Pivot Point by Kasie West: Review

Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1)Title: Pivot Point
Author: Kasie West
Publisher: HarperTeen
Buy This Book: Amazon / Book Depository 

Knowing the outcome doesn’t always make a choice easier . . .
Addison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie’s parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pick who she wants to live with—her father, who is leaving the paranormal compound to live among the “Norms,” or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie loves her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it’s not.
In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school—but she never wanted to be a quarterback’s girlfriend. When Addie’s father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she’s unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens everything she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’s willing to live through . . . and who she can’t live without. (Goodreads summary)

I have read both of Kasie West's YA Contemporary books, The Distance Between Us and On The Fence, and loved them both. They were both amazing reads and I loved West's writing style. She is a genius when it comes to characters, she really does write some of the best characters I have come across. They're likeable, loveable, swoon-worthy and have so much humour that you laugh whilst reading her books. I knew I had to finally get to her Pivot Point series because I just needed more of her characters.

Pivot Point had appealed to me for quite some time because it seemed like a YA Sliding Doors. I love Sliding Doors and I love the idea of one little decision being able to change so much. Addie lives in the Compound, which is hidden from the normal world because it's inhabitants are all Paranormals, with a large selection of different abilities that a person could have. Addie is known as a Searcher, but her official ability is known as Divergence, she can Search into the future to see the outcome of two scenarios depending on which choice she makes. When her parents announce they are divorcing and her father is leaving the Compound, Addie has to decide which parent she wants to live with. To help her make up her mind she Searches the outcome of either decision by Searching six weeks of what her life with either parent.

If you follow the blog and have read many of my recent posts then you probably know, I am in the hugest reading slump right now. It's hard for me to concentrate or really get into the books I'm reading. It's also making writing reviews a lot harder for me too. On the Fence was brilliant and I could not put that down. So I was hoping another Kasie West read would help, but sadly I still struggled with it. It's a really great book, but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting in a lot of ways.

Kasie West still proved herself a fantastic writer, and her characters felt as real as I have come to expect from her other books. I have to admit to not completely loving Addie as a character, she just wasn't a character that I could easily connect with. The two love interests were who really shined to me, they were very well done. Duke is the star football player of the Compound, a guy that Addie would never think would be interested in her, but when he suddenly starts pursuing her she's flattered. Duke was a character that had so many different sides to him and was very well written. I approved a lot of Duke in the beginning, he was funny, charismatic and had the smirk down. Trevor, the Norm boy, was a very slow-builder in this book, at first I didn't really think very much of him. But he just gets better and better over time, more of his personality comes out and I came to utterly adore his character.

The Compound setting was something I was very interested to see but I felt it was lacking a little bit. I wanted more information about it, the technology and everything else. I just couldn't completely picture it in my head and wanted to learn a lot more about it.

I didn't actually know what to expect from Pivot Point, knowing it had a paranormal aspect but also two futures that involved love interests. Part of me thought it was going to be more about the choice between two boys than anything else. But it takes a much more dramatic turn in the second half of the book, I wasn't completely expecting it and it through me off a bit. At times it just felt a little too dramatic to me and I couldn't find it completely believable.

4/5 Butterflies

Overall, this is a fantastic book and displays, once again, just how talented a writer West is. I love how she writes her characters, she really brings them to life. I think this is a very unique story in a lot of ways, whilst being familiar in others. I might not have completely loved Addie's character but she was still a great lead. After finishing this it was clear to me that I would have to go straight onto the sequel. It has an ending that just leaves you wanting more. 


  1. Sounds like a fascinating idea and, as you've said, very Sliding Doors (fab movie!), might have to give it a go myself as I'm intrigued!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. I love Sliding Doors, that was a huge part of the reason that I wanted to give this a go.

  2. I really need to read this duology! I love Kasie West's contemporaries so these are a must! So glad you liked this one and great review :)

    Em @ Books & Cleverness

    1. It was really great, part of me worries she will do a third though. I think it was good as a duology and doesn't require a third book.

  3. Hmm sounds good. I don't know that I would have picked it up on my own--the cover didn't catch my eye--but I have her other book On the Fence on my list. I am dying to get a little time to read that one.

    Glad you had a good time with it

    1. I highly recommend West, and I really love her contemporaries. I definitely prefer those to Pivot Point, but it was still a really great book.

  4. I'm not surprised this wasn't a 5 star, I had a feeling it wouldn't be, and truth is, it wasn't for me, I felt the same, there were areas that could have been better, the world could have been explored better, but that ending, no no no, I was heartbroken, how could they, how could she, not happy, need Split Second, damn I'm jealous! Great review though hunny, here's to coming out of slumps ASAP!

    1. I really did enjoy it, but it didn't give me any of the feels I have come to expect from a West novel. I did love Trevor though, he was such a fantastic character and the romance worked well. That ending killed me a little, but I knew Split Second would probably deal with that and make me less sad.

  5. I absolutely loved this book and its sequel. I understand about the reading slump, though. I've been in one for the longest time, too. I'm glad you enjoyed it. In my opinion, Split Second is even better.

    I haven't gotten to read any of West's contemporaries yet, but I have been curious about them. From what you said, I should check them out. Great review!

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

    1. I did enjoy Split Second, but I had my issues with that one as well. They're really great books but don't give me the same feels as her other books. Her contemps are so amazing, I definitely recommend them.

  6. I absolutely love all of West's books! I just read the sequel to Pivot Point and it is fantastic! I would definitely recommend it! Good luck getting out of your reading slump! They are the worst =[

    1. They really are, I can't wait to finally get out of it - if that EVER happens, haha.

  7. I am sorry you didn't like this one just a little bit more. This was my first West book so it will always have a soft spot for me. I still haven't read the second book but I have heard it is great too, maybe you will like it a little bit more if you decide to give it a try.

    1. I did really enjoy it, but after loving On The Fence so much, I think I just didn't get all of the feels from it. I did enjoy the second one about as much, but it was a 4/5 read for me as well.

  8. I've never read anything by this author but she sounds really great! The Compound setting sounds awesome - lots of people with superpowers all locked up together= good reading. Thanks for your review!
    Esty @ Boarding with Books

    1. Thanks! It really is a great idea, I just wish I got to learn more about the Compound. West is a very talented writer, and although this was't my favourite of her books it is definitely well written.

  9. I think I'm in a reading slump now too. Last two reads have been one stars :/

    Anyway, I haven't read anything by Kasie West yet because I don't read that much contemporary. Pivot Point does sound interesting, and I like the premise. Not sure about the love triangle though.

    Anyway, great review!


    1. That sucks! They are so hard to get out of as well and I think they affect how you feel about books when you are reading them. The love triangle isn't really a love triangle, if I am completely honest. It's two choices she could take but it's barely anything to do with the guys and there's always a clear favourite.

  10. It really says something when you finish a book and didn't completely love the MC, but end up giving it 4 stars nonetheless! :D I haven't read anything by West (shame on me, right?!), but this sounds like an excellent place to start. Thanks so much for sharing, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. Exactly, I didn't love the character as much as I wanted to but I loved the book overall. She writes really amazing books, I highly recommend them all ;)

  11. Wow. Having to deal with your parents' divorce is tough enough without all of that other stuff hanging over her head!

  12. You've convinced me to give West's books a go, even if it's just her contemp. titles! This definitely does sound interesting through, especially the Sliding Doors element

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

    1. The Sliding Doors element was probably a large part of the reason I put this book on my Christmas wishlist that I gave the boyfriend, I'm surprised it took me so long to get to it. West is very talented and I definitely recommend her books, The Distance Between Us was definitely my favourite of her four so far.

  13. I adore Kasie West too. She can do no wrong. And Trevor, I just loves him.
    I'm happy you enjoyed this over all. It's kind of reads like a contemp with some paranormal aspects.
    Split Second was a little different than I was expecting but I still really enjoyed it. Hope you can get to it soon.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. She really can't, she writes such amazing characters and stories. I will definitely be picking up whatever she writes next. I got to Split Second and it was the same for me, not what I was expecting but still really enjoyable.

  14. I've been interested in this book for a while now. I always thought that it sounded like a very enjoyable plot and it looked really good. However, I haven't read a Kasie West book yet and I've read some mixed reviews on it. So it hasn't been on the top of my TBR pile.
    Great review :D

    1. I love Kasie West, she's a very talented author. If I am completely honest, I would recommend her contemporary books more than the series, but it's still really great.

  15. Glad you enjoyed this. I adore this book and everything else Kasie West writes. :)

  16. I really enjoyed this one, glad you did too. And yes, that turn was unexpected. I think she is at her best when she writes characters and dialogue. Trevor…I feel the same way. He just got better and better in this book the more you get to know him and I loved that. Hopefully you'll enjoy the next one. I did, but there was just something about it that was sad for me. Great review! ~Pam

    1. I did enjoy the next one but nowhere near as much, I can't quite explain why though.


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