Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR List


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

My Spring TBR List

I've decided to pick only 2014 releases for the list.

Dorothy Must Die makes the list because I love the whole idea of this book. It will show Dorothy as a baddie and I can't wait for that. Ever since reading Wicked, I am more than happy to read anything that portrays Dorothy as evil because I clearly haven't forgiven her for what she did to Elphaba.
The Murder Complex is one that I have as an eARC and will definitely be reading it this spring. I was happy to have auto-approval for this because the cover alone sold this book to me. I've seen some great reviews for it so I am hopeful that I will love it just as much. It's about teenage assassins, how can I not love it?
After the End is another one that I have and know that I will definitely be reading. I have read other books by the author and wasn't the biggest fan but I like the sound of this. It seems a lot like the movie The Village, where they don't realise what is outside of their home.
Open Road Summer is one that I want because I fell in love with the cover and it looks like a sweet read. It's the story of a girl who goes on tour with her best friend, who just happens to be a country superstar. Of course along the way she might just fall in love with the opening act of the tour. This looks like a sweet contemporary and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Love Letters to the Dead is a book that I can't wait to get my hands on. Ever since reading the blurb I have been eagerly awaiting this book. It's about Laurel, a girl who begins to write letters to people who are already dead. Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Heath Ledger, the list goes on and on. She can tell them all the things she can't express to anyone else. I can't wait for this, I feel it's going to make me cry.
 To All The Boys I've Loved Before is one that I want because it is written by Jenny Han and I love her. She gave me the wonderful Summer series and I can't wait to read this next book. It tells the story of Lara Jean who never admitted her crushes out loud and instead wrote each boy a letter - that she never sent. But one day she discovers that her letters have been sent out to each of them and now she has to deal with them. I can't wait for this, it sounds so good and I have high expectations, this better not let me down!
The Truth About Alice looks really intriguing and I haven't seen any reviews yet and I like it that way. I am not sure what to expect from it but I am excited none the less. It's told from the perspective of different characters who all have a reason to spread rumours about Alice. It sounds good and not like anything I have read for a while.
What I Thought Was True is written by Huntley Fitzpatrick who wrote My Life Next Door, which became an instant favourite when I read it last year. I will happily pick up anything she writes from now until the end of time. This is another contemporary romance and I have every confidence that it will be as amazing as My Life Next Door.
We Were Liars was one that I might have screamed a little in delight when I found out I had been accepted for this one. I have seen some really great reviews and can't wait to read this one myself.
The Winner's CurseThat cover! It's absolutely stunning and I have to order this one so it can sit on my bookshelf looking all gorgeous. I also love the sound of the story and the five star reviews I keep seeing are definitely making me want to get my hands on this as soon as possible!

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 500 Bloglovin' followers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Where You'll Find Me by Erin Fletcher: Review

Easy by Tammara Webber: Review

My Weekly Book Haul

Five Friday Favourites: Overall Series

Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy: Review

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: Review & discussion

Thanks for checking out my post!
Feel free to link up to your TTT post.


  1. I want to read a lot of these books. There seems to be loads of great books that are coming out this year. I hope you enjoy them!

  2. I, too, want to read most of these books! Exspecially Murder Complex, Dorhty Must Die and Love Letters To The Dead, great list! =)

  3. I also want to read almost all of them! The murder complex sounds really good! I've heard so many things about it!
    My TTT

  4. Ohhhh, SO much awesome in this list. I'd love to read ALL of these. Though I'm totally rooting for The Winner's Curse and Dorothy Must Die. I LOVE rewrites, I mean, it's not really a "fairy tale" rewrite, as such...but it still counts as a rewrite, right?

    1. I think it totally counts ;) I can't wait for those two, they are the ones I am the most eager for.

  5. I love Huntley Fitzpatrick books so bad. My Life Next Door was the perfect little romance with a surprising amount of depth. I'm so psyched to read this next one from her!

  6. Seeing a lot of The Winner's Curse and Dorthy Must Die! Cannot wait for Dorothy myself! Hope you enjoy all these!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Oooh, great list! I'm looking forward to picking up a lot of these ones too, particularly After the End and What I Thought Was True!

    1. I'm really excited for those too, they look really great! :)

  8. Great list, I wasn't sure about Love Letters To The Dead before but I read a great review of it and I kinda want it now... Old follower :D

    ★ Under The Mountain's TTT ★

  9. We have a few in common! I hope we both get these books read! :)

    Check out our WOW.

    Also check out our Kindle Giveaway along with OUAT 4 year Giveaway and Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover giveaway.

    Leydy @OUaT & RCE

  10. That's what I did too; picked new releases. But there's soooo many of them. How do you only pcik 10? :)
    Great list! I will be reading most of these this spring as well. Especially Dorothy Must Die. My most anticipated debut of 2014. Did you read the prequel novella? So fantastic!
    Great list! Happy TTT!

    1. I haven't yet! I kind of wanted to read it JUST before the book because I know it will make me want it even more if I do!

  11. *gasp* so many great looking books, i also really want to read: Dorothy Must Die, The Murder Complex, After the End, The Truth About Alice and The Winner's Curse. I haven't really heard as much about the other 5 however from the quality of the other books on the list i'm sure that they will be pretty good too :)

    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions

  12. All your books are on my tbr! I want to read them on. I just got Open Road Summer and that's the one that I want to start first. I've been waiting forever, it seems like. I liked We Were Liars. I won't say anything, because it's best to go into it knowing as little as possible.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My TTT

    1. I WANT OPEN ROAD SUMMER SOOOO BAD!!!! It just looks like such a great read and I can't wait!

  13. The Winner's Curse is certainly getting on a lot of people's lists. I'd like to read it someday too :) Great list!

  14. Great list! I also have Love Letters to the Dead on my list. I would also love to read The Winner's Curse. I've heard great things about it. =)

    My Top Ten!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  15. Our lists are VERY similar! Great list this week. We should be seeing a lot of awesome reviews this spring! Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree
    My TTT

  16. I want to read pretty much everything on your list especially After The End! Hope you enjoy them :)

    1. Thanks, me too! I just hope I manage to get to them all :)

  17. I keep seeing Love Letters to the Dead on so many people lists. I'm going to have to add it to mine. Enjoy your reading!

  18. I want to read We Were Liars and The Murder Complex too! I think I want to read Love Letters to the Dead but then sometimes I'm not sure haha! Great list and thanks for stopping by!

  19. Hi,
    New follower!
    So many great books on your list,
    Open road summer looks like the ultimate light contemporary read that could very possible melt my heart ;)

  20. I am so excited about Love Letters to the Dead too!

  21. So many good books on your list! It was so hard to narrow it down because Spring is such a great time for new releases. I basically want to read all of the books on your list too!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Shannon @ Rex Robot Reviews

  22. I recently got the Winner's Curse from my library and plan on reading it soon. Hopefully the inside of the book is just as amazing as the gorgeous cover. Lots of bloggers seemed to love it =)

    1. I was worried about the same thing but have seen so many amazing reviews that I am certain I will love it! :)

  23. Yep to every single one of these (except the Winner's Curse which I read--and liked), especially To All the Boys, What I Thought, and We Were Liars. Great list!

    1. I think I'm going to cave and read What I Thought Was True next! :)

  24. Awesome list! Dorothy Must Die, The Murder Complex, and After The End are all books I absolutely can't wait to read.

  25. Right now, the book I want the most has to be To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han, I can't wait till it comes out!
    The book I would recommend the most is Pivot Point, it was an immediate favorite of mine when I read it back in July last year, and not that many people know about it, so it is my go-to book, when someone asks. :-)
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. I have Pivot Point and I hope to get to it soon, might order the second book first so that I am prepared lol! I want To All The Boys so much it hurts :)

  26. Open Road Summer is SO GOOD! So so so so so so so good!

  27. I really do want to read The Murder Complex - looks really good!

  28. Choosing what books to pick for the TTT this week was hard! As I look at your list I think, yep, I want to read What I Thought Was True and We Were Liars and The Winner's Curse and that one and that one haha! Thanks for checking out my TTT list! Did you get to listen to the music for free through the ebook or did you pay for the download? I wasn't sure how that worked but I'm excited for these two art forms to cross over each other. :)
    - Holly

    1. You can listen for free but I chose to download it so I could read my eARC :) Plus it's such a wonderful idea and I wanted to support the artist - seeing as how he's letting everyone listen to it for free! :)

  29. There are so many great books coming out this year (and early in the year, I can only imagine how much money I will spend if as many amazing books come out as the year continues!). I am looking forward to getting my hands on all of these books as well! :]

    1. I know, my bank balance can't handle all of these book releases! It cries every time I check it :)

  30. Great list! I want to read almost all of the books on your list, but especially The Murder Complex and After the End. I hope you get to read, and enjoy, all of them. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  31. What I Thought Was True!!! Love HF. So much.

  32. Many of these books I want to read myself like Love Letters To The Dead and Open Road Summer. I hope you get the chance to read them all soon.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  33. After The End sounds so good! And I am really looking forward to The Murder Complex as well. Great list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  34. Great list, I can't wait to read After the End and Love Letters to the Dead as well, they sound really good. Thanks for stopping by!

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  35. Great list! Several of these are on my TBR even if they didn't make the post. (: Thanks for stopping by!

    Maura @ The Whimsical Mama

  36. Ooo! I'm interested in Open Road Summer as well. As you say, the cover is sure pretty and the story (if I remember right) sounds god, too. And, yes! The Winner's Curse is definitely on my mental TBR list - I've had it recommended so that is a big plus and of course, who can resist its beautiful cover!? :)

    1. That cover is gorgeous, I am even going to get the hardback because of that beautiful cover!

  37. After the End, To All the Boys, What I Thought Was True…I can't wait to read those! And The Winner's Curse…so good, it definitely lives up to the hype. Great list! ~Pam

    1. I am happy to hear great things about The Winner's Curse, very excited for that one! :)

  38. I share similar picks with you this week; although I didn't get to squeeze some into the "top ten" listing. I do hope you get to enjoy all of these!

    Joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts
    My TTT This Week.

  39. So many great titles! Especially excited to read The Murder Complex!

  40. The wait for Jenny Han's book is killing me! LOL I need to read it like, yesterday :) Great list! Dorothy Must Die is a really popular pick for Spring releases :) Thanks for dropping by My TTT earlier this week :)

    Camille @ Girl meets Books

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Wow the book I want to the most, at this point would be City of Heavenly fire and the one I would recommend is Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare! Congrats on the 500 followers and thanks for the awesome giveaway :) Great TTT, I want to read Love letters to the dead and After the end too!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

  43. I can't wait to read all of these! I just won an ARC of After the End, so I'm pretty excited. :)

    1. I'm currently reading it, it's an interesting read so far :)


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