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Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I've Only Read One Book From But Need To Read More


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Authors I've Only Read One Book From But Need To Read More

I thought this one would be an easy topic, but it's actually quite difficult. It seems that I usually hunt down more books from authors I love. So most of the authors whose books I'd only read one of were authors I didn't want to read any more from. I did find these ten authors though, I loved their books and so it surprises me that I haven't read more from them. 

Kathryn Stockett, Jennifer Mathieu and Tess Sharpe all have only one book published. But, as soon as a new one is released, I will definitely be buying their next books.
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart was one of my favourite reads of the year, am very eager to read more by her.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy and The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger are two books that I read years before I started blogging. I loved both of those books so much, they both had a massive impact on me and I still think about them. I definitely need to make time to read more books from those authors. I think I am just a little nervous I won't love their other books as much.

Leila Sales wrote the amazing This Song Will Save Your Life, which exceeded all of my expectations. I was nervous I wouldn't like that book, then it ended up giving me all of the feels. 

Forbidden became an instant favourite of mine when I read it last year. I NEED to read more Tabitha Suzuma! NEED TO! HAVE TO! WILL DO! James bought me Anna, Lola and Isla as gifts, so I will definitely be doing a Stephanie Perkins binge read soon.

Tracey Ward was an author I discovered when I agreed to do the book tour for her book Sleepless. I had never heard of her or the book before, I didn't really no what to expect. I thought the book was brilliant and really enjoyed her writing style. Will be downloading more of her ebooks very soon.

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan: 3/5 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Authors of 2014
My Weekly Book Haul: 13/09/2014
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan: 3/5 Review
The GIF and TBR Tags


  1. You definitely need to read more from Perkins, she is awesome. I have been waiting for Stockett to write something else as well and when she does I am so all over it. I loved The Help!

    1. I know, no idea why Stockett hasn't wrote anything since then. Maybe it's a lot of pressure to follow up such a successful book.

  2. Oh I have so many like that. I haven't read any of yours but have a few of those on my tbr pile. A couple because of you :D

    1. I really need to make more effort to track down more books from these authors.

  3. I've heard such good things about 'This Song Will Save Your Life' so I'll definitely get to that soon (hopefully), and of course after 'We Were Liars' E. Lockhart has made her way onto my auto-read bunch of authors, and also my TTT!

    Eugenia @ Genie In A Book

    1. E. Lockhart! I really need to track down more books from her and get reading.

  4. Leila Sales is on my list too seeing as This Song Will Save Your Life was really good. I need to get round to reading more of her books! I need to read more E. Lockhart too because We Were Liars was brilliant.

    1. Me too. This Song was such a wonderful surprise, didn't expect to love it anywhere near as much as I did.

  5. I've read Anna and Lola by Stephanie Perkins. Loved Anna, Lola was ehh, but I've got Isla on the way!

    I also read Forbidden a while ago and that was just one big mindfuck. In a good way, I mean. I definitely need to read more of her work.

    Audrey Niffenegger's too! I read The Time Traveler's Wife and it was such an interesting concept, I can't wait to see what else she's got up her sleeve.

    1. Me too. I own one of Suzuma's other books but have yet to get to it. I really want to though because Forbidden blew me away.

  6. OOh nice! Haven't read any of these authors myself. Hope you get to read more of them someday!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I read most of E. Lochart s books and they are pretty entertaining. And i read another book from Leila Sales but I cant remember anything about it so that says a lot. lol. Forbidden was amazing so I hope I read other books from Suzuma in the future. And I hope you love Lola and Isla as much as I did :)

    1. Thank you, I am looking forward to trying more of these authors books. Especially Suzuma and Perkins!

  8. Awesome choices and I'm surprised to see The Road there as I wouldn't have necessarily thought that that was your kind of book, not that it's not an awesome book, as is his No Country For Old Men!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. I know, you'd think from my blog reviews that I only read YA. But I own a large amount of adult fiction, just haven't read very much since I started blogging.

  9. Tabitha Suzuma is on my own list this week! I know she has a book that came out recently, Hurt, and I really would like to read it at some stage (when my emotions are capable of taking another battering!) I own a copy of The Time Traveller’s Wife, and I really need to get around to reading it soon. Glad you love it – the hype is so crazy around it, I’m a little afraid to start it!

    1. I actually own Hurt, I just haven't managed to get to it yet. I will though, soon!

  10. E. Lockhart!! We Were Liars is VERY different from her other books. The Boyfriend List and Frankie Landau-Banks are more lighthearted and funny and witty. They're 2 of my favs. I love Stephanie Perkins books... but Anna was my fav and I haven't read Isla yet either :( I would also like to read more by Audrey Niffenegger bc I love The Time Traveler's Wife as well. I wonder if her other books are as good?

    My TTT

    1. I'm curious about E. Lockhart's other books, but also a little worried. I really loved The Time Traveller's Wife, so much so that it's put me off reading anything else by her.

  11. Excellent list, a couple of authors made my list too, and obviously the ones I haven't read yet that you've listed I'm adding to my TBR if they're not already on it! Most of them are but there are a few I was iffy about that I now want to read!

    My TTT:

  12. Oh, I loved We Were Liars. That was my first Lockhart read as well, and it makes me want to read more!

  13. We Were Liars was one of my favorite books of the year too - it was so mind-boggling! I definitely would love to read more of Lockhart's books, and I think her place on this list is absolutely justified. :) Thanks for sharing, and great choices! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. I hope I end up loving Lockharts other books, or I'd be very disappointed.

  14. I nearly put E. Lockhart on my list too. I SHOULD HAVE. It was just too amazing and I definitely need more. I wanted to read this other book by Lelia Sales but a few people told me it was no where near as good as This Song. So bleh. I kind of postponed it. I LOVED This Song too much. XD

    1. I know, that's why I put off reading more of her books. I don't want to be left disappointed.

  15. Great list! I haven't read any of those authors yet, but several are on my TBR list. It's great to see so many of them on these lists today.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. I loved all the books I mentioned, so I highly recommend them all.

  16. I'm the same way, if I love an author, I will hunt down the other books so this one would be tough for me (probably why I didn't participate this week). You need to read Lola and Isla!!!! :) ~Pam

  17. Wonderful list this week, Charnell. :) Unfortunately, I've only read two books from this list (Anna and We Were Liars.) However, I do have plans to read This Song Will Save Your Life (I'm going to hang out and wait until the new American paperback is released, because I think I prefer that one), The Truth About Alice (Have you seen the Australian cover? I think it's gorgeous - has to stop myself from buying it too many times), Forbidden, Far From You, The Time Traveler's Wife and The Help.

    1. I haven't seen the new American paperback, I'm going to have to google that. *goes to google* The black and purple one? I'm not a fan of that one. I haven't seen the Australian cover for The Truth About Alice either. I have to go to google again. I don't think I can find it, but I really do love the US hardcover edition, it's so beautiful.

  18. I have the exact same fear when it comes to E. Lockhart, especially since I hear her other books are really different. I'm worried I won't enjoy them anywhere near as much.


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