Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan: Review

The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2)Title: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson #2)
Author: Rick Riordan
Publisher: Puffin Books
Buy This Book: Amazon / Book Depository

It's not easy being a half-blood these days. Even a simple game of dodgeball becomes a death match against an ugly gang of cannibal giants - and that was only the beginning.
Now Camp Half-Blood is under attack and, unless I can get my hands of the Golden Fleece, the whole camp will be invaded by monsters. Big ones...(Goodreads summary.)

I recently reviewed The Lightning Thief and talked about my overall disappointment with it. I thought it wasn't a strong start to this series, and it made me want to give up on it. There's so much love for this series though, so I decided to keep going and see if it gets better. So far, I am not sold on this series.

I hated how repetitive The Lightning Thief was. All Grover, Percy and Annabeth did was go from place to place, run into someone who seemed human but would turn out not to be. A fight would inevitably ensue and Percy would ultimately, and quite easily, win. I knew if every book was like that then I would have to quit this series. I felt Sea of Monsters wasn't as repetitive, but it did have it's moments. My main issue with it is that it still feels too young. I never fear for Percy because he always easily gets out of any danger. That gets a bit dull to read.

I have to say that the Percy Jackson series is one that is definitely more character driven. The characters are funny and so easy to like. I just find it's the story itself that is lacking, it just doesn't completely work for me. The Lightning Thief seemed to drag for me, I felt it was unnecessarily long for what it actually was. Before I started Sea of Monsters, I was pleased to see it was a lot shorter than the first book. But it felt just as long, and not in a good way. A lot goes on in this book, there is a lot of action but, at the same time, it never really feels like anything important happens.

I feel like Sea of Monsters didn't leave any impression on me, I can barely sum up my feels for it. Mainly because I don't really have any feels. It just wasn't anything special and, again, I'm left questioning whether I want to continue and see if it gets better the longer the series goes on. I really hope so. Or am I just wasting my time?

3/5 Butterflies


  1. I haven't read Percy Jackson series by I've watched the Lightning Thief movie... While I did like the movie, I decided not to read the series because of bad reviews that I read on Goodreads about it. But since you've started it, I wish you luck and I hope it gets better for you! :)

    Book Maniac Reviews

    1. I really hope it gets better for me too. I actually enjoyed The Lightning Thief movie more than I enjoyed the book.

  2. Dang, I'm sad that you don't really like this series. I thought it was good, but if you don't like it now, then I don't know how you will feel about the rest of the series. Is it because it's more of a middle grade in the beginning? He's 12 in the first book, but the movie makes him like a 16 year old. I don't know. Different people like different things, I guess. I just love to see everyone's reactions to things I've read. It's great. I hope you end up liking the rest.

    1. It's just that they feel so young and I am really struggling with them. I hope I enjoy them more the longer they go on, once Percy gets a bit older.

  3. It's been so long since I've read these novels, though I do remember enjoying them when I was a lot younger, and I'm sure that my tastes in books have change quite a bit since then. Great review -- it's a shame that you couldn't feel much for it, though! I completely understand what you mean when you say it didn't leave much of an impression; thinking back, though I enjoyed them, it didn't for me, either. I can't even remember what the next book in the series is called! xD

    1. They're okay books, but they're just not anything special. I hope I can come to love the series more as I go along, but I am not sure yet.

  4. Oh no I feel really bad for pushing you to read it.. younger books aren't for everyone and I've obviously encouraged you to read something you're not liking much.. dang. See, I can't really not fangirl, but I think I came to terms with the fact that it was younger than us, even the Kane Chronicles is younger than us, but Heroes of Olympus is more my age? 16-18, that might go down better for you, but if you did jump series, you'd probably need to read up on the spoilers to know whats happened so you're not lost. It's an option? But I'm really sorry this isn't hitting the spot with you, still a good review though :)

    1. No, it's fine. I want to read them and I really want to love them. It's making me so sad that I am not loving them as much as everyone else. They just seem too young for me at times and that bugs me. I am going to continue, I am determined to get through this series and even give Heroes a try. I SO WANT TO LOVE THEM!

  5. These are a little younger than I tend to go but oh my word we sold them like mad when I worked at a bookstore. It was crazy. Sorry to see they've been a bit of a letdown for ya.

    1. It has, I hope I start to love them more as I read more. I just tend to read YA or older now, I'm not a middle grade reader other than Harry Potter.

  6. I am sad you aren't' liking these more but completely understand as well that they just aren't for everyone.
    Great honest review!

    1. I hope I can enjoy them more as I go along. I don't know though, I just still feel like they are too young for me.

  7. Ohh, this scares me. >_< I've read book #1, but I guess I wasn't mindblown so I haven't gotten around to anymore. I DO love the characters though! I guess, maybe I just felt it wasn't particularly original? And the movies, ugh, they haven't inspired me to read it. Usually the movies really get me reading the book, but I've actually seen the movie for this and not read the book. I'm 99% the book will be better, though. ;)

    1. Exactly! It doesn't feel original to me either. I just don't really get what all the hype was about. The books are okay but they're not amazing. I like the characters but the plot is always lacking for me.

    2. Don't worry, the movies are horrible but the books are way better.

  8. Please continue. The best book is the third where they introduce nico and dive deeper into some of the characters.


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