Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Authors Of 2014 So Far

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Favourite Authors of 2014 So Far

I've tried a lot of new to me authors in 2014, so I could say that's the reason it was hard to be five. It would be half true. I just really suck at picking five of something. But I have done it, I have actually stuck to picking just five! Amanda, I hope you're proud of me.

Sarah J. Maas

Could there be anyone else in that top spot? Nope! If you follow my reviews at all, you'll already know that I have become totally obsessed with Maas and her Throne of Glass series. I want to be able to meet her so I can thank her and shout at her, all at once. Her books are beyond amazing, with characters I can't help but adore, and I romance I ship so hard it's embarrassing. She earned herself a spot on my auto-buy list and her books are now on my favourites shelf, where they belong. For gushy, embarrassing reviews go here, here, here and here.

Abigail Haas

If I wasn't fangirling over Maas and her series, I was probably going on and on about this woman and her books. They're the most amazing YA psychological thrillers. If you haven't read them yet, what are you waiting for. Go pick them up! I guarantee you won't be disappointed. These books will mess with your mind, have you second guessing everything and suspecting everyone. You can read my review for Dangerous Girls here, and for Dangerous Boys go here.

E. Lockhart

I have actually only read one book by her this year, but it was a beyond amazing book and one of my top reads of the year so far. I can't even properly recommend this book to people, because you can't tell them anything about it. It's just best to go into it knowing absolutely nothing. That made reviewing it hilariously fun to do, trying to be as vague as possible - result can be seen here.

Veronica Rossi

I had wanted to read the Under the Never Sky series for so long, but kept putting it off. I was actually really worried that it was a series that wouldn't live up to the hype. I was nervous I would read it and just be left disappointed, wondering what all the fuss was about. Thankfully, I loved it. I binge read the series in less than a week and was itching to get my hands on more books by the author. She even co-wrote a New Adult novel, which was a lot of fun to read. You can read my trilogy reviews here #1, #2 & #3 and my review of Boomerang.

Kasie West

She writes some of the cutest contemporary romances. I just love the characters she creates, I find them so easy to relate to. Her books are full of such brilliant witty banter between the characters, I can't get enough of it. Her characters always have hilarious sense of humours, very similar to my own. I can't help but smile when reading a Kasie West book. I've reviewed four books by West this year - The Distance Between Us, Pivot Point, Split Second and On the Fence.

My Weekly Book Haul: 06/09/14
Book Blogger Problems #1: The Never Ending TBR Pile
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Underrated Books and Authors
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan: 3/5 Review


  1. I love all of these picks, especially the ones that I have read their work and loved. As for the others, I have their books and have heard nothing but great things about.

  2. Ooh, great choices! I'm yet to read anything from Abigail Haas, but I continually hear people raving about Dangerous Girls, so I'm excited to give her books a read. And I love Sarah J. Maas; the Throne of Glass series is one of my favourites. Kasie West is also brilliant! Haven't read On the Fence of Pivot Point yet, but I must get to them soon. :)

    1. I really hope you give Haas a go, her books are so good! Kasie West's books have not disappointed me yet.

  3. Loving this list so much because if I were to make one, it would be so similar to yours!

  4. I am so proud! Stacie went off the rails and I expected LOADS of of authors because you hate choosing such a small number, but that's why it's five, to test you, to get the favourites! Kasie West, duh, Abigail Haas, duh, yus! E Lockart and Veronica Rossi, oops, I forgot them, but they were fantastic too! Sarah J Maas, I liked, but haven't loved yet, maybe next year.. :)

    1. I'm usually so naughty, so I feel good that I actually managed to stick to 5! I hope you come to love Maas as you continue the series.

  5. Yesss! Kasie West made my list too. :) I haven't read Veronica Rossi or Abigail Haas yet, but I plan on it some day! I own Dangerous Girls now, so that's exciting. :) Unfortunately, I've only read one Maas and Lockhart book, and they both disappointed me, so I haven't read anything else by them yet.

    1. I really hope you get to Dangerous Girls soon, that book blew my mind! I LOVED IT!

  6. Oh HECK YEAH to so many of these! For me, it's except Veronica Rossi (I unfortunately totally didn't get on with that series. I know right?! What's wrong with me...) and I haven't read Kasie West yet. Which I will get onto eventually. XD But absolutely YES to Sarah J Maas. I'm facing my fears and I've ordered Heir of Fire. lol FINALLY. I really am a wimp. And Abigail Haas cannot get more awesome. Although I just noticed Haas and Maas...heeeee. Small things amuse small minds, right?! (And Haas is like her pseudonym. But whatever.)

    1. What is wrong with you?!?!?! HAHA! Good luck with Heir of Fire, Maas is still torturing me!!! I also laughed at the Haas and Maas thing when I noticed, I am clearly easily amused too.

  7. I love all these authors!! I haven't read Dangerous Girls but I really want to!!

  8. Great picks! I'm really liking Throne of Glass so far. Sarah is truly a magnificent author!

  9. Maas and West for the win! Maas especially. She is the master destroyer of feels. God, I love and hate her so much. And now I just need the next book. My life is so bleak and depressing without it. Ugh! Lol!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. She really is, my feels still haven't recovered from Heir of Fire. I KNOW! I have no idea how I am supposed to wait till next year for that book.

  10. I need to read more books! Seriously! So many talented writers and so many great books that they have written. :) Love the list.

    Nina from J'adore Happy Endings

  11. Great list! I love Sarah J. Maas, Veronica Rossi, and Kasie West. Definitely auto-buy authors for me. To be honest, I didn't love Dangerous Girls. I liked it, I thought it was well done, but I didn't love it. And I still need to read We Were Liars! I have to in the next couple of days since my book club meets on Wednesday to talk about it. Hope I love it! ~Pam

    1. Oooooh, I really hope you love We Were Liars! I absolutely loved that book, it was written so beautifully.

  12. Sarah J Maas, HECK YEAH!!!!!!!! I was pleasantly surprised by Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. I need to read some Kasie West too... Lovely choices, Charnell!!!


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