Monthly Recap: June

June saw me slip into an even worse reading slump then May. How am I going to get out of it? HOW? Seriously, how, because I am struggling so much and have no energy or motivation to read right now. I will read an amazing 5/5 read and think I'll finally be out of my slump, but then still struggle to pick up my next book. It's not fun.
I haven't had a busy month, I have tried to get better at scheduling but any progress I finally made will be a bit useless while I'm away. I will miss out on 5 days of blogging, which is how many days ahead I am at. So by the time I get back I will be right back to having no scheduled posts. How do people schedule posts? I am pretty sure they are all magic.


I read 9 books.

I am not exactly thrilled at this because I wanted to beat last month. Last month I also read 9. Well, at least I'm consistent.

Reviewed on blog:

Now and Forever by Susane Colasanti 0.5/5 
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer 4/5
The Winner's Curse by Maria Rutkoski 5/5
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu 5/5
My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal 2/5
Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas 4.5/5
#scandal by Sarah Ockler 2/5
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 4/5
On the Fence by Kasie West 5/5

My average rating this month has also ended up being the same as last month, weird. My average rating is 3.5/5. This month also includes amazing reads from Abigail Haas and Kasie West, like last month. So it is very similar in a lot of ways. I really enjoyed The Winner's Curse, can't wait to continue that series. I highly recommend Dangerous Girls and Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas, and adore Kasie West's books - she writes the most amazing characters.

Other Posts

Monthly Recap: May
The Things That Disney Taught Me
June Kindle Fire HDX Giveaway #1
6 Down, 6 To Go Giveaway
June Kindle Fire HDX #2

Top Ten Tuesday:

Books That Will Be In My Beach Bag
Top Reads Of 2014 So Far
Summer TBR List
Cover Trends I Like and Dislike

Films for Thoughts on Thursday:

X-Men: Days of Future Past
Bad Neighbours
The Fault in Our Stars

Five Friday Favourites:

Favourite Underrated Books
Favourite Parents In Fiction
Favourite Heroes
Favourite Covers - Colour Edition

Book Hauls:



Why Commenting Makes Me Feel Like A Performing Monkey
The 30 Books That Have Affected Me The Most


TBR Pile Challenge

My goal: 50+ books

Have read so far: 16 books

The only books I added to this in May was Ruby Red and Pivot Point

Falling For YA
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge

My goal: 50 books

Read so far: 39 books

I added four more to this challenge this month.

Series Challenge Button take2
Series Challenge

My goal is to complete between 7-11 series this year.

Series finished: 4 series

1. The Program & The Treatment by Suzanne Young
3. Starters & Enders by Lissa Price
4. Nantucket Blue & Nantucket Red by Leila Howland

I haven't completed any more this month, unfortunately. 

First In A Series Challenge

My goal is to start 20 series this year. 

So far I have started 17 series.

This month I added The Winner's Curse and Ruby Red. I am getting very close so I am confident I can meet this goal. 

This is the part where I share the love for other posts I saw over the month and loved.

Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer did a completely serious post about conquering your TBR pile and looked at the different types of 5 star ratings.

Anne @ Lovely Literature talked about sex in books

Amanda @ Book Badger discussed the Slate article, talked about the negatives of Netgalley and shared the books that changed her world.

Mel @ The Daily Prophecy discussed how we should ban all books, in response to that Slate Article.

K @ Melbourne On My Mind had a hilarious response post to the Slate article

Miranda @ Tempest Books showed us some NA books that aren't all sex

Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist reviewed Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly, including the most amazing manicure.

Allie @ Little Birdie Books looked at guilty pleasure reads and blogger rules that must be obeyed.

Erin @ Raised Reading summed books up in one quote and looked at the Jane Eyre Complex.

Asti @ Oh, The Books! opened up about her past with depression.

Olivia @ Olivia's Catastrophe pondered what keyboards would say if they could talk.

Cait @ Notebook Sister's interrogated Mime about whether she is or isn't a bad blogger, did Honest YA TFIOS edtion & shared the 30 books that have changed her world.

Awesome on the Internet 

This will be where I share other awesome things I have found on the internet. This month I will show two of the greatest adverts... EVER!

Well! That's June out of the way.

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.


  1. 9 books is pretty darn good, I think! Is it that reading isn't enjoyable or just that there's too much going on right now? It should be something that brings you happiness, not pain!

    1. I honestly think it's both. I am enjoying it, when I find the right book. But there's so much else going on that I feel a bit too stressed to be able to concentrate on a book.

  2. I'm in a reading slump too! I feel your pain :(
    And gosh, I really want to read Dangerous Boys!! I've put a hold on it at my library, buuut I think it's going to be a while before I get my mits on it :|

    Lovely recap!

    My June Recap!

    1. I highly recommend it, it's amazing! I really hope you get your hands on it soon! :)

  3. I don't even like cats...but omg, that first kitten one was SO DARN CUTE. And funny. "It's like some dark magic..." Basically, Mordor in a can.

    I think I read like 15 books this month, which I'm happy about. I would LOVE to be the kind of person who read, like, 30 books a month, but let's just agree that's neeeever going to haaaapen. It's crazy stuff. I also like to eat and sleep so I can't just read all the time. (Omg, I think I'm cat.)

    1. Haha! Yes! My favourite part was "Vacuum!!!". I love that advert, made me so happy.

      I know, I don't know how people manage that. How do they do anything else? I am in a stressed out mind set atm, it's making it hard to concentrate on reading. Sleeping, eating and reading is the three things I need, haha.

  4. 9 is good though hunny, it's really good! I know you've been struggling, but I'm proud of you, and you should be too! You're doing great on the challenges, you can top those up in the read-a-thon at least, and I'll get you out the slump with our buddy reads, I promise. I'll make sure you're reading plenty, different books, different genre's and we can encourage each other, okay? Fantastic! Good luck for July, I'm here to help :P (and come back, I miss you already!)

    1. YAY! What would I do without you?!? Haha. I need to just power through this, I am not back at work until next Thursday so I will actually have time to stay home and RELAX! Can't wait :) The read-a-longs are going to be great fun.

  5. I hear you on the book slumps, I have been doing the same thing which is probably why I have watched more tv this summer than I have read, which NEVER happens! I am not a huge tv person but..yeah, it has just been hard to pick up books for some reason.

    I hope we both get over it soon! I have way too many review books I still need to read for September that I hope I can get to.

    1. It's funny seeing just how many of us are in reading slumps atm. I have been watching more TV too, just because I can't seem to find the energy to pick up a book.

      I really hope we get over it soon too! I have so many left to read and it's terrible - I am really far behind.

  6. I just got out of a reading slump and I am so glad to be out!! I hate being in a reading slump, especially in the summer when I have the most time to read. I hope you get out of your reading slump soon :).

    At least you read some good books this month. The Winner's Curse looks so amazing!! I really need to read that one soon.

    Happy July Reading :D

    1. Me too! I really need to hurry up and get out of this slump, it's driving me crazy atm.

      I really loved it, I hope you do too! :)

  7. I guess we need slumps just so we'll have so much fun when they're over and we're on one of those highs again. Adorable videos.

  8. Oh reading slumps BLOW! It's so frustrating to land in one of those. Maybe a total genre switch up? Or just going with it? That's what I usually end up doing. If I'm not up to reading I'll figure a project out to do and just focus on that for a while and eventually interest will pick up again.

    As for getting ahead. Whew it is NOT easy. I made it my goal in Nov to do a blogger version of NaNoWriMo and get 60 posts pre-scheduled in one month. It about killed me. Every part of me hurt lol But once I had them done I was able to keep them up which was pretty exciting. I don't think I'll ever do that again though. It was brutal.

    1. I don't know how to get out of it, I have been trying a lot of different things. I am going to spend the day replying to comments and then I am going to relax in the bath with a book.

      WOW! Blogger version of NaNoWriMo sounds AMAZING! It would KILL ME, but I think I need that. I would probably set my goal a lot smaller though, haha.

  9. Thanks for linking back to my blog post :D The same as last month is at least better than less books, right? It's good to see you enjoyed Scarlet & The winner's curse, I will be reading the last one soon.

    Happy reading in July, I hope you beat your score of 9 books this month :D

    1. ME TOO! I am a tad determined this month. Just need to get the hell out of this reading slump and then hopefully I can do it.

  10. 8 or 9 is my average month really, 10 at the most. I am really looking forward to Dangerous Boys which I have on my kindle and I also have The Distance Between Us by Kasie West to get around to.

    1. I hope you love them both, I thought they were amazing!! 9 is pretty good, I just really want to read at least 10 next month.

  11. Wow, what a busy month. The discussions are becoming my favourite part of this blog, the topics are always so interesting.

    'I haven't had a busy month, I have tried to get better at scheduling but any progress I finally made will be a bit useless while I'm away. I will miss out on 5 days of blogging, which is how many days ahead I am at. So by the time I get back I will be right back to having no scheduled posts. How do people schedule posts? I am pretty sure they are all magic.'

    I feel like you took the words right out of my mind! I would love to find out how people manage being dedicated bloggers. I seem to go through phases, always with the will to blog but not always the energy. It's amazing that some of those people also on other social media! *siiigh* How.

    I've seen the cat videos before - hilarious! And so true! :3

    1. Thank you! Discussions are the things I struggle to come up with the most but probably enjoy writing the most.

      I know!!!! I don't know how they do it. I do feel I am dedicated, but I just don't have the time to schedule a million posts in a row AND do everything else, haha. I have been replying to blog comments and returning comments on people's blogs... ALL DAY!!!

  12. I guess I could suggest re-reading some of your favourites. That usually helps me when I feel a little slumpish. But honestly, 9 books is still a good month. It kind of sounds like you might be feeling a little burnt out? Last month I didn't post any reviews and really not much else because I just need some rest from blogging. As you know it is a hell of a lot of work and I was feeling overwhelmed. I also took the time with the books I read. Most months I read around 20+ books and last month I read some bigger books(800+ pages) and did quite a few re-reads and only finished 12 books. And was totally okay with that. Anyhow, I hope you start to feel a little better. And maybe just take a little break and some time to yourself. :)
    On another note, my copy of On the Fence arrived yesterday and I'm having to use a lot of personal restraint not to start it. Because if I start it in the evening there's no way I will put it down again until I'm finished. Which will lead to a lack of sleep. So I'm going to save it for some sunny Saturday reading. :D
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I am tempted to reread my favourites, that usually helps a lot. I think I am feeling really burnt out, and that can't be helping at all. I had a four day break from the blog but it was to go away and wasn't very relaxing. Maybe I just need some time to relax and not worry about anything.

      I hope you love On the Fence, it's a brilliant read!


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