Five Friday Favourites: Fav Books I've Read Between April & August

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Yay! I am beyond happy for this topic because it gives me chance to share some love for some of my favourite reads of the year. I have read a lot of brilliant books this year, some especially brilliant ones between April and August, so I am very excited to share them with you.

The Throne of Glass Series

I am cheating and including all 3 books that are out and the novellas. These are AMAZING! I have become absolutely obsessed. Maas is evil, she abuses all of my feels and yet I love her for it and keep coming back for me. This series has a kick-ass heroine, a swoon-worthy romance and it definitely destroys your feels over and over again. I absolutely adore this series and just can't get enough of it, I need the next book. You can read my reviews for Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire and The Assassin's Blade

Dangerous Girls & Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas

Don't get confused and think that these are a series or in anyway related to one another. They aren't. They are both YA thriller though, they are both written by Abigail Haas and they are both frigging AWESOME! Seriously, these books will screw with your mind and keep you guessing, right up until the final page. I just couldn't get enough of either of them. Girls is my favourite, but I love them both. Haas has earned a spot on my auto-buy list. You can read my my reviews here: Dangerous Girls & Dangerous Boys.

We Were Liars

I can't even begin to try and tell you how much I loved this book. That's mainly because it's a book you need to go into without knowing anything. It's like Fight Club or something, you know. You can't tell anyone anything, you can just review it and be as vague as humanly possible. Just trust me, it's amazing and you should all go and read it. You can check out my ridiculously vague and totally gushy review here

To All The Boys I've Loved Before

This book was just adorable. I pretty much smiled from beginning to end whilst reading it. The end just left me desperate to get my hands on the next book though. I adore the romance in this, it was done so brilliantly. This just isn't about romance though, I really loved the relationship between Lara Jean and her father and sisters, that really added a lot to the story. If you're looking for a sweet contemporary than I definitely recommend this. You can read my review here

Trial by Fire

I only just read this and it was a really pleasant surprise. I'd been so excited for it, but I was also really nervous that I wouldn't end up enjoying it. In the very beginning, I was struggling and then all of a sudden I just couldn't get enough of this. It has me desperate for the next book, I really don't want to wait. The romance in this definitely takes a back seat and isn't the most important thing. I loved the world in this and I am so happy to find another YA fantasy to fall in love with. You can read my review here

Honourable Mentions

Dangerous Girls Dangerous Boys

I have read and loved both of Abigail's books, Dangerous Girls & Dangerous Boys. To celebrate the release of Dangerous Boys, I am giving  2 winners the chance to win paperback copies of both Dangerous Boys and Dangerous Girls. It's open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to you!

Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)I also have an ARC copy of Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini to giveaway to one lucky winner. Just be aware that it's an ARC and not a finished copy, so no pretty cover!

My Weekly Book Haul: 16/08/2014
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover: 4.5/5 Review
Summer Surge: Challenges
Series: Is The Final Destination What Matters Most?
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini: 4.5/5 Review and Giveaway
Films For Thoughts on Thursday: ARCs


  1. Woah, I had no idea Trial by Fire had that other cover! I got the one on the right. Anyways, I totally agree with all of your recommendations, ESPECIALLY Throne of Glass series, We Were Liars and the Dangerous Girl/Boy! Sooo good.

    1. I have had some brilliant reads in the last few months. I became completely addicted to Throne of Glass, not sure what I am supposed to do till the next book. We Were Liars was so good, I've been dying to reread it ever since.

  2. I love The throne of glass series. I'm going to reread Crown of Midnight in anticipation for Heir of fire (I already reread The assassin's blade) The story, the characters, the romance, the plot: everything is just perfect :)

    1. It really is! Heir of Fire was amazing but I just can't handle the wait for the next book. I think the wait might actually kill me.

  3. I'm reading Heir of Fire right now AND OH DEAR GOD IT'S SO GOOD. This series just gets better with each book!

    1. IT REALLY DOES! I just can't get enough of it, not sure how I am supposed to survive until book 4.

  4. So many similar books on the list like Dangerous Girls/Boys and We Were Liars, but man those books! Trial by Fire, gah, I'm so excited now, yipeeeeee! Throne of Glass was really enjoyable too, I really wish I had the sequels, maybe soon.. It's been a good few months, even with slumps :)

    1. I hope you LOVE Trial by Fire!!! You need to get your hands on more Throne of Glass, it gets so much better. We Were Liars is just amazing, I have wanted to reread it ever since.

  5. I've wanted to read The Distance Between Us and The Truth About Alice. It looks like I won't be reading much but chapter books and middle grade books for the rest of the year!

    1. Haha, oh dear! Well I hope you get to finally read them sometime soon :)

  6. So of these are in my TBR pile and just waiting for me to read. I am excited to start them! Great list of books! The Throne of Glass series is my absolute favorite YA Fantasy series.

  7. LOVED To All The Boys I've Loved Before! That was my first Jenny Han book and it was awesome. I'll definitely be reading her other books in the future, that is for sure. I liked We Were Liars but I figured out exactly what was going on about 17% of the way through so it kind of muddled the whole experience for me. I loved the writing style, though!

    1. I can't wait for the next To All The Boys book, I NEED IT!!!! I am actually so desperate to get my hands on it, it's not even funny.

      I didn't even guess, mainly because I hadn't heard it would be a book with a twist in. I also kind of assumed it was something else, so I wasn't looking for clues or anything.

  8. Fight club is SUCH a good comparison to how bloggers have been talking about We Were Liars! The first rule of fight club...

    1. You don't not talk about Fight Club! ;) Definitely how We Were Liars feels.

  9. Squee!! Throne of Glass is there!! I can't wait to read Trial by Fire & TATBILB ;) Lovely picks <3

  10. Oh I was just looking at Dangerous Boys on another blog. Interesting choice of theirs to make them seem like a series even though they aren't.

    1. I think it's just so people could tell they are a similar style of books. It also makes it easily recognisable as being by the same author. I like it :)

  11. I'm interested in most of these! I need to make sure I've entered your giveaways, too. I don't know how you always run such good, busy giveaways!

    1. I am addicted to giveaways! I love emailing winners and seeing them get so excited over books :) I am a total loser like that ;)

  12. I have heard so many good things about all of these books! Thanks for sharing! I love to see what everybody chooses for Friday Favorites!

  13. Throne of Glass series and To all the Boys…LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I'm so happy to hear that you loved Trial by Fire, can't wait to read that one. We're actually reading We Were Liars for book club so I'll be reading that one soon. Great post! ~Pam

    1. I hope you end up loving We Were Liars, it was such a brilliant book!!! :)

  14. I clearly need to read Dangerous Girls, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, Trial By Fire (when is this one out? September?), The Truth About Alice and Far From You already.

    1. It's early September I believe, the 2nd or 3rd. You really do, they are all amazing!


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