Top Ten Tuesday: Cover Trends I Like & Dislike


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

I know they never say to judge a book by it's cover, and they're right, but that so doesn't stop most of us from still doing it. I am a cover snob a lot of the time and I do really like my books to have gorgeous covers. There are definitely a lot of different trends when it comes to book covers, some that I intensely despise and those that I love so much I hate when the inside of the book isn't as gorgeous as the cover.

I think I am probably safe in saying that this will be on a lot of lists today. The girl in a pretty dress trend shows no signs of slowing down. Yes, the dresses are very pretty but it's so overused, is pretty dull and usually has nothing to do with the actual book. There are some that I like, but mostly the ones that are visually stunning, more than just a pretty dress.
And looking at my exceptions it seems I prefer them when they look down on the dress. I think it's because then it seems to be more of a focus on the person than the dress.

There are far too many covers around that just look like bad photoshop jobs. I mean, I have friends who could do a better job then that. It's worse when it's on a big book, from a well known publisher because surely they can afford to get a decent cover for the book. As a complete cover snob these types of covers just don't appeal to me at all.

I'm not sure what's with the obsession with having a cover that is just a close up of a specific body parts. Lips, eyes and hands seem to be pretty popular right now. I find them a little boring and also a little creepy at times.
The Shatter Me series is my exception because they are just STUNNING!

Now, this is one that I can kind of understand but then completely don't understand at the same time. They want us to be able to decide what the character looks like ourselves, so they don't add the head. But why bother to have a person on the cover at all then. What's with all the people being beheaded. I say either fully commit to having the whole person on the cover or don't have a cover model at all.

BIG FACES!!! Big faces are EVERYWHERE! I don't like huge faces on my covers, I just don't. Especially when most of the time they don't even look even remotely similar to how the main character is described in the book. I want to be able to imagine what the character looks like myself, not have some silly cover model on my cover trying to show me. I have three VA covers on here because they put me off reading that series for years. So glad they brought out new editions.

The kiss or the almost kiss has always been very popular, especially in YA romances. I just find them really cheesy and a little embarrassing.
My two exceptions are ones that are both very summery, but also are more cute than overly romantic.

Probably a large reason why you won't see me reading many romance novels. I can't deal with all the topless, and as you can see HEADLESS(why!!!???!!!) men. Once you've seen one six pack have you not seen them all. The covers all look the same. It's dull, boring and I'm not a fan. They don't do anything for me at all.

I was under the impression that I really liked underwater covers, but it turns out that they are beginning to bug me. Captivate and Of Triton are stunning in some ways but then bug me in others. Both might appeal more to me if they didn't include two more of my cover hates - the kiss/almost kiss and pretty dresses.

However, when I was finding other underwater covers I came across one that I fell a little in love with.

They're just so pretty! I realised that I'm a sucker for starry night sky on covers after doing a Five Friday Favourites post. I just think that they are gorgeous. I love the colours and I think they just work so well. These covers would make me pick up that book in a store and see what the book was about.

If it's good enough for meerkats then it's good enough for me! I definitely prefer covers that are more simplistic and a lot less busy. A lot of covers have far too much going on and I don't think it works. I like ones that are just one colour with writing or only have one key photo or item to the cover.

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas:  4.5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Maleficent 6/10 Film Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Heroes
My Weekly Book Haul: 21/06/2014
Kindle Fire HDX June Giveaway
#scandal by Sarah Ockler: 2/5 Review
Discussion: 30 Books That Have Affected Me The Most


  1. Wowzers, I can't get over how much I love this post! I agree with EVERYTHING here! Do you share a part of my brain or something?! Just wondering... ;)
    I am a sucker for covers with yellow on them! To all yellow or just a bit of yellow, I'm drawn to them like a bee to honey.

    Lovely post!

    1. Haha! Maybe we do, especially since most of my dislikes are ones that everyone else seems to like. Yellow covers are really great, they stand out and instantly make me want to pick up the book.

  2. It is funny how anything well liked can become so overused that before you know it, you don't even like the original anymore.

    I have to say, on most of these I highly agree. I would love to see a truly original cover in the YA genre soon.

  3. The girl in the pretty dress is just becoming too common. It's getting boring now.

  4. Great list! I was completely uninspired so I didn't make one yet, but the pretty dresses trend woud DEFINITELY have been on there... yaaaawn! I also agree with you on pretty much everything else :)

    1. They are all just getting overused so much that they've become really boring. I want more striking covers.

  5. Pretty dress books are the worst. Except, I must say, Tiger Lily. That was a dress book, but it looked really cool (more like a flower). Very eerie, actually! I'm so glad they redesigned Shatter me from the dress cover to something so unique and beautiful!

    1. It really did, it looked a lot different to all the other dress covers. It was a lot more original. Me too, I hated the original Shatter Me cover.

  6. Great post and I can only agree!
    Lisbeth @ The Content Reader

  7. Glad I'm not the only one not liking shirtless men everywhere! Usually calls for a hideacover!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha, I had to google that and was AMAZED! Luckily, I don't read books that really require one but those are so awesome.

  8. OMG I JUST AGREE WITH YOU ON ALL OF THESE!! I'm probably a bit more lenient for the dresses though. I love me a purty dress. But the topless or naked people? Argh. It just makes me uncomfortable and also it's kind of embarrassing. It labels the book a crappy romance, I think, and then people judge you for reading! Even if it's actually a GOOD book. I'm always in for the simplistic covers or the awesome word art. Aaaaand I'm never saying no to some starry skies. Sci-fi cover designs win the best job.

    1. I do love some of the dress covers, I just dislike how unbelievably common they are! It's just getting a little sad now. I find the half-naked cover are just toooooo much! I can't deal with them at all, I would be too embarrassed to read a book with a cover like that in public. Sci-fi covers have some of the most amazing ones, I love them.

  9. I had to write all of these down so I remembered for when I comment, so much to say! Pretty dresses, I'm okay with, in the middle, neither hate nor like. Photoshopped, OMG THE CRAZY - drives me mad, anyway. Body parts, headless and faces, I'm the same again, neither hate nor like, just depends on the body part really. kissing and half naked men, nahh, I'd rather not if I can help it, but I'll suffer the cover if I really want the book. Underwater I'm disagreeing on, I actually like the look; I think it's mysterious, daring, dangerous and dark, gives that edge of not escaping from the water, being trapped, but feeling free at the same time. Nightsky, I also vary, but the simple looks? YES ALL OF THE YES! I love simple covers, delicate, bold, dark, plain horrifying, I likey! Great choices though hunny! :D

    1. I have some pretty cover dresses that I absolutely LOVE! But, I think I more dislike just how common they are, it makes them boring and it takes a really great one for it to feel unique.

      I used to absolutely love underwater covers, but I think that they are getting too common and starting to all look the same. I do still have some that I really love though.

      Simple covers are probably my absolute favourite! :)

  10. I'm reading Gone now--it has a different cover, but I like the one you pictured better. The Headless category made me laugh out loud!

  11. I am so with you on most of these! Couples all over each other and shirtless men make me so mad! I also really hate bad photo-shopping on covers, it just puts me off! I think that simple covers can be really nice, I'm glad you agree!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. They just look really cheesy and terrible, I'd never want to be seen reading a book with a cover like that in public!

  12. Cool list!! I hate the bad photoshopped ones!! The 2nd Adaptation book is even worse (if that's even possible). I also HATE all of Richelle Mead's covers... no matter which category it fits in LOL!! They're just bad. I LOVE the starry sky books!! So pretty!! And YES to simplicity!! I wish I would have put Far From You on my list... I love how simple and pretty that one is!

    My TTT

    1. I haven't seen it, I'm so going to look it up now! I hate her covers too, so glad they redid them but even those aren't that lovely.

  13. I'm a fan of starry skies too, and I agree with all of your dislikes! One of the Big Faces covers reminded me of another trend I am sick of: masks. Why are all of these characters wearing masks? Sometimes there isn't even a really good reason or scene within the book.

    1. MASKS!!!! Yes, I noticed that to and almost put it on my list. Worst still is when the mask has clearly been photoshopped onto the model.

  14. I'm definitely with you on the headless people. So weird. ANd headless, shirtless dudes? Even weirder. But I will never give up on girl-in-a-pretty-dress covers. Ever! They are just too pretty. But I agree that they are everywhere, so I understand how you are sick of them.

    1. I do absolutely love some of them, I am just sick of seeing them EVERYWHERE!!!

  15. Yea, all of your dislikes are mine too. Especially the almost kissing and big faces. Why? Why? Ugh! I am a total cover snob too and will do my research before I buy a book. I will buy whatever cover I like the best.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Me too! I currently have a book I am dying to buy just sitting on my wishlist until my favourite cover becomes available, haha.

  16. I still like the pretty dress trend but even I have to admit it's getting a bit old. The bad photoship is just so awful and I agree about shirtless men and the big faces!

    1. It's getting old and that's my main issue with it, The Jewel and The Winner's Curse covers stand out and are absolutely amazing. But they seem more unique than most.

  17. Some pretty dresses don't work for me, but like the covers you picked (The Jewel), I like those. Bad Photoshop should be forbidden. The faces is also on my dislike list and I also don't care for those shirtless man.


    1. I know, they definitely need to be banned, haha. I am such a cover snob and they just don't work for me at all.

  18. I understand what you are saying about the pretty dresses, but I still love them especially for historical romances. The dresses are usually a bit more than a typical prom dress and the colors are so rich. And I absolutely agree on the big face and kissing/almost kissing covers...they annoy me.

    1. Almost kissing covers are so dull, they need to go! Hahaha

  19. Well, we are almost complete opposites! Completely with you on the kissing covers --- I like sweet couples but not the ones like you highlighted. My list:

    1. Yes, sweeter covers but not ones where they are all over each other.

  20. Yeah, some of the covers are really bad, which makes me so glad I have my Kindle!! I used to take off my covers because I liked the look of the books on the shelves without them, but now I keep them on. I had a friend who hated all of the chick-lit books that had shoes on the covers. She wouldn't buy a book if that was the case. Great list!! ~Pam

    1. Haha, shoe covers are pretty dull. It's overused in chick-lit. I think that's the problem, use one design too much and people get sick of it.

  21. I do have to say, I like seeing the different kinds of dresses on covers, but I agree that it's being overused. The only headless book series I like is the Gallagher Girl books, because they are spies--it's sort of like they're saying before we even read how they constantly cover up their identities and go on crazy secret missions :) I agree with everything you said. So many things are getting overused, shirtless men, kissing, dresses, body parts (which is just weird in the first place). I would love to see something unique, and beautiful done by a new artist.

    1. Far too overused and I think that's what bugs me the most. I think it made sense for the Gallagher Girl covers too, but I wasn't that big a fan of the covers. I think we need more unique covers.

  22. I hate any book that I'd need a hideacover, especially at home with the kids.

    1. This is the first I am hearing of hideacovers, googled them and they are such a cool idea! Haha. I want one.

  23. I love what you say about headless covers! I totally agree with you on that one. I'm against chopping off the heads of cover models. What can I say, I'm anti-violence.

  24. They really are, I wouldn't dream of buying one. I am a cover snob but I can't help it.


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