Monthly Recap: Catching Up

I have been meaning to do one of these each month and always forgetting too! So I  finally have a day off and time to blog and will tackle all of 2014 so far. 


I read: 10 books.

Reviewed 8 on blog:

Avalon by Mindee Arnett
The Program by Suzanne Young
The Treatment by Suzanne Young
Splintered by A. G. Howard
Imposter by Susanne Winnacker
Witch Finder by Ruth Warburton
The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson
Anything to Have You by Paige Harbison 

I only had one 5/5 Butterflies review for that month, which was The Program. It was a really great start to the series, but I just didn't like the sequel. For the most part January was filled with disappointing reads, I only had a couple that I enjoyed. And 10 books is a lot lower than what I used to read in a month before I started blogging, it would usually be about 15-20.


I read: 7 books, 1 novella

Only 7 books! That actually shocks me, I need to make more time for reading and less time for blogging. Maybe cut out some memes for a while and concentrate on powering through my endless TBR pile. At least I had a much better month when it came to books, I had FOUR 5/5 Butterfly worthy reads this month.

Starters by Lissa Price
Enders by Lissa Price
Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
Roar and Liv by Veronica Rossi
Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
Vitro by Jessica Khoury
Uninvited by Sophie Jordan

This was the month I finally tried the Under the Never Sky series, and I am so happy that I finally did. I thought it was such an amazing series, I definitely recommend that one to everybody. I also really enjoyed Uninvited by Sophie Jordan and am eagerly awaiting the sequel for that one.


I read: 12 books, 1 novella

I reviewed on blog:

Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne 
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg
Where You'll Find Me by Erin Fletcher
Easy by Tammara Webber
Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
#16thingsithoughtweretrue by Janet Gurtler
The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry
What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick
After the End by Amy Plum

This was a bit of a better month but I am still surprised, I would like to see myself reading 15 books a month if I am honest. But I guess it is hard to find time when you work, blog and at least attempt to have a social life haha. But I had a varied month with books, quite a few hits and misses. I had a few 5 star reviews and quite a few disappointing reads. What I Thought Was True was one I was extra excited for and ended up being really disappointed by. 


I read: 9 books

I reviewed on blog:

Far From You by Tess Sharpe
Ashfall by Mike Mullin
Exile by Kevin Emerson
The Break-Up Artist by Philip Siegel
Storm by Bridid Kemmerer
Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland
Nantucket Red by Leila Howland

And another poor reading month for me. I am determined to not let May look this bad, I will be powering through a ton of books. I was put in reading slumps by some terrible books, Ashfall and Storm. I read one book at a time, which I should stop doing with books like these that are just too hard to get through and to painful. I need a decent read pick-me-up to get me back into it. I did finally get to read Jenny Han's To All The Boys I've Loved Before, and I absolutely LOVED it!

TBR Pile Challenge

My goal: 50+ books

Have read so far: 11 books

That's 11 in 4 months, so I don't see myself reaching my target. I might if I stop requesting so many NG & EW books, which I am getting a LOT better at.

Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge

My goal: 50 books

Read so far: 24 books

I am doing much better with this one and hope to complete this challenge early. Once that happens maybe I can start looking at getting my TBR challenge complete. 


  1. I wish I had enough time to read 15 books a month, I just don't know where to fit it in! Sometimes I think I should keep a page count tally because I know I have been reading some tomes this year!

    1. It's really hard to find the time to read, especially when you have so much else to do lol.

  2. I think 15 books a month sounds like an awesome one to aim for. Because I went camping and everything I kind of blew this month out of the water. Haha! But I'm kind of on a reading break now since I'm like 50% ahead in my goodreads goals. >_< You're pretty good at reading sequels straight after each other though! GO YOU. I'm horrible with sequels. And I always leave it so long I forget the original.

    1. WOW! I would kind of LOVE to be that far ahead on my reading goal, so far I am only 6 books ahead. I hope that May will be the month when I finally reach that target and read 15 books in one month. I am very good at reading sequels straight away because if I don't then I forget the story and have to reread it before getting to them. It's why I usually wait for a whole series to be out before I start it.

  3. That is a lot of books for one month! Over the years I have come to read faster than before, but I still can't get that many books in!

    1. It's a lot harder to read now that I am older. I don't get all the time in the world like I used to when I was at school or college. And I only work part time so that helps me to read more often than I would if I was full time.

  4. Ooo, so good to see how much you've read, what you've read and challenges. I had to ditch my challenge recaps merely because I had so many other posts that needed to go out I couldn't risk losing a day.. I think the amount your reading is great though hun, don't worry about it. Work on two books a week and you've at least got two reviews on the blog then, that's what I work on anyway, and I think you're doing brilliantly on your challenges. Why not try having a anti-netgalley books month like I am in May? Work through your bookshelf, find those gems and get the TBR challenge up :) Still, I'm amazed at what you've read and reviewed and you should be proud of yourself!

    1. It was actually nice for me to see what I am getting done in a month, I've never really paid attention before. Next month I hope to remember to include my film reviews, completely forgot this time. Two books a week is what I like to read normally, so I think I am sticking to that most of the time. I just want to make sure that I get my reading goal done.

      I like taking part in the challenges but I can't find where to even link up for the TBR challenge any more, which is a little frustrating.

  5. Wow fifteen to twenty books a month is so hectic, I’m proud if I get seven! I think your doing great with your reading and review. Maybe taking some of the pressure off yourself would help you want to read and review more. I’m the opposite of you in the sense that I read multiple books at once and always end up with one or two that sit on the back burner for awhile until I fell like picking them up again.

    I really love this idea of putting all the months together! Thanks for such a great post.

    1. It would be hectic but it used to be possible for me, now there's just too much going on. I just don't have the memory or concentration to read more than one book at a time, I'd get so lost.


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