotR, and it is more of a straight up adventure.

    1. I think I will get to that first actually, it scares me less and I didn't love the movie anywhere near as much as LotR.

  25. I hope you finally do read P&P! There are also really good audio versions if you find you don't have time to actually read it, listening to it is a great experience :)

    1. I might listen too it... I've never listened to an audio book before but maybe I should try.

  26. *clutches heart* No Kasie West? No Bardugo? No Rowell? MY HEART. *shoves books at you*

    1. The worst thing is that I HAVE THEM ALL!!! So I really have no excuse not to have got to them yet =/

  27. Jane Austen and Rainbow Rowell are on my list too. I actually just read Tahereh Mafi for the first time last month. We should both vow to read "Pride and Prejudice" this year! :)

    1. We should! I even own it so I really have no excuse not to have read it yet!

  28. So many great authors you just have to read, some of my favorites. Jane Austen...I usually read Pride and Prejudice once a year. And Richelle Mead, Kasie West, Marissa Meyer, Tehereh Mafi...ahhhh! Sometimes I wish I hadn't read their books already so I could read them for the first time...hopefully that makes sense. ~Pam

    1. It makes perfect sense! I am very excited to get to them all! :)

  29. the coldest girl in it so much ^^

  30. I only recently read Shadow and Bone and it's seriously as amazing as everyone had said! I was terrified to read it but for no good reason apaprently! Cinder and Vampire Academy are also fantastic! And Rainbow Rowell! I tried hard to avoid her books, and I'm not really sure why but I finally attempted Fangirl and absolutely adored it :D AND KASIE WEST! She is one of my all time favorite authors now. AMAZING BOOKS!

    1. Happy to hear such amazing things about these as I am really looking forward to reading them! :)


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