Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Cover Trends

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Favourite Cover Trends

Starry Night Skies 

They are just so pretty and I can't get enough of them. I am a total sucker for a starry night sky on a cover. I just love the colours that it requires, they work so well. I am immediately drawn to a book if it has a starry night cover.

The Title is Everything

This is where the cover is predominately just the title of the book. Some might think it can be quite boring, but I love it! The examples I have chosen are some of my all time favourite book covers. 

Brighter is Better

Just one bold colour that is screaming at you to pick the book up! I love bright colours on covers. I love bright coloured covers on my bookshelves. I have a whole shelf just for colourful book series spines. 

Sword-Wielding Ladies

Those Throne of Glass covers are just amazing. There's just something about a woman holding a sword/dagger that works. 

Blinded by the Sun

I was trying to come up with a fifth trend and it was either this or yellow and black covers. I just love these covers and the bright sun on them.

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Book Cover Typography
My Weekly Book Haul: 18/10/2014
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers: 2/5 Review
Top Ten Tuesday: New Series I Want To Start
The Maze Runner by James Dashner: 2/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Equalizer


  1. "Blinded by the Sun" book covers are so gorgeous! Sometimes Never, Sometimes Always is definitely my favourite.

  2. Yesss! I love ALL your picks!! I particularly love minimalist covers. The less on there, the better. Like Rainbow Rowell and John Green have gorgeous covers. But mostly contemporaries...they just get those super plain, but punchy aaaaand I'm sold. I love covers. ^-^ I love arty ones. Drawn or word art or paint splashes or....anything. COVERS. I LOVE THEM.

    1. Me too! I think minimalist covers are so pretty, I hate when a cover seems too busy. Contemporaries usually get brilliant covers.

  3. These are all fantastic choices! I especially love Sword-Wielding Ladies--in a bookstore, those are the ones that are most likely to catch my attention. I also love the covers with the stars and the ones which are font-orientated--I love how they're so simple, but that stand out SO MUCH. Great picks. :D

    1. I know, sometimes the simple covers are the ones that grab your attention the most. I mostly wanted to share the love for the Throne of Glass covers because I can't get enough of those books!

  4. These are all very pretty. I like all of these. A lot. I was a dil and forgot all about my post for this topic, so alas..there isn't one for me. I love so many cover trends, but at the moment I'm failing to think of any. :(

    1. Haha, I was like that at the very beginning and it seems like Amanda struggled to. I just started thinking about my favourite covers and what they had in common and that made it easier to do.

  5. I was going to pick a favourite...but I LOVE THEM ALL. Seriously, they're amazing cover choices. I do have a particular soft spot for several of them though. Like These Broken Stars (which is JUST STUNNING) and The Winner's Curse. Oh...pretty covers will be the death of me. I think that starry night skies are my favourites though. They always turn out to be stunning!

    1. Thank you!!! :) These Broken Stars and The Winner's Curse are two of my favourites as well, they are the main reason I went for those two cover trends. They are just so pretty!

  6. Good picks :)
    They're some of my favourites too.

  7. Great cover choices, I love them all!

  8. I love these picks! My favourite has to be the bright covers too, they just look so nice on my shelf :)

  9. Have you seen the new Hunger Games covers, they got even brighter!

    1. I know... I really hate the new ones though! I just don't think they suit the series at all.

  10. I just love these. The starry night and sword-wielding ladies were some trends I was picking up on most. I think the starry nights are my favourites, especially the cover for Plus One!

    1. Starry nights are my absolute favourites, the covers always look gorgeous!

  11. YES! Just yes to every one of these. I seriously do not think you've included a cover that I don't like! My favorite is the starry sky trend, but I love them all! Also, that Hunger Games cover is very fun, I haven't seen it before. I am hoping for the new foil ones for my birthday, but my ultimate would be the Australian luxury editions! GREAT list, I am drooling!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Mine too! I just think the starry night covers always look absolutely gorgeous!

      I just looked up the Australian covers and OMG I WANT THEM! I NEED THEM! They are stunning!!!

  12. I love good covers, I am kind of a cover ho! I also love the starry night sky ones. The Starbound series is a particular favorite. I am also a fan of when the girl has her back to the reader, but it's been so overdone that I am moving away from it now.

    1. I am such a cover whore too! I can't stop myself, I just love a pretty cover.

  13. Oooh... nice picks! These Broken Stars really has a great cover. It's so beautiful. I also love the Blinded by the Sun trends. So summer-y! I must say I get hook on summer books a lot.

    1. Me too, I think the Summer book covers are always so pretty an they just make me want to read them. Without even needing to read the blurb and find out what they're about.

  14. I beyond love the Half Bad and Half Wild book covers!! Same with The Shadow and Bone trilogy.

  15. Love these! The sword stuff doesn't do much for me but all the others always have me picking the book off the shelf - especially the title and the starry skies covers.

    1. I think I did the sword one just so I could use the Throne of Glass covers! I LOVE those!!!

  16. I love this post! These are exactly the type of covers I like. My favourites are the bright covers and second the starry ones. Thanks for sharing! =D

    1. Bright ones just work so well! I am also such a fan of the starry ones, they always make me want to pick up the book.


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