Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Book Scenes

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Favourite Book Scenes

Oh dear, another topic where I can do nothing but have Harry Potter scenes. I'm sorry, it has to be done. The best bookish scenes are all from Harry Potter and that's a fact. But to choose 5! I am going to just try and do the first ones that pop into my head - and also try to avoid as many spoilers as possible for any of you crazy people who haven't read the books yet. What are you doing with your life? Go read Harry Potter!

from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

There are hundreds of scenes in the Harry Potter book series that I absolutely love. But this is one of the moments that gives me the most joy! It's just beyond perfect and I could not help myself from laughing out loud. So much had happened and my heart was breaking over the deaths of so many of my favourite characters. And then J.K. Rowling gives me this absolutely perfect moment! GO MOLLY!!!

Hermione & Ron Kiss
from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I waited years for that moment! It was wonderful and just such a squee worthy moment! I LOVED IT! I preferred how they did it in the book, but I wanted a gif to illustrate. In the book there is so much back story that goes into that kiss, with the house elves and everything! So much has built up to it and I love what makes Hermione finally give into her feelings for Ron! They are my ultimate OTP!

Any Quidditch Game

If I had to pick one then it would probably be from Prisoner of Azkaban. But all of the Quidditch games were so much fun to read. Rowling brings it to life and always makes me feel like I am a part of it. Not to mention that Lee Jordan's commentaries are the most hilarious things ever!

The Riddle House
from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This was an amazing way to start the book. We see Frank, who's like the housekeeper/gardener, see lights on at the Riddle house, which should be empty. This is where we first get a glimpse of Voldemort in Goblet of Fire. It's such a creepy scene and a brilliant way to start the book off. I'd come to expect every Harry Potter book to open with Harry at the Dursley's, it was a pleasant, creepy, scary surprise to have it start off in such a dark place. It was a sign of things to come, a sign that the books were getting older and darker. I LOVED IT!

The Battle of Hogwarts
from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I am cheating, I am basically saying the last few hundred pages of the Deathly Hallows. But there are so many favourite moments within that. There's that Snape scene, you know the one! There's Harry telling Voldemort some home truths. Yeah... fuck you, Voldemort! There's all the fighting, the death and my never ending stream of tears. 

There are so many more amazing moments that I don't get to mention! I have about 100 favourite Harry Potter scenes. But I am finally learning to restrain myself and actually stick to 5!

This whole post has made me so desperate for a Harry Potter reread!

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Blogoversary Celebration and Giveaway
Day 21 by Kass Morgan (The 100 #2): 3.5/5 Review
Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis: 4.5/5 Review


  1. All of them are my favorite too! *SQUEE* Oh and that moment from Deathly Hallows when the death eater spits in Prof. McGonagall's face and Harry comes out of his cloak and says: "You shouldn't have done that." right before he casts the cruciatus curse... Just wow! :D And the scene from the Order of the Phoenix, when Sirius *you know*... So heart-breaking! :'( I love this series with all my heart and soul... and I think I'll never be too old to reread this!
    Book Maniac Reviews

    1. OH GOD! How did I forget the spit scene!!?!?!?! I LOVED THAT SCENE! I hated that they didn't include it in the movie. That scene confused me when I read it, I was so certain that what I thought had happened hadn't just happened... but it had! NOOOOOO!

  2. Go Molly! Loved that scene as well. And Quidditch, who doesn't love those scenes? If only it was a real game, I might actually watch sports. ^_- And how could anyone even think of breaking up the last few hundred pages of Deathly Hollows?

    re:previous comment: SIRIUS! Oh, that scene! The moment when I realized how much I loved his character.

    Now I have to reread the series.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. Yup, I was really sad when it happened! I think I cried too! :(

    2. I know! THAT SCENE GETS ME EVERY TIME! Oh and the moment I thought they were going to kill of Mr Weasley in Order of the Phoenix. I KNOW?!? YOU CAN'T! Those pages need to go together and be loved and appreciated at as a whole.

  3. Yes to all of these! I haven't seen this meme before and it's a great idea. But good grief, how could you decide? There's just so many good books and so many good scenes!

  4. *slinks into corner and hides* Obviously I do not recognise most of these scenes. OH I AM A SHAME TO THE BOOKISH WORLD. Though I had on my list of goals for September to read book #5 and then...I noticed it was the 26th. Not fair. This month went fast without consulting me at all. But I reeeeally want to get to the last book oh so badly. SO MANY REASONS.

    1. You really are ;) HAHA! The last book might be my favourite because of all the feels it gives me. You should definitely finish this series!

  5. Charnell.. all Harry Potter? Really?! You will move past the series one day, I swear ;) But these are good scenes. I have to admit that out of these, I prefer the Riddle House one, it's a good one and really creepy, so that's a good one! :)

    1. Haha! I am currently sitting here in a Hogwarts pyjama shirt... not sure I'll ever move past it! I wouldn't want to. Harry Potter is the ultimate in all things bookish for me, I'm sorry!

  6. Oh my gosh, I seriously love all of these scenes :) Quidditch matches are always awesome, that last battle was EPIC. Lovely picks, it's great to reminisce...

    1. All the reminiscing makes me want to go and reread though!

  7. All great ones to pick! But I am a huge H.P. nut so I love almost everything H.P. related. ;)

  8. This post has made me desperate for a HP re-read. lol :D Not my daughter you bitch is my favorite of all favorite scenes.

  9. This has just given me all the feels ;_; Lucky I'm already doing a reread (well, listening to the audiobooks) of the books already or this would have brought me extra pain.

    1. I have the biggest urge to reread. I have three weeks off at Christmas and might do it then.

  10. I have been wanting to reread the Harry Potter series (again!) for a while, and this post reinforces that! :)

  11. LOL I think we've all got a series that's like that. Pretty much anything and everything can be linked back to it some how if we try :D

  12. It's been so long since I've read Harry Potter, but yes, a reread is needed. Great post! ~Pam

  13. I'm not the biggest ever fan of Harry Potter, but the Quidditch impressed even me. Anyway, I recently discovered I do want to read Fangirl so I would probably choose that one.

    1. I read Fangirl and was probably one of the only people who didn't enjoy it.

  14. YAY!!! I am glad to find others who would just want to pick Harry Potter for everything! IT'S THE WAY LIFE SHOULD BE ;)


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