Five Friday Favourites: Foods & Meals

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

I hate today's topic, absolutely hate it. That's mainly because I have to post yummy pictures of yummy food that I just want to eat. But I can't. I'm being healthy at the moment, which basically means staying away from all of my favourite foods! *cries* 


I am addicted to Nandos. From the peri peri chips to the yummy chicken to the to die for Nando's sauce! I actually can't get enough of this place and it's my go to place to eat out at. My boyfriend absolutely loves it too, we're both a fan of the spice and the chicken. YUM! 


Who doesn't love pizza? I don't want to meet a human being who doesn't love pizza because there has to be something wrong with them. When I went to Rome I basically just ate pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am a really fussy eater and I HATE cooked vegetables of any kind, so my choices are always margherita, meat fast or pepperoni - YUM!

Ice Cream

This makes the list mainly because I have the worst sore throat at the minute, all I crave right now is a Cornetto or a Magnum! I may break my being healthy rule right now just to go by one. If I am getting ice cream then I am always going to go for chocolate. Chocolate is the best flavour ice cream there is: FACT!

Scrambled Eggs on Toast

I adore scrambled eggs on toast! I hadn't even tried it until I was about 18 and my boyfriend made it for me. He converted me and now I think it's absolutely gorgeous. He definitely makes the greatest scrambled eggs I have tasted so far. 


Another food my boyfriend converted me too. I am a fussy eater now, but before we got together I was definitely 10x worse! Medium rare steak with chips... YUM YUM YUM! I have made myself so hungry right now just thinking about it. It also needs to have a nice amount of salt put on top of it. 

These are the first foods that popped into my head. I have been eating healthier for two weeks now, and plan to continue for the next few months. I am beyond hungry for all these foods right now, especially a yummy, bloody steak. I think I'd kill someone for a steak.

To enter to win a Kindle Fire HDX go here.

I'm currently celebrating July with a giveaway! I am giving 6 winners the chance to win a book of their choice, worth up to £10, from Book Depository. For all the details you can go to the original post.

My Weekly Book Haul: YALC Edition Part 2
Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas: 4/5 Review
Kindle Fire HDX August Giveaway
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas: 5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 7/10 Movie Review


  1. "Who doesn't love pizza? I don't want to meet a human being who doesn't love pizza because there has to be something wrong with them. When I went to Rome I basically just ate pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am a really fussy eater and I HATE cooked vegetables of any kind, so my choices are always margherita, meat fast or pepperoni - YUM!"

    ----- That entire paragraph had me cracking up with laughter. (And those gifs were really funny.) I can't help but begrudgingly agree, haha. I am staying away from cheese and the sticky, doughy stuff that glues to the inside or your intestines so... no pizza for me. As it stands right now, I was really craving noodles. What I just ate was tasty; egg noodles with beef or something, but the noodles weren't as thin as I like them so it was tasty but not SATISFYING, if you get me. *sighhh*...

    I have an embarrassingly intense relationship with food. It either drives me to complete shame or makes me feel overwhelmingly happy, mainly as I always try my best to balance the tasty with the healthy. There are some amazing recipes out there that manage to achieve both!

    Anyhoo. Have a good weekend! From, Ashana.

    1. Being healthy is killing me! But it does make me feel better and I do feel healthier, haha! BUT... I WANT ALL THE GOOD!!! Mmmmmm so hungry, haha.

      Haha, oh me too! Such an intense relationship and it's always hard for me to find a balance.

  2. Looking at those food pictures makes me hungry. I love everything on your list, especially steak, yummm.

    1. I want steak so badly right now... so badly! Writing this post made me so unbelievably hungry.

  3. I should have eaten before coming here today! :P

    1. Haha, tell me about it! Writing this made me so unbelievably hungry!

  4. Yes to everything on this list. Nando's most of all. I haven't had that in so long it's making me salivate thinking about it haha

    1. I am so hungry just thinking about it too! I need Nandos so badly it hurts.

  5. Nandos and Pizza!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Scrambled eggs on toast are so good as well! And I love ice cream, but I can't eat a lot of it because I'm lactose intolerant. :(

    1. I feel very bad for you that you can't eat large quantities of ice cream! I am craving a Nandos like crazy right now, it's not even funny.

  6. Yum, lots of really delicious food here including Pizza and Nandos, I just love the spicy chicken there! Like Ebony, I can't eat Diary, but when I order pizza I get extra tomato based sauce with no cheese and it's still good :D

    1. It must suck not being able to eat dairy, but I think pizza would taste amazing even without the cheese! I could eat about 5 pizzas right now, haha! :)

  7. Aaaaannnd now I want pizza. At 230 in the morning. lol I love scrambled eggs on toast too! So good!


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