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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet

This, surprisingly, is a hard one for me. Mainly because I have a huge book buying problem and own most of the books I want. I also work in a library, so whatever I don't buy I can just borrow.

 Throne of Glass #4, #5, & #6

Yes, they don't have release dates, titles, covers or event a blurb. BUT I NEED THEM! Ask me what books I really want to read and these are top of my list! How am I supposed to wait for these?!? I have titled them myself, after what they will inevitably do to me. It's going to be painful, amazing, horrifying and gut-wrenching and I can't wait. 

Lola and the Boy Next Door (Anna and the French Kiss, #2) Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)
Lola and Isla by Stephanie Perkins

I read Anna and the French Kiss so long ago now, but I remember really loving it. The original cover for it had really put me off, I just wasn't sold on it. But I gave it a try and ended up loving it. I have wanted to read Lola for so long now, but still haven't got to it. Now will Isla out, I definitely need to hurry up and make sure I get to these soon. 

For Darkness Shows the Stars (For Darkness Shows the Stars, #1) Across a Star-Swept Sea (For Darkness Shows the Stars, #2)
For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across A Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund

This might be based entirely on cover love, I am not sure. But, come on, those covers are gorgeous. I have also seen some brilliant reviews that have made me desperate to get my hands on these.

Unteachable by Leah Raeder

I have put off buying this one because the above cover isn't available. The newer cover is hideous, I really don't want to have that on my shelf. So I am holding out until I can get my preferred cover, or I cave and get it on my Kindle. I have seen so many great reviews for this one, I like the sound of it and I rarely read NA.

The One (The Selection, #3)
The One by Kiera Cass

I actually don't own the other two, so this will be more a case of being a book I borrow. I am still unsure, I was planning to finish the series just to see how it ended. But now that Cass had revealed she will write two more? Nope, not a fan. Why drag it out? I just think that's for money reasons and it's kind of put me off reading the third. I might just read the third and then not the others that come out, I don't love the series enough for that.

Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle, #1)
Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

I go back and forth on this one. One minute I think I want to read it and then I suddenly change my mind. I have seen both amazing reviews and then bad reviews. I don't know, I feel it's one I will get to eventually. This feels like one I will get to when the second book comes out. 

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1) Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin, #2) Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin, #3)
Grave Mercy, Dark Triumph and Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers

The third book in this series is coming out, which means I have been seeing so much of this series lately. All the amazing reviews have made me rather desperate to get my hands on it. I am nervous to buy them all, in case I don't like them but I also hate buying the first, loving it and then not being able to immediately pick up the second. Has anyone read them, would you recommend them?

Dangerous Girls Dangerous Boys

I have read and loved both of Abigail's books, Dangerous Girls & Dangerous Boys. To celebrate the release of Dangerous Boys, I am giving  2 winners the chance to win paperback copies of both Dangerous Boys and Dangerous Girls. It's open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to you!

Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy, #1)I also have an ARC copy of Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini to giveaway to one lucky winner. Just be aware that it's an ARC and not a finished copy, so no pretty cover! Because of shipping, the giveaway is UK only.

Series: Is The Final Destination What Matters Most?
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini: 4.5/5 Review and Giveaway
Films For Thoughts on Thursday: ARCs
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Books I've Read Between April & August
My Weekly Book Haul: 23/08/2014
Magnolia by Kristi Cook: 3.5/5 Review
Mid-Year Book Freak Out 


  1. Ha! I love your picks of the last Sarah J Maas books. Amazing. I'm hopefully starting the series very soon. Excited to get stuck into it! I'm also starting Lola today which I'm happy about! It's been on my shelf for a while now!

    1. I hope you love the Throne of Glass series, it's become my new favourite - can't get enough of it.

  2. Does this mean that the Throne of Glass series doesn't end with the 3rd book? I'm happy because a lot of people I know really love this series. I, on the other hand, do not love it as much. What I do love is Lola and the Boy Next Door. And ISLA recently came out but it's not yet available on our local bookstore so I'm dying waiting for it to arrive. Robin LaFevers's series looks amazing and I have Grave Mercy on my shelf, which I hope to start soon.

    My TTT

    1. Nope, it's a 6 book series and I can't get enough of it. I am pretty much dying trying to be patient and wait for the next book.

  3. OMG I LAUGHED SO HARD AT YOUR COVERS OF THE LAST THRONE OF GLASS BOOKS. *collapses giggling and then...crying* I'm pretty sure YES they'll be called that. Absolutely. There is no doubt in my mind, actually.

    1. That's totally going to be the titles... right!?! Haha, it would accurately describe what Maas is going to do to us all.

  4. Ooh nice! I still need to read Rebel Belle myself. I have it in the TBR pile, so that's like step 2 right? Step 1 is deciding you want to read it? ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know, I am terrible at finally deciding to pick up a book and read it.

  5. LOL AT THE THRONE OF GLASS COVERS. You know, those are actually pretty great titles. You should pitch them to Sarah ;)

    Unteachable was a great book! Not normally my cup of tea but man, I just loved how raw and intense it was. And I was actually lucky enough to get the cool cover you've shown so yay!

    1. I think I will, they obviously adequately describe what she is about to do to us all. YAY! I am glad you loved Unteachable, I am hunting that cover down.

  6. You have definitely got the names of the next ToG books right! I was laughing so hard when I read them!
    Lola and Isla are both adorable! I was slightly excited when I heard there was going to be more from The Selection series, but I also don't get why there has to be more. The ending of 'The One' is a perfect way to end the series.

    1. I am pretty sure those three books are going to destroy my feels, I will have none left after that. I am intrigued to see how The One ends, but I think it's kind of obvious so I wonder if it's worth my time or not.

  7. ha, great list... Your titles for Throne of glass #4,5,6 seem realistic if we go on how Sarah J. Maas can break your heart. And His fair assasin series and Rebel Belle would be on my list also.

    1. I think #4, #5 and #6 are going to obliterate all of my feels. And I am scared.

  8. I agree with Allie, those Throne of Glass titles, they're good, they could be the genuine titles, like The Punch and The Feels type thing, is a good idea ;) I agree, I'm waiting on Sarah J Maas books, and I feel you on Unteachable, it's one I've been considering, as well as Rebel Belle, but I'm just wary. I actually don't mind this other cover for Unteachable, I mean, personally, I think both covers could be better, but that's just me.. Such good picks, and you have the luck borrowing library books all the time, never stop ;)

    1. I want Unteachable so bad, I just really don't want the gross, ugly cover. But I can't track down the other one and it upsets me. Might have to suck it up and just order it already.

  9. You should read The One! It does end the series, and you won't have to read the others to complete it.
    And honestly, I thought it was the best one out of the whole trilogy.
    And I know what you mean about the Throne of Glass books. I'm having enough trouble waiting for Heir of Fire...having to wait for another 3 books is going to drive me mad.
    And I really want to read Rebel Belle, because I've loved everything else by Rachel Hawkins.

    1. Okay, I'll definitely consider finishing The One. I don't know how we're actually expected to wait, it's not fair.

  10. Ooh, I like the covers of the Robin LaFevers books. Now I'm intrigued. Your covers for the Sarah J. Maas books made me laugh!

  11. Haha! Those are very intuitive titles. I'm about 100 pages into Heir of Fire and just know I will be destroyed. I am planning for it.
    Lola is my favourite of the three. I would even suggest doing a re-read on Anna so you can prepare yourself for Isla. That's what I did and I think it helped me understand Josh more.
    Sigh...Don't even bother with The One. It's freakin' terrible. The whole trilogy is just ugh. I don't get it? Why is there so much hype? Baffles my mind!
    I absolutely loved Grave Mercy. But for some stupid reason I still haven't read Dark Triumph. I think I'm going to do a re-read of Grave Mercy and than binge the next two. :)
    Unteachable is brilliant! It's a hard book because it's kind of taboo and not going to be every one's cup of tea. But I think the author did a fantastic job of dealing with the subject matter. I think it's been a year since I first read it. I really need to get a re-read done. Really. Really.
    Rebel Belle was a pre-order for me and of course I've yet to read it. I really want to. But I also want to wait until the second book is out. I hear there's kind of a cliff hanger and I don't want to be waiting. Stupid cliff hangers...
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. The Selection series is one I don't understand all the love for, I thought the first two books were just okay. But.. I hated the main character and the main love interest. They were just both so boring. So I don't know why I feel the need to finish the series, especially now it's not really the end.

      I definitely need to get to Grave Mercy, hearing nothing but amazing things now.

      I NEED UNTEACHABLE!! I think I might just cave and get it on my Kindle.

  12. The His Fair Assassins Trilogy is in my top ten favorites of all time! They're so wonderful, you need them all!

    Erin @ The Book Nut

  13. I want the Maas books now as well, I NEED them!
    The LaFever books are a must too, I think you will really like them. They are long and very detailed but oh so good too!

  14. I’ve just finished the first book and now you’ve got me a bit scared for book two and three in the Throne of Glass series! I need to get the second book as soon as I can; now I’m thinking I need to get the third as well!

    I feel the same about Unteachable. I love the original cover, and I really think I’ll love it, so I might have to give in and get it soon.

    I absolutely loved Grave Mercy, and I highly recommend it! I haven’t read the second yet, but I plan on getting it soon. With the third on the way, I might end up getting both of them in one go. Great list!

  15. Your covers for the Throne of Glass series is SPOT on. I can't wait for those books either. The wait may be killing me. I finally picked up Grave Mercy at the library and I'm excited to give it a chance, especially since I won't have to wait long to read all the books in the series. :)

    P.S. Isn't working at a library awesome? It's my favorite.

  16. Great list! I also have Isla on my list :) Just finished The One – it was really good (even better than the first two) and I loved Grave Mercy. Thank you for the international giveaway!

  17. Yes to the His Fair Assassin series!! I'll be getting the second book very soon and can't wait for the third book! I love your titles for the rest of the Throne of Glass books! They're hilarious but so accurate ;)

  18. HIS FAIR ASSASSIN trilogy is so awesome! I got frustrated with Esme in GRAVE MERCY, but I LOOOOOOOVED DARK TRIUMPH, and am so excited for MORTAL HEART.

  19. What a great list! Loved both For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across the Star-Swept Sea!!! Loved them!! I hope you get all your books eventually. :)

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  20. For real? Cass is writing two more? That's a terrible idea. It ended perfectly and I don't think I could handle more of America. I hated her throughout the whole series, even though I did actually enjoy those books. I love your titles for the next Throne of Glass books :)

  21. I have Grave Mercy and picked it up at a really great price from a warehouse sale, but it's sitting unread on my bookshelf because I hadn't heard much about it. Seeing your post makes me eager to pick it up! I keep seeing Rebel Bell at my library, and then reaching for it but then reading the blurb and feeling "meh" about it, so I'm in the same boat as you! I'll probably get around to it eventually though! Great list this week!

  22. Charnell, WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? Those first three books :0 I just... I can't... THINK. I want those books so badly. I'd do anything to obtain those lovelies. I want Chaolaena <3 I want more Throne of Glass books!! I'm rereading Grave Mercy right now! It's quite engaging. Assassin nuns. That's all I'm saying ;) But besides that, it's pretty good! The books each have a different protagonist though... Lovely book choices <3

  23. I highly recommend For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star-Swept Sea!

  24. I also recommend For Darkness Shows the Stars and Across a Star-Swept Sea. I also loved Lola and Isla was my favorite of the three. Rebel Belle…it was such a fun book, with a snarky main character. Grave Mercy, etc. are great, although the first one is my favorite. They're all really good, though. And then Unteachable…a page-turner to say the least, although I was put-off a bit by something that happened toward the end. I want you to read it just so I can read your review and find out what you think!!! Selfish, I know.

    I'm the same way, I pretty much buy whatever books I want, so all of my picks were upcoming releases that I plan on buying. I basically have a huge problem, but I just don't care. :) ~Pam

  25. I highly recommend Diana Peterfreund's series! Both books are re-tellings of famous classics, but the worldbuilding is so original and well done. Plus the writing is gorgeous.
    I also love the His Fair Assassins trilogy - each book gets better and better.

  26. I love your titles for The Throne of Glass series! I'm not a feels reader so I think I'll be giving those a miss! I've heard great things about Isla and Lola so hope you love them. I haven't even gotten to Anna yet but am looking forward to it! I want to read the Cass series as well. Great list!

  27. I hope you LOVE Throne of Glass, it's become my new favourite series. I don't know how I am expected to wait for the next book. Unteachable is one I am really desperate to read, it's been on my radar for so long now.

  28. I am super tempted by Grave Mercy now, everyone seems to love it. I know, those three books are so going to ruin me and all of my feels.

  29. Perkins writes brilliant contemporaries! Her books are just so sweet.


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