Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Friendships In Fiction

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Favourite Friendships In Fiction

Ron, Hermione & Harry
from the Harry Potter series.

You all knew this would be number one!
It's the ultimate friendship! DUH!
It doesn't need any explanation.

Sirius, Remus & James
from the Harry Potter series.

We barely get to see this friendship but I love it! I heart it with all of my heart. I need a prequel series! I NEED IT! They deserve it and it needs to happen. 

Art by dreamsCrEaToR
Lyra & Pantalaimon
from The His Dark Material series.
Thinking about these two makes my heart hurt! I know he's her daemon, but I think that it's one of the most beautiful friendships ever. I craved my own daemon so bad after reading that series. 

Callum & Sephy
from the Noughts & Crosses series.

These two had such an adorable friendship. They were brought up together and have been best friends since they were children. I loved seeing them trying to stay friends as they grew up. I thought it was a really realistic portrayal of childhood friendships. You grow up and change, sometimes it can be hard to stay friends. Especially when you live in a world like theirs.

Aria & Roar
from the Under the Never Sky series.

These two had such an amazing friendship. It's so great to see such a brilliant friendship between a guy and a girl. One that doesn't result in a romance. It's just a friendship and nothing more. Those two together were so funny, I loved their back and forth.

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

My Weekly Book Haul: 27/09/2014
The Young Elites by Marie Lu: 3/5 Review
Monthly Recap: September


  1. OMG! THE MARAUDERS! Honestly, they're the only fictional friendship I need. And I don't know why I was so invested in them but they were my favourite thing. Which is odd. Because, you know, they were barely featured. BUT I was just so fascinated by that friendship when I was young. Oh...look at that, I'm getting all nostalgic haha :b

    Jess @ My Reading Dress

    1. I know, it;s odd because you never actually get to see them all together. Rowling is just amazing and showing how incredible their friendship was. I wish she'd do a Marauders series, it's needed!!!

  2. I had to really ponder this one, like I have SO many friendships. But a lot of them either a) turn into romances or b) one part dies. Which is sad. OH, but I seriously love Roscha and Rosie from Rose Under Fire and I can't forget Kenji and Juliette. xD They made me laugh so freakishly hard.

    1. I don't know either of those friendships, haha! It is heartbreaking when an author kills off one half of a beautiful friendship. I CAN'T EVEN!

  3. Definitely Aria and Roar, they made my list too! I tried to avoid the Potter ones, they are the obvious answers, but I think you've picked some good ones, and I admit, what I read of Northern Lights was nice, and their friendship was also really enjoyable! :)

    1. Lyra and Pantelaimon <3! Those two are the best of friends!!! :) You know me, never waste an opportunity to answer with someone from HP!

  4. A prequel series to H.P. featuring the fabulous 3 (actually it would have to be four considering) would be so much fun and I would buy it and eat it up in a heart beat!

    1. I know... I just like to pretend HE didn't exist! I need a Marauders series, even if I will hate Pettigrew the entire time I read it.

  5. Awww Lyra & Pantalaimon.
    I really need to re-read that series.
    Great post! :)

    1. Me too! I just bought myself some new editions, so now would be the perfect time.

  6. Obviously the magic trio. Obviously the Marauders. I still am hoping for a full length prequel based on their time at Hogwart's. One day. One day.
    I'd have to add Jem and Will from The Infernal Devices.
    And Reagan and Dee from Open Road Summer. We don't get enough strong friendships between girls in YA. Most of them time they're just hating on each other. But this one is endearing and awesome. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. The Marauders needs to happen!!! I hope Rowling does it one day, but I highly doubt it. I still need to read Open Road Summer, I've owned it for so long now.

  7. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a spin-off about the Marauders <3 Ron, Hermione & Harry have the perfect friendship, I've always wanted to find people like that.

    1. IT REALLY WOULD! Rowling needs to make that happen... ASAP!

  8. Seeing you put Aria and Roar on this list made me smile. I love them! Reminds me that I still need to read the last book...

    1. You really do, it's a great ending. Aria and Roar make the cutest friendship <3

  9. Love some good friendships in my reads. I have Veronica's series on my tbr pile so yay!

    1. Yay! I'm used to you reading and reviewing adult books, so it would be interesting to see what you make of them.

  10. Aria and Roar have such a beautiful friendship, strong. My favorite book friendships are Celaena and Nehemia, Charley and Cookie (Charley Davidson series), Rachel and Jenks, and Rachel and Al (The Hollows)..

    1. The only one I know is Celaena and Nehemia and I loved that friendship! *cries*

  11. Yes. Ron, Harry & Hermione and Sirius, Remus & James!!!! <3 <3 <3 A prequel series would be amazing.

  12. IT REALLY WOULD!!!! I wish she'd just hurry up and write it already.


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