Top Ten Tuesday: Underrated Books And Authors


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Top Underrated Books And Authors

Dangerous GirlsDangerous Boys
Abigail Haas
Dangerous Boys and Dangerous Girls

This author is completely underrated, and it's criminal. She writes the best YA psychological thrillers, they're absolutely fantastic. Dangerous Girls and Dangerous Boys are two of my top reads of this year. I can't recommend them enough. They will both mess with your heads, keep you up all night reading them and will have you second guessing everything! You all need to read these books.

The SightFell (The Sight, #2)Fire Bringer
David Clement-Davies
The Sight, Fell and Fire Bringer

He hasn't wrote a book in years, and I hate him for it! HATE HIM! The Sight, Fell and Fire Bringer were three of my favourite books from childhood. They are all stories told from the perspective of animals and they are absolutely amazing. I can still reread these now and love them, I will definitely be giving them to my children, if and when I have any. 

Tabitha Suzuma

I am completely ignoring the fact that I have only read one of her books. But she's clearly underrated because it's one of the most incredible books I have ever read and it's not read enough. Everyone gets put off by the taboo subject, which really annoys me. Especially when millions of people will happily read Twilight. A story that is essentially a romance between a 100 year old dead old man and a young teenage girl. How is that any less disturbing? So, please, go pick up Forbidden people! Do it. Dooo it. Dooooo it!

Sleepless (Bird of Stone, #1)
Tracey Ward

This is a book that I decided to take a chance on, and I signed up for the blog tour. It took me a little while to get into, but then I was hooked. It was a really amazing book, I was so pleased I'd decided to give it a shot. It made me so unbelievably desperate to get my hands on the sequel. I can't really describe this book, but I can say that it contains romance, mystery and a jabberwocky. I'm deadly serious. 

The Declaration (The Declaration, #1)The Resistance (The Declaration, #2)The Legacy (The Declaration, #3)
Gemma Malley
The Declaration, The Resistance and The Legacy

I completely forgot about these when I wrote this post last night. But, thanks to reorganising my bookshelves, I saw these and remembered just how much I enjoyed them. It's a dystopian series I discovered after I read The Hunger Games and was trying to get my hands on any dystopians I could find. It had it's issues, but I fell in love with the series and the two main characters. It's been years since I have read it, I feel a reread is in order soon.

That's it.

There are some others, but I kind of feel like they don't really count as underrated.
It seems all the books I love are given lots of love by everyone. 

Red Rising by Pierce Brown: 4.5/5 Review
If I Stay by Gayle Forman: 5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: If I Stay Movie Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Books I Was Recommended
My Weekly Book Haul: 06/09/14
Book Blogger Problems #1: The Never Ending TBR Pile


  1. Yes! I didn't add Dangerous Girls to my list, but it was amazing. I read it back in October (last year, when NO ONE had read it), and now that Dangerous Boys has come out, more people are starting to hear about it, finally.
    I haven't heard of any of the others, though.

    1. I am so happy it's starting to get more love on the blogs, that book deserves it!

  2. The Abigail Haas books look great, I love a good psychological thriller.

  3. Totally agreeing with your inclusion of Dangerous Girls and Forbidden. Forbidden is an amazing book, but it really does make so many people feel uncomfortable. You're completely right about Twilight too!

    1. Forbidden deserves so much love! I hate that people are so quick to write off that book just because of the taboo subject matter. It's an amazing book and they're really missing out.

  4. I have a copy of Dangerous Girls, and I'm so excited to read it. I keep hearing wonderful things about those books. :) The same goes with Forbidden, though honestly not sure whether I'd like it or not. However I would like to give it a go. Great list!

    1. I really love Forbidden, but I can understand why it's not for everyone. I just wish more people were willing to give that one a go.


    1. I hope you love it!!!! I highly recommend Forbidden, it's such a brilliant book.

  6. Tabitha Suzuma is totally underrated! I can't believe more people haven't read Forbidden. I thought it was such an intense, gut-wrenching novel and am so surprised that I rarely see anyone talking about it on the blogosphere

    1. Me too. When I first started blogging I definitely expected to see that book pop up on blogs a lot. But I rarely see it. I think that's probably why I mention it whenever I get the chance.

  7. OOh nice picks! Totally new authors to me!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I picked up Forbidden but got distracted by something else and neglected it. I should really pick it back up. Great list!

  9. I always love when bloggers make these lists, I find some pretty amazing reads this way. :)

    1. Me too.It's why I love taking part in TTT, I find so many books I want to read. Makes my TBR endless but I love it.

  10. Forbidden has been on my shelf forever. I know I'm going to love it. But I feel like I really need to work myself up to it. As per you and other reviews, it's probably going to destroy me.
    All the love for Dangerous Girls/Boys should really make me pick these books up. I wanna know why. I wanna know the secrets.
    You know what, I had The Sight sitting on my shelf for years but never got around to it. When I moved back in the spring I got rid of some books and unfortunately it was one of them. Maybe I should have had this list earlier to change my mind. Lol.
    I have read The Declaration and thought it was alright. Is it something I should continue? Does the series get stronger?
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. It probably will destroy you, but I hope you love it anyway.
      I really hope you get to Dangerous Boys and Dangerous Girls sometime soon, those books are seriously amazing!
      OH NO! I am sad you got rid of The Sight and missed out on the awesomeness that is David Clement-Davies books.
      I really liked that series. I binge read it and got really into and I fell in love with the characters in that one.

  11. I havent read any of these except Forbidden and that was an awesome book. I will check the others out. Mine would be Touching the surface, The Pledge and The Hallowed ones.

    1. I have only heard of The Pledge, if it's the book I am thinking of, and I wasn't the biggest fan but I thought it was enjoyable.

  12. Oooh, thanks for sharing! Some of these look really good!

  13. The Declaration series was amazing! I've seen the David Clement-Davies books around for a while but never read them. Thanks for sharing your list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  14. I AM SO GLAD ABIGAIL HAAS IS ON HERE! Her books are amazing, and it's such a shame that they're so underread. Thanks for sharing, and great choices! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. Thanks! I hope Abigail Haas keeps writing more and more YA thrillers, I will be reading them all!

  15. I KNEW Dangerous Girls/Boys would be on this list! I'm looking forward to reading them. I just finished Far From You and I know how much you liked it, and you and Amanda always talk about the Dangerous books, so I'm excited for them! Also looking forward to Forbidden, the rest of them I'm not familiar with so going to go check them out!

    My TTT:

    1. I hope you love them when you finally get to read them, they are really brilliant thrillers. I really love Forbidden, so I hope you get to read it some time soon.

  16. Hooray for Forbidden and Abigail Haas! It's criminal it's so hard to find these books in-store or in libraries (a mixture of the more controversial content and lack of hype, I'm sure). I feel like some of the best authors are those who are WILLING to tackles these kinds of subjects, but their brilliant writing gets overshadowed by the topic of their content.

    1. I find it such a shame you rarely see them anywhere. I got so excited when I went into my local bookshop and saw Dangerous Boys on the shelf. I see Forbidden quite a lot, but have never seen anyone actually buy one.

  17. I think these definitely count as underrated! ;) I've only heard of Abigail Haas. But omg, you are totally right...why is she not more famous?!! She's AMAZING and easily I'd say the two Dangerous books are some of the best I've read this year. I'd recommend them to anyone who'd listen. Hehe. I'm looking up the Gemma Malley books just for the covers. YES I'm horribly shallow like that, but they're beautiful. :)

    1. I know, she deserves so much more recognition. I still can't understand why her Dangerous books aren't more well known. I decide on books sometimes based on the covers, I am that shallow too and I don't even care.

  18. I haven't heard of a lot of these books, but they do look fairly interesting! Thank you for sharing! I have noticed that I like a lot of authors that aren't always appreciated as much as they should be. When they become super famous I like to say, "I liked them before they were cool." It's always great to see authors rise up, though it's surprising that not many do. It's sad. Authors like that deserve more attention.

    1. They really do, it's sad to see brilliant authors not getting enough recognition.

  19. Oooh, I remember liking Firebringer as a kid. Can't remember anything about it, gonna look it up now.

    And hey! I just bought Dangerous Girls, finally. I blame you entirely.

  20. Other than Dangerous Girls, I haven't read any of these! Total fail on my part. ~Pam

  21. You are so spot on with the 2 books by Abigail Haas, loved them both.


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