Mid-Year Book Freak Out

I'm already gone past the half-year mark, but I have been wanting to do this survey for a while now. It's by Ely and Chami over on A Book So Fathomless, who created it in celebration of their two year blogoversary. So let's get started!

1. Best book you've read so far in 2014?

Pick one, just one...

You just need to ask Amanda at Book Badger about my FFF posts, I am a dirty little cheat. There is no way I could stick to 1. I've actually had an exceptionally good reading year, I have had some god awful reads, but I have had fifteen 5/5 rated books this year. So that makes it very difficult to narrow it down. But I will try:

We Were Liars The Assassin's Blade (Throne of Glass, #0.1-0.5) Dangerous Girls

When looking through all of my reads, these are the three that really stick out for me. The Assassin's Blade, which is technically a book of novellas, just blew my mind. It definitely showed just what an author can be capable of doing in novellas. We Were Liars just blew me away, it's such a beautifully written book and I have wanted to pick it up and reread it ever since I put it down. And Dangerous Girls is just incredible, it's a book that it's almost impossible to put down. It keeps you guessing right up until the final page, highly recommend it.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2014?

Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky, #3)

I'd pick Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi, which is the last book in her Under the Never Sky series. I fell in love with this series this year and I was beyond nervous to see how it would all end. I ended up loving the ending overall, there were a few things I wasn't completely happy about, but overall I thought it was a great end to the series.

3. New release you haven't read, but want to.

Open Road Summer Love Letters to the Dead

I have no excuse not to have read them, I own both of them and have done for months. It just seems like other books come along and get in the way. So I am determined to get to them by the end of the year, but then I have been saying that since I got them and it hasn't happened yet. Any advice on which to start with?

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)

This one is hard because I am terrible at keeping up with new releases. Then I remembered that Marie Lu has a new book coming out, and I need that book. I will probably cave soon and order it for myself!

5. Biggest disappointment.

The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles, #1) The Treatment (The Program, #2) The Jewel (The Lone City, #1) Fangirl

The Kiss of Deception is a book that I probably shouldn't have read straight after finishing Heir of Fire. This book then just feels like a poor man's Throne of Glass. It wasn't a very exciting book, the pacing was all wrong, the characters were awful and the instalove just. completely ruined it for me. 
The Treatment was a huge disappointment for me, after loving the first book so much and giving it a deserved 5/5 stars. The Treatment just didn't work for me at all, the pointless love triangle side to it really infuriated me and I couldn't deal with that.
The Jewel is the perfect example of wasted potential, that book could have been the start of the next big thing in dystopian YA fiction. It started out really strong and I couldn't get enough of it, it also had the bonus of no romance for 50% of the book. But then the author ruins it all by suddenly introducing a love interest, which is an example of the quickest instalove in the world. That just ruined the whole story for me.
Fangirl... no, just, NO! I hate book hype, it is just the worst thing in the world. I have heard nothing but high praise, seen nothing but 5/5 star reviews. So I went in expecting something genius. I got nothing. I wanted to rage quit after all the pointless fanfiction based on a book that I assumed was just supposed to be Harry Potter. Then they mention HP in the book. I'm confused. How did Simon Snow even get published when it's basically just plagiarised HP. Tell me that. 

6. Biggest surprise.

Dangerous Girls Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)

Both of these were books that I wasn't completely sure of going in. Dangerous Girls was one I got in a 3 for £5 deal, I hadn't hard anything about it and didn't know what to expect. It became a 5/5 favourite for me, I could not put that book down. Trial by Fire started out slow but then completely sucked me into the story. The end killed me because I can't pick up the sequel and start it straight away.

7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)

Sarah J. Maas

8. Newest fictional crush.

Chaol Westfall 

9. Newest favourite character.

Celaena and Chaol.
Yes... I have a problem.

10. Book that made you cry.

We Were Liars

Why? How? Nooooooo!

11. Book that made you happy.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)

This book was adorable and I was smiling almost the whole time I was reading it! Too cute!

12. Favourite book to film adaptation you've seen so far this year.

The movie was just incredible, even my boyfriend ended up enjoying it.

13. Favourite review you've written this year.

Ooooh, tough question. Probably We Were Liars because it was incredibly hard but incredibly fun to try and sum up all my feelings and review the book... without giving anything away! 

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year.  (or received)

Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)

Heir of Fire. I received a finished copy for Bloomsbury and just died... it's too gorgeous!

15. What book do you need to read by the end of the year?


Dangerous Girls Dangerous Boys

I have read and loved both of Abigail's books, Dangerous Girls & Dangerous Boys. To celebrate the release of Dangerous Boys, I am giving  2 winners the chance to win paperback copies of both Dangerous Boys and Dangerous Girls. It's open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to you!

Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)I also have an ARC copy of Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini to giveaway to one lucky winner. Just be aware that it's an ARC and not a finished copy, so no pretty cover! Because of shipping, the giveaway is UK only.

Series: Is The Final Destination What Matters Most?
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini: 4.5/5 Review and Giveaway
Films For Thoughts on Thursday: ARCs
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Books I've Read Between April & August
My Weekly Book Haul: 23/08/2014
Magnolia by Kristi Cook: 3.5/5 Review


  1. I finally got around to reading Dangerous Girls the other and was completely blown ago. I went in without a synopsis and essentially had no clue what it was about, but it blew me out of the water! In terms of let down reads--I've read three out of four of yours (I'm just missing the Jewel, but that cover....)--I share the exact same sentiments as you!

    1. I hate when books end up disappointing me, especially when I had such high hopes for them. Dangerous Girls, I love that book so much! I can't wait for more books from the author, she's amazing.

  2. This is a great survey. Need to do it! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Fangirl because I haven't read it yet and I'm definitely expecting to love it! I've had The Program for a while haven't gotten around to read it yet. Soon. I hope. Great post!

    1. So many people did love it, I definitely feel like the odd one out there.

  3. Oh man I am so tempted to do this but space?! :O Oh my days, I might have to somehow squeeze it in and double post one day this week (which I dislike doing, but hey, needs must!) I love that I get mentioned indirectly all the time, it's wonderful, not but seriously, we do cheat on that meme all the time, our bad! :P I liked this, so good on you :)

    1. I hate doubling up too, sometimes it has to be done though. Haha, I am a terrible cheater but I can't stop myself.

  4. YOu can never go wrong picking anything Maas related. ;) I am probably just as big of a fan girl as you are. I freaking love the whole series! I love that artwork! Now I want it. :P

  5. You make me want to read We Were Liars! Yes to Celaena and Chaol! I want more of them.
    Please ignore my entry for the ARC of Trial by Fire. I must be blind not to have seen the UK only part :(

    1. You NEED to read We Were Liars. That's my fault, I didn't make the UK thing very noticeable, my bad.

  6. You must, must read Open Road Summer ASAP! It's just soooooo good. I definitely think it will make me top books of the year.
    I'm happy you read and loved the Throne of Glass books. They really are perfection. And Chaol. Words cannot describe him. *sigh*
    Yup, Divergent is definitely one the best adaptations. I need to watch it right now. For the 100th time.
    See I've totally been on the fence about The Jewel. As soon as it was compared to The Selection I lost all interest. The Selection trilogy is just so terrible. UGH! I'll definitely have to read your review. Probably solidify my decision to not read it. Ever.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I know. I have had it for so long now, I really have no excuse not to get to it.
      Throne of Glass is AMAZING! I can't get enough and I am totally in love with Chaol. If only he wasn't completely fictional.

  7. DANGEROUS GIRLS and WE WERE LIARS are definitely two of my favorite reads this year so far as well! Both were so mind-boggling and really had so many pheonominal twists and turns in them.

    And I am SO impatient for what Marie Lu has to offer in her new series. I guess we can all just suffer together as we wait for it to release!

    And I've heard quite a few disappointed reviews about The Jewel so I don't plan on reading it soon to be completely honest.

    Thanks for sharing, and GREAT choices! <3

    (Chaol + Celaena = <33!)

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. They were both so brilliant and kept me guessing, I couldn't get enough of them.

      I am excited to see what her new series is like! I really hope it doesn't disappoint.

      The Jewel started so well, it's a shame it goes so wrong at the halfway mark.

  8. I love this. ^_^ Definitely YES to your top 3 picks. Hey those questions of "favourite book of the year" are just invented to taunt us and make us choice between our kids. NOT OKAY. ;) But Ely and Chami are awesome and I forgot totally about doing this tag. Pity. It's awesome. ;) Ugh, though I just got a review copy of The Jewel and now I'm really worried! My cover isn't even as nice as the US one anyway, which is doubly a shame.

    1. They really are, how are you supposed to actually pick one. It's not physically possible. It hurt just to pick three. I have seen the other cover and I am not a fan either, it's not as nice as the US one. I hope you don't find it as terrible as me, but I get the sense you'll probably feel similar.

  9. I love this survey so much! And you have several books on there that I haven't read yet and need to add to my Mt. TBR :)
    I loved Love Letters to the Dead, and I hope you'll enjoy it, too when you get around to it :)

    Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I hope I can get to it soon, I have been wanting to read it for so long now.

  10. This is awesome! I'm totally doing this survey on Friday! :)

  11. I loved all of your Supernatural gifs... they made me smile. I love seeing your answers. I'm really excited to read the Throne of Glass. I just started the first one and everyone I follow and know seems to love them.

    1. Haha, I love me some Supernatural! I hope you end up loving that series as much as I do.

  12. I love seeing these kinds of lists. So fun to see how different they are for each reader :)


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