Top Ten Tuesday: Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table

I wasn't quite sure how to figure this one out. Is it people you would want at your lunch table, or characters who are similar to the people who were at your lunch table. I decided to do two lists, those characters similar to my friends and then my lunch table dream team.

Like My Friends

Fred & George 
Lara Jean

These are the characters who are the most like my group of friends. I spent my lunch times with my large group of friends and we had the greatest times. I am from the UK, so we don't really do the lunch table thing, you spent your lunches outside - at least at my school. My friends were more guys than girls, the guys always being the jokers. So Ron, Fred, George and Roar are the characters that have always reminded me the most of my friends. Lara Jean, Caymen and Charlie are great characters and remind me of all my friends who are girls. Lara Jean, who's quiet, shy and would rather spend her time baking than going out with friends, she definitely reminded me of some of my friends. Charlie and her tomboy side and Caymen's sarcastic humour would earn them a spot at my lunch table.

The Dream Team

 Most of the HP characters
Celaena & Chaol

Callum & Sephy

Now these are the people that I would want at my lunch table, my dream team of friends. It's not surprsing that I have mostly chosen really attractive guys. Hey, a girl can dream. Celaena, Lyra, Sephy and a large majority of the HP female characters are some of my favourite girls in fiction, I would love to be friends with them all. Celaena especially, for her love of food, books and her hilarious and dark sense of humour. Let's be honest, the guys are all only on here for one reason: I love them. 

Mid-Year Book Freak Out
The Jewel by Amy Ewing: 2.5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Book Thief Movie Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Book to Movie Adaptations
My Weekly Book Haul: 30/08/2014
I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson: 3/5 Review
Discussion: Why Insta-Love Instantly Turns Me Off A Book
Monthly Recap: August


  1. HOW COULD I FORGET FRED & GEORGE?! I put Hermione instead but Fred & George are awesome, great choice! I also had Will from Divergent, instead of Four. I loved your picks of Callum & Sephy too!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. You should definitely feel bad about forgetting Fred and George. Those guys are amazing ;)

  2. I think I'd love most of the Harry Potter characters to be my friends too. There would certainly be interesting conversations...

    1. Exactly. I'd love to be at Hogwarts AND be friends with them, haha!

  3. Oh, Lochan. Thinking of him breaks my heart :(

    YES, COME TO THE TABLE LOCHAN. We will give you hugs. Lots of hugs.

    1. I love Lochan. Just thinking about him makes me want to cry, haha.

  4. Fred and George are great! Good choices! :)

  5. Roar, Fred and George also made it on my list!
    My TTT

  6. Ooo I love this, all great picks!!

  7. LOL! I always do that too, pick the dream guys I'd want around me because they're hot. Whatever, I'm not going to miss out on including hot guys whenever possible.
    I have to agree with a lot of your choices. I would definitely have the sarcastic, funny, joke-y guys and girls at my lunch table. That's what my friends were like(in high school). Oh man, if only we could actually get a lunch time with these characters. Life would feel a little more complete. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I know! Fictional characters need to hurry up and figure out a way to actually exist. Then my life will be complete! :)

  8. Four would make my dream table too. And lucky you got to sit next to a Fred and George ;)
    My TTT

  9. LOCHAN!! Oh my gosh how in the heck did I forget him. Yes, yes, he needs to be at all our tables, stat *nods*

    I love how you split your list up! Awesome idea :D Celaena made my own list. She’d be such an interesting character to get to know. Roar did as well - how could you not include him ;) I can't believe I overlooked Perry though! Those two really should be a package deal.

    1. Lochan! I love that boy. I need him at my table. I think Roar and Perry definitely should come together, they just work so well off each other.

  10. SO MANY AWESOME PICKS! Love that you included Fred & George.

  11. Fred and George are perfect!!! I want a redo because I forgot to include them! Great list. So many good choices.

  12. Love how you categorized your list. Awesome choice in friends. Here is my top 10 list.

  13. Oh, my Fred and George! I should have added them...too late to fix now.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books
    My TTT

    1. Everyone seems to have forgot them. Poor Fred and George ;)

  14. Good list! And you're making me think I reaaaaaaaaally need to get my hands on Throne of Glass.

  15. I love your lists! It would be very hard for me to decided who I would want at my lunch table. I would also have most of the HP characters... as for who else? There's so many to choose from!

  16. Caymen! Roar! Perry! Jase! Four! I love this table. :) Great choices, lady.

  17. I actually didn't participate in this one this week (somehow I just forgot), but I'm sure I would have picked my favorite guys too. Nothing wrong with that! :) ~Pam

  18. I would definitely sit at your lunch table. Fred and George and Ron and Caymen and HP characters and Jase. <3


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