The Bookshelf Tag

I really wanted to do the bookshelf tag, mainly so I could take pictures of my bookshelves. I keep reorganising the two in my bedroom because I never seem completely happy with them. I was planning to do this tag, even though I hadn't been tagged by anyone. But then Amanda from Book Badger tagged me and gave me an even bigger reason to do it. So, YAY!

My Shelves

This set up probably won't last too long. The only thing that will definitely stay the same are the top two shelves. I have fitted over 600 books on these two bookshelves, which is accomplished by having a row of pretties at the front. Then you have three columns of books hidden behind them. I am a master at shelf organising, it's the librarian in me!

Confession: I have another one in my spare room, but that's mainly got all of my adult fiction on it. You'd never know by looking at the books I've reviewed on the blog, but I own a lot of adult fiction.

1. Is there a book that you really want to read but haven't because you know it'll make you cry?

The Spectacular NowThis is a tough one because it kind of makes me want to say all of them. I never know when a book is going to turn me into a complete sobbing wreck. Sometimes the ones I expect to make me cry don't (TFIOS) and then ones that I never expected to make me cry do (My Life Next Door).

Looking at my shelves though, I am going to have to go with The Spectacular Now. I don't know much about that book or what it's about, even though I own two copies. But I'm nervous it's going to make me cry. I don't know why I think that, I just do. I blame the title. I mean, why is it only spectacular now? What's coming later!?!

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)2. Pick one book that helped introduce you to a new genre.

Easy. The Hunger Games probably wasn't my first ever taste of dystopian fiction but it's the first one that was good enough to make an impression. After that I was completely hooked. I hunted down as many dystopians as I could get my hands on and read them all.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)3. Find a book that you want to reread.

I have so many. Harry Potter for definite, it's been far too long now. I have plans to do it but not for a little while now. I also want to get to some old favourites that I haven't read in years - His Dark Materials series, The Sight series, Noughts & Crosses series. I plan to make more time next year for rereads and requesting less ARCs.

Divergent (Divergent, #1)4. Is there a book series you read but wish you hadn't?

I assume this means I had to have read the entire series. That's really easy: Divergent. Mainly because it's really disheatening to read and love the first book in a series, only for the series to get worse with each subsequent book. And the final book be one of the worst things you have ever read. I was kind of glad at the ending of that book. By the end I kind of felt they deserved it for all the whining I had to read through. 

5. If your house were burning down and all your family and pets were safe, which book would you go back in and save?

Can I say all of them?!? No, okay.
Both my Harry Potter sets because they're gorgeous and my favourites.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)6. Is there one book on your shelf that brings back fond memories?

I don't want to keep saying Harry Potter but it would definitely be Harry Potter. Especially the final book. It brings back memories of walking down at midnight with my best friend Kevin and my friend Adam to get it. Me and Kevin were meeting Adam at the end of a street at about 11.30pm and it was pitch black. We hid behind the fence and jumped out of him and scared the crap out of him. I also remember getting the book and reading it till the sun came up, with tears streaming down my face. J.K. Rowling did break my heart about a million times but I still think of fond memories every time I look at that book.

7. Find a book that has inspired you the most.

I have no idea. All of them? I feel like every book I read seems to inspire me in some way. Even the ones I hate. They inspire me to never write anything that bad, haha. 

8. Do you have any autographed books?

Yes, 27 in fact.

I am most fond of my Noughts and Crosses signed books! I have met Malorie Blackman three times now. The first was at the BBC, my first invite to an event because of the blog and it was amazing.

9. Find the book that you've owned the longest?

A lot of my childhood books are in the loft at my parents house. So it would probably be my original copy of Harry Potter which I've had for about 15 years now. 

Slammed (Slammed, #1)
10. Is there a book by an author you never imagined you'd read and enjoy?

I'm going to go with Colleen Hoover. Id never heard of her but, way before I started blogging, I was looking for new reads online and kept seeing Slammed pop up. I didn't really know if it was for me, it wasn't what I usually read and I was a little nervous. I ended up loving it and have read 5 of her books now and really enjoyed them all. I now have her on my auto-buy list.

I'm supposed to tag people but I get really confused about who has done this and who hasn't. So I tag anyone and everyone reading this who feels like doing it. You really should, it's a lot of fun!

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Blogoversary Celebration and Giveaway
Day 21 by Kass Morgan (The 100 #2): 3.5/5 Review
Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis: 4.5/5 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Book Scenes
My Weekly Book Haul: 27/09/2014
The Young Elites by Marie Lu: 3/5 Review


  1. Harry Potter is just the go to answer, isn't it? But it's totally understandable. I want to answer HP to everything as well. I love your organisation though. Everything has a place! I wish I could master it :D

    Jess @ My Reading Dress

    1. I reorganise my shelves far too much! I like it like that but I changed it straight after so I have two free shelves. I need one for new books I have acquired and need to haul. Then another for my potential next reads.

  2. My top tip for new bloggers is to write about what you want, not what everyone else is doing, unless that's what you want of course

  3. Oh, this seems like a new tag! At least, I've never seen it before. I'm pretty sure The Hunger Games was the one to introduce me to dystopian as well. I've also been wanting to re-read Harry Potter for the fifth/sixth(?) time, but there are so many other books that demand my attention *grumble*

    Also, your autographed books are seriously cool. But you probably already knew that.

    1. I know, I've read Harry Potter so many times that I don't know why I feel bad that I haven't reread it in so long. But I do!

  4. Wow! Love the shelves :D I see you have order; love that! I have it too, sort of. I have this weird shelf where 2 shelves are way smaller than the rest, so books have to be horizontally placed. it's a bit awkward and that messes with my order plan! :D I hope to get new shelves soon.
    Also yay for so many signed books! Awesome! I only have a bunch, 5 tops. Not even sure! :D I bought some already signed in London. ^^

    As for the giveaway, I'd pick ToG HB because I don't have it yet, and maybe some other faves i still haven't bought.

    1. I love organising my bookshelves, so I change them quite a lot. I move books off and see some hidden behind that I'd completely forgot I even owned. Most of those signed books are thanks to YALC! I decided to make the most of the opportunity.

  5. You are OBSESSED with Harry Potter aren't you? Bless you! This was wonderful and such a shame that we can't see all your pretties behind the front, but this was a wonderful insight. You should really review more adult books, I'd love some recommendations on where to go if I want to stretch my wings a little :)

    1. HAHA! Amanda, how has it taken you this long to realise I am OBSESSED! Obsessed obsessed. I've been to the tour, I own t-shirts, wands, pillows, multiple editions, and so much more. I'm a Potterhead and proud! :) I will definitely be reading more adult fiction next year. Or at least I plan to.

  6. Love that shelf!
    I love all your choices and quite a few of them, I would have picked as well and still need to read too.

  7. This looks like FUN! I might do this myself :) Great Post and thank you so much for the giveaway! Happy Blogoversary!!

    Mimi Zane @M&EM Read YA

  8. So many autographed books! I don't know why I don't get books autographed.

    Hunger Games…that was the book that started me reading YA again and dystopian specifically.

    Fun post! ~Pam

    1. Most of mine came from YALC! I made the most of that opportunity.

  9. Oh all the signatures together is so neat looking! Love that :)

  10. I LOVE SEEING PICTURES OF PEOPLE'S BOOKSHELVES. Yours are incredible! So many awesome sets...*happy sigh* And omg, you have so many signed ones too?! Sally Green! EEEEK. Okay! Okay! I'll stop fangirling now. ;-) The Hunger Games really got me started on YA...I can't remember when I really started reading YA, but I'm sure The Hunger Games and The Scorpio Races were what pushed me into it. Fond memories. ^-^

    1. I took full advantage of YALC and got so many books signed when I was there. I love organising my bookshelves, something I do far too much.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Not sure if I'm double posting, my page glitched when I pressed submit so I'm just re-commenting incase :) ...

    So many of your answers are the same things I would answer! xD The Hung Games really got me started on Dystopian, I read quite a few after that and loved it. I'm totally with you on Divergent, the struggle was real when I was reading the las two books - that third one I could have thrown out the window. It's a year on since I read it and I still moan about it and how bad it was! And WOW, you have so many signed books - awesome! I don't have any because I read all my books on my Kindle, but I think it's time I get some signed ones!! :D

    Harry Potter was fantastic, wasn't it?! I was so obsessed with it I turned half of my wardrobe into my "Harry Potter cubby hole", it was full of HP pillows, posters, books, plush toys, collectibles (I'm weird like that XD). I would go in there with a lamp and read the books! When I obsess, I obsess, hehehe.

    Great post!
    - Anna @ Cool Girls Read Too

    1. I hate when that happens!

      I really wish I had thrown Allegiant out the window, it was what it deserved. I could moan about that book for years and not get sick of doing it.

      Most of the signed books are ones I got signed at YALC. I took full advantage of that opportunity.

      HAHA! That sounds amazing! ;) I obsess far too much over Harry Potter. It is probably embarrassed but I love it too much to ever be embarrassed.

  13. SO MANY AUTOGRAPHED BOOKS!!! Awesome. Ooooh, I loved your answer to point number one. You never know how a book is gonna move you. Oh maaan, Harry Potter would probably be my answer for a lot of those too. I can't believe how emotional those books are. Oh heyy, I have The Boy With The Porcelain Blade signed too! Cool.

    I don't think I will bother with Divergent. I was going to, after I told myself I wouldn't bother with mortal instruments. But now I have no patience for either. I just have a feeling. Hm, I've heard of Slammed before! I will check it out, I can't remember what it was about. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Exactly. I can never really tell what a book will do to me emotionally. Sometimes a book can really surprise me with how much it makes me feel. I got most of my signed books at YALC,

    2. Well, I got round to doing the Bookshelf Tag on my blog! (as it turned out, Harry Potter wasn't the answer for any of them! That is, once I remembered the wealth of books I had. O_O )
      Thanks for the open tag!

  14. I have a lot of autographed books, but not as many as you do!

    I may have to go back and read Harry again. It has been a while since I got lost in that story.

  15. Love this post! I can't believe how organized your shelves are! My bookshelf still needs to be put together. I am also envious of your collection of signed books!

    1. Thanks. I reorganised them recently, then again afterwards. I'm a little obsessed with organising them.

  16. Oh god, this post is too organised and too much work for me! I want to do it, but I'm gonna have to save it for when a good quarter of my collection is not in boxes stuffed in my wardrobe... Maybe when my dad makes me my bookshelf-on-wheels he's promised.

    1. Yeah, it does take some effort but not too much. I just love an excuse to reorganise my bookshelves ;)

  17. Harry Potter is the answer to any and all questions.
    Won't the day you can finally organize your book collection into a huge and spectacular library be the best day of your life, ever? Seriously. Actually have all of them displayed, not hiding behind 5 others. I can't wait!
    I don't think you'll cry during The Spectacular Now. I don't want to ruin it, but I have a review on the blog. Just know it wasn't my favourite...:/
    I love my signed books too! That is a collection I can't wait to continuously grow. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. IT WILL! I hate having them hiding behind others. I am trying to convince the boyfriend that we need two more bookshelves, but I don't think I have exactly sold him on that yet. We already have four and he's not a fan of those as it is.

  18. You met Malorie Blackman? No fair! I really would love to meet her, I was and am always going to be crazy about her Noughts and Crosses series. On top of that, I am currently reading the Harry Potter series for the first time! I am surprised that I am not liking it as much as I hoped I would by book 2... hm... nice tag though!

    1. I know! TWICE! :) I love her and she is sooooo lovely. I can't imagine what it would be like trying Harry Potter for the first time as an adult, I'd imagine it would take till book 4 to it to start getting good.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.