Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Reads of 2014 So Far


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

In no particular order: 

I recommend all ten of these, I thought they were all brilliant. There are a lot of different genres in there as well so I am sure you can all find something you would enjoy. 

I have reviewed each book and you can find the links on my archive

Link your own TTT below so I can come see your top picks & extend my never ending TBR list!

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

The Things That Disney Taught Me
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: 4/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: X-Men: Days of Future Past 10/10 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Underrated Books
My Weekly Book Haul: 07/06/2014
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski: 5/5 Review
Discussion: Why Commenting Makes Me Feel Like A Performing Monkey


  1. The Distance Between us is high on my summer to read list! Great list of top ten so far. The ones I have read, I have loved as well. :)

    1. It's a really cute romance and I just felt super happy whilst reading it. I wasn't completely satisfied with the ending but I loved the story and characters so much.

  2. Nice list - I like how you laid it out also. Here's mine:

  3. Under the Never Sky was awesome (although I really need to catch up with the rest of the series at some point). I'm hopefully going to able to read We Were Liars next month, so I'm insanely excited about that one. Great list!

    1. You really do, the last book was AMAZING! I hope you love We Were Liars, that became an instant favourite.

  4. Amazing list! I loved The Distance Between Us and Far From You. I can't wait to read The Truth About Alice.

    1. I hope you absolutely love that book, it really blew me away!

  5. I've really enjoyed Sophie Jordan but not tried that one yet. Will have to get it worked in some time :)

    1. It's a really great YA read with a good romance added in :)

  6. The Truth About Alice & All The Boys are two books I NEED IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!

    So pleased you liked The Distance btw - I adore that book. Xander and his pre-sipped drinks are a work of art

    1. You definitely need those books in your life, they are AMAZING! :) He definitely is, I wanted to reach inside that book and steal him.

  7. I'm so happy to see the Under the Never Sky trilogy on your list! I adore that trilogy as well but I do think it's underrated. I listed these books down! Really want to read The Truth About Alice now. Wasn't too sure what it's about, but seeing your reason why you loved that book just won me over.

    1. It's a really brilliant book, I hope you love it when you finally get to read it. The Under the Never Sky series was so amazing, it totally blew me away. It became an instant favourite of mine :)

  8. Nice! Lots of The Truth About Alice today! I enjoyed the Under the Never Sky trilogy as well and Uninvited was incredible too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. The Truth About Alice blew me away, such a brilliant book.

  9. I'm seeing We Were Liars all over the place! Thank you.

    Here's my Best Books So Far This Year!

    1. It's an amazing book, deserves to be on ALL the lists ;)

  10. Gosh, I really like how you set it out. x) Such nice little graphics there. OH BUT I REALLY WANT TO READ DANGEROUS GIRLS. I'm practically begging my brain to go buy it for me. Gosh, is it out? I think it's out...*goes to Goodreads to research* THERE ARE TOO MANY BOOKS.

    1. READ IT! READ IT! READ IT!!!! :P I couldn't recommend it more, such an amazing read.

  11. Under the Never Sky = YES! Dangerous Girls = Yes! The Distance Between Us = YES! All of the yes, such great books, so glad you pushed me to read the first, that we read the second and that I pushed you to read the third, all the joy! :)

    1. All the joy!!! :) I hope you get to some of the others, they are all AMAZING ;)

  12. Great list. Maybe Someday made it to my Top Ten too. There's loads of books on your list that are on my TBR pile - I'll have to bump some of them up sooner because I've seen so many good things about them now :)

    My TTT:

    R x

    1. Well, obviously, I highly recommend them all and think they should go straight to the top of the TBR pile! ;)

  13. To All the Boys and Winner's Curse made my list too! And I read Distance Between Us in 2014; otherwise, that one would have been on my list too. Great list, I still need to read We Were Liars and Dangerous Girls! ~Pam

    1. You definitely need to read both of those, they're AMAZING! :)

  14. Maybe Someday is definitely the best book I've read this year. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking it up again sometime soon.
    I loved The Distance Between Us, too. But I read it last year. Lol.
    Unfortunately the Under the Never Sky trilogy isn't my favourite but I know it's well loved.
    The Winner's Curse was very good. Can't wait for the sequel. I think it will be even better.
    Great list!
    Happy reading!
    My TTT

    1. I know I'll be rereading that soon too, the music added so much to the experience too. Me too, that sequel needs to hurry up and be released already ;)

  15. The Distance Between Us is SO good! Kasie West is amazing! If you haven't already, you should read Pivot Point.

    Thanks for sharing! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post

    1. I have it, and Split Second, and hope to get to it VERY soon :)

  16. I was so suprised by Far From You, what a great read! :)

  17. I loved the Under the Never Sky series too! I have Into the Still Blue on my list. :) The Winner's Curse made my list as well. I've had We Were Liars on hold at the library for weeks and weeks, but there are still dozens of other people ahead of me. Sigh. First world book problems.

    1. I hope when you get it you absolutely love it. I think it's definitely worth the wait ;)

  18. I have The Winner's Curse and All the Boys I've Loved Before on hold at the library. Looking forward to both a lot!

  19. Eeeek, okay so I haven't actually read any of the books on your list so far. BUT that's actually a bit exciting in a way because there are clearly so many new favourite books awaiting me!! I think out of these, I most want to read The Winner's Curse and Under the Never Sky because they seem right up my alley and sound SO good!

    1. I highly recommend both, and all the Under the Never Sky books are out now so you won't have to wait - which is always a bonus! :)

  20. I have heard wonderful things about We Were Liars. I haven't gotten to it yet, but it does sound like something that I would like. As for The Winner's Curse, I kind of wish I did pick it up when I was at the bookstore. Ah well. I know it will probably be one that I get to eventually.

  21. Well, I'm ashamed to say that I haven't read any of these! Did I mention that I do, actually, live under a rock. A very large one.
    Anyway, I will have to make a note and read at least one - which do you recommend above all the others??
    Lynn :D

    1. That's a tough one! My heart is saying We Were Liars, so I will go with that. It really was a great book and it's a quick read too :)

  22. This is a great list! I've only read one of these so far (The Distance Between Us), but they all sound fantastic. Oddly, I just got Maybe Someday from my library a few days ago. It will be my first foray into Colleen Hoover's novels. I'm excited!

    Kimberly @ Lunanshee's Lunacy

    1. Maybe Someday was a fantastic reading experience, I loved the soundtrack that comes along with it. I hope you end up loving it! :)

  23. I have We Were Liars, so many people rave about this book that part of me is a bit cautious about reading it but glad you liked it, it gives me hope that I will too haha

    Maybe Someday is another that I really want to read, I really liked Hopeless by Colleen Hoover so I'm confident I'll like it.

    The Truth About Alice, have to read that soon because I got it from Netgalley and because well, you have great taste so if you like it I'm sure I will too.

    To All The Boy's I've Loved Before is on my wishlist on Amazon, but I wasn't found of The Summer I Turned Pretty so I might wait a while to read it.

    The Winner's Cures <3, just shut up, that book blew me away and I'm so glad you liked it too.

    Under The Never Sky was without a doubt a brillaint serires. I just love Perry so it was hard not to like the book, plus I love Roar haha.

    The Distance Between Us & Far From You were two books I did not expect to like as much as I did but ended up loving.

    Haven't read Dangerous Girls, but if I like Dangerous Boy's I'll be sure to pick it up.

    I loved Sophie Jordan's Firelight series so I can not wait to read Univited

    Great list as always hun, and sorry about the long reaply haha

    1. Long replies are always good :)

      I hope you love We Were Liars, the writing style took me a while to get into but then I ended up LOVING it.

      I liked Slammed by her, still need to read Hopeless and Losing Hope as I own both.

      I hope you enjoy The Truth About Alice, that book was really easy to get into and I finished it really quickly.

      To All the Boys, in my opinion, is very different to the Summer series. She seems to have really grown as an author and it's my favourite of her books so far. LOVED IT :)

      I NEED BOOK TWO!!!! She needs to hurry up and write book two!

      I love Roar & Perry. People dig the whole idea of Roar & Aria, but I'm all for Aria & Perry because I just love those two together.

      Loved both too!

      IF YOU HATE IT.... STILL READ DANGEROUS GIRLS ;) She might screw up on this one, haha.

    2. haha good, because I cant seem to stop my fingers once they get going.

      I'm going to start it next week I think, I'm just trying so much to get on top of my netgalley books because I've got so many that I haven't read/reviewed and I don't think I'll be comfortable starting anything else really until I'm at least half way through. I'm sure I will like it all the same though.

      I haven't read Slammed, heard its really good though. You should read Hopeless and Losing Hope, they are really good books. In my opinion Hopeless is better because Losing Hope is just Hopeless but in Holder's point of view and where as its good, you've already hear the story once so in a way it's less dramatic if you know what I mean?

      I'm deffo going to start The Truth About Alice after I'm finished with Cruel Beauty so I'll let you know :P

      Well I'm just about to read Burn For Burn so hopefully I like her writing style a lot better than the other series.

      I KNOW RIGHT!! I'm pulling my hair out waiting :(

      I'm totally for Perry and Aria, as much as I love Roar he just wasn't right for her.

      Haha I promise you if I dislike the book I will still read Dangerous Girls. You and Amanda have really good taste, similar to mine so I trust your judgement ;)

    3. My Netgalley ratio is pretty pathetic atm. It's still about 60-70% but I just want to reach the ratio they say is desirable. I have no idea why though, I feel it's the competitive person in me that seems to be competing with myself, haha.

      I have actually just ordered those, gifts from the boyfriend. They only had a limited edition signed copy of Losing Hope though, I really hope it's good after paying all that money.

  24. So many great books!

    I need We Were Liars in my life! Everyone is raving about it and I feel so left out... Hahaha...

    I am actually reading To All The Boys I've Loved Before and I am liking it so far. Although I feel it's a tad too girly for me (from a guy who reads chick lit) but the sisterhood theme of it is really nice to read about.

    And the rest are on my personal "Want To Read" list!

    All great picks! :D

    1. We Were Liars was AMAZING! Definitely recommend that one, I hope you get it soon. I can totally see why To All The Boys might seem a bit too girly, but I also loved the sisterhood theme in that one.


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