Five Friday Favourites: Underrated Books

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

I was struggling to define what I classed as an underrated book. I guess I see it as a book that hasn't got the appreciation or readership that it deserves. In truth, I think that it's said I live in a world where something as poorly written as Fifty Shades of Grey can have over 800,000 ratings on Goodreads, other books that are absolutely amazing have barely 5,000 and even less reviews. Now that is just DEPRESSING!

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma 

Total Goodreads Ratings: 18,413 (791,108 less than Fifty Shades)

I absolutely adore this book and I will praise it as much as I can, whenever I can. So many people are put off by the subject matter that it means they miss out on a truly exceptional story and one that is superbly written. Tabitha Suzuma is definitely a talented author and I will be reading everything she writes for sure. You can read my review of it here

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas
Dangerous Girls
Total Goodreads Ratings: 1,129 (807,392 less than Fifty Shades)
A book I bought in a 3 for £5 deal, I had absolutely no expectations for it as I had heard nothing about it. This book was such a delightful surprise and kept me guessing the entire time. Abigail Haas knows how to cast doubt among a whole cast of characters and keep you suspicious the entire time you're reading it. This has a mind-blowing ending and was just superb. It's gaining momentum on blogs at the minute and I hope more and more people read it, it deserves it. You can read my review of it here

The Sight by David Clement-Davies

Total Goodreads Ratings: 7,194 (802,327 less than Fifty Shades)

I have talked about this book a lot on the blog, it's definitely a childhood favourite of mine. I am so surprised by how underrated this book and author is. This is a book that deserves to be read more, I still reread it a lot because I love it so much. It's told from the perspective of wolfs and I think it's clear the author has a love of wolves. It's so well done and I fell in love with all the characters, this book had me crying a lot as a kid. You can read my review here

Far From You by Tess Sharpe

Total Goodreads Ratings: 1,306 (808,215 less than Fifty Shades)

I can't even begin to express just how much I loved this book. It was such a pleasant surprise and sucked me into the story. I was expecting a young adult thriller that would probably be a bit too predictable. I was so wrong, it was a million times more than a thriller. Such an excellent book and it deserves so many more ratings and reviews then it has. If you haven't read it then I definitely recommend it. You can find my review here

Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman

Total Goodreads Ratings: 18,473 (791,048 less than Fifty Shades)

Love this series. Love it, love it, love it! You definitely all need to go read and love this series. It's been one of my favourties since I was eleven and I still love it now. The first book in the series pretty much destroyed me and I didn't know how I would cope with the rest of the series. So amazing and definitely needs more recognition. You can find my review here

There you have it! Five amazing reads that deserve to have way more ratings and reviews than Fifty Shades but don't. I highly recommend them all because they are all superb. 

Honourable Mentions 

Sleepless by Tracey Ward & This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sailes

Sleepless has barely 200 ratings on Goodreads and I randomly said yes to this one as part of a blog tour. If I am honest, I wasn't expecting much from it but I ended up absolutely loving it. You can read my review of that one here. I also absolutely loved This Song Will Save Your Life, that one was a book that I managed to read in one sitting and really loved everything about it. You can read my review here

My Weekly Book Haul: 31/05/2014
Now & Forever by Susanne Colasanti: Review
The Things That Disney Taught Me
Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Be In My Beach Bag
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: X-Men: Days of Future Past


  1. Wahey for Forbidden, it's getting double love this week, because it's on my list too! Yay! I also agree with Dangerous Girls, what a book, need Dangerous Boys! :O I've put Northen Lights down for the moment and do want to pick up Noughts and Crosses, but you said the ending killed you and I'm not ready to be murdered yet.. soon though, very soon, next few months! Great list though hunny, good timing this topic too, with the #PromoteaYAInstead tag around Twitter, past Amanda had a good idea ;)

    1. YAY!!! I am super happy it's getting double love from us. You are so ready for it, get to Noughts & Crosses as soon as ;) I know, exactly, perfect topic! :)

  2. I confess, I haven't even heard of some of these but I know exactly what you mean about how a fanfic (not that there is anything wrong with that) can get so many reviews and reads and then another well written thought out original book doesn't.
    It can be frustrating, especially when you are a lover of those books. ;)

    1. I know! I am definitely not a Fifty Shades fan, and I'm just a little sad that it has such a massive readership and other, brilliantly written books don't.

  3. Great books and thanks for sharing them, I love a good recommendation!

  4. That 50 Shades has that many ratings (and so many positive ones) is just...horrifying. I'd not heard of these though most I don't think are in my typical genre but I'll give them a look see :)

  5. I should probably point out that I haven't read, nor do I intend to read, Fifty Shades. But I do agree that there are lots of great books that don't get enough attention. I often get tired of seeing the same book(s) over and over on the blogs and channels I watch so I appreciate something different!

    1. I know, it's nice to have a topic that's about books that don't get a lot of love and attention. Especially the ones that deserve so much more of it :)

  6. Thanks for sharing, Charnell! I loved your choices this week. I can't wait to read Forbidden, Dangerous Girls, Far From You and Noughts and Crosses.

    1. I hope you can get to them all soon, they're all amazing :)

  7. OMG I hate how 50 shades is considered an amazing book, no its terrible. I'm surrounded by all these girls who defend the book and say that "it has meaning and a story" Clearly you don't read many books if you think that 50 shades has loads of meaning -___-
    I completely agree with Noughts and Crosses being on this list. It's one of the most amazing things I have ever read, it's been one of my favourites since I was 12. I haven't got around to finishing the series though, that's definitely my plan for the summer!

    1. I KNOW! How does it have loads of meaning when it started out as Twilight fanfiction. It's poorly written and kind of promotes a ridiculous and abusive relationship.

      I definitely recommend finishing Noughts & Crosses. Plus, I met the author this year and she has suggested that she is working on a 5th book. I first read it when I was 11/12 too, has stayed a favourite of mine since :)

  8. I couldn't agree with you more about Dangerous Girls, its definitely in my top 5 books I have read this year, I was expecting it to be good but I thought it was amazing!

    1. Me too. I thought it would be an okay read and then it just completely blew me away. Amazing book and definitely deserves more love.

  9. I need to read Dangerous Girls, Far From You, and Forbidden. Ahhhh!! Too. Many. Books. To. Read. ~Pam

    1. YES. YES. YES. A million times yes to all three, you definitely need to read them! :)

  10. I definitely agree with you about Forbidden. When I read the book I was blown away - it's so amazing!!

  11. There are so many great books out there that a lot of people just overlook. Which is just sad! I love the cover and sound of This Song Will Save Your Life. I'm thinking about getting that one for August. :)

    1. It's a really brilliant book, I definitely recommend it :)

  12. Not going to get into Forbidden, you know how I feel haha, although I can fully understand why it's on your list :)

    I've only recently came across Abigail Haas thanks to you and Amanda, I'm hoping to read her books soon as they seem like really good ones.

    Haven't heard of The Sight before, it sounds like a really unique story so I might have to add that to my ever growing list :P

    Is that really all Far From you got? wow that's really surprising. Obviously you know I love the story I just didn't expect that to have such low ratings.

    I haven't started Noughts and Crosses yet but its been on my list for years. I'll let you know what I think once I actually get around to it haha.

    & woohoo for This Song Will Save Your Life :P

    Great list hun :)

    1. Haha, yes I know. And I totally understand why you don't like that one :)

      I hope you get to read Dangerous Girls soon, it's amazing!

      The Sight is definitely unique and is still a childhood favourite for me.

      I KNOW! Far From You needs to be read, read and read some more. I was really shocked it had so few ratings on therw.

      I hope you love it, but let me know! :)

  13. I've been a little nervous to read Forbidden, but I may try it.
    Also loved Dangerous Girls and Far From You!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Haha, I will always, ALWAYS recommend Forbidden. Even if it creeps people out ;)

  14. Great list! My boyfriend (also a book lover!) read Forbidden and couldn't put it down, the storyline was so engaging to him. I haven't read it yet (I know it has a pretty tragic ending) but I've heard nothing but amazing things! What other works by Tabitha Suzuma would you recommend?

    1. I 100% recommend Forbidden, obviously, but must admit that I haven't got to her others yet. I did buy myself the hardback of her newest book Hurt, that one sounds really intriguing but I am nervous to get to it because I worry it will be just as heartbreaking.

  15. Oh wow. It's sad to say that I haven't read any of the books on this list, and I'm only aware of three of the books you mentioned. Will definitely be on the lookout for these when I go to bookstores, though! I'm so curious about Forbidden and Far From You.

    1. Both are amazing and I highly recommend them! If you do read them then I really hope you love them :)

  16. I have to say, I've only read one book on the list, but I have heard of others too, just not had time to read them! So many books, so little time. Noughts and Crosses was a brilliant read, one of my favourites. That ending DD: And then the whole rest of the series had me hooked and flying through it in no time. Another that I think is fairly underrated is Gone by Michael Grant as well as Blood Ties by Sophie McKenzie. Can people just read them? Ooh and Numbers... Loved all of those and think more people should try them too <3

    1. I have read Gone and really enjoyed that, need to try the other two though. Love the whole Noughts & Crosses series, so happy she might be writing another book for that!


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