Monthly Recap: October

I'm starting to feel like I'm 73 and not 23. I can barely remember this month at all. I've had some stresses at work, but balanced with fun times with the boyfriend and my family. I've been able to make time for reading, but not spent as much time blogging. I've been saving for Christmas and trying to come up with ideas for presents for every one. I've been sick this last week, so that's sucked, but it has meant I could spend time reading. And I finally finished my Goodreads challenge and read 100 books this year. It's not going to be my best reading year, but I am happy with that.


I read 14 books.

I've read 14 books, which has been the most I've managed in a month for a long time. If I am completely honest, it's only been a good month quantity wise, not quality! I have had some terrible reads this month, the worst being Grave Mercy, The Maze Runner, Exquisite Captive and Love and Other Unknown Variables. My average rating was 3.1/5, which basically means that it was a mediocre reading month. I only had one 5/5 read, but it was an amazing one and well worth the rest of the rubbish. That book was All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, which is due out in January, I recommend you all add it to your TBR or get to it right away if you have an ARC.

Reviewed on blog:

Falling into Place by Amy Zhang 3.5/5
Four: A Divergent Collection by Veronica Roth 3/5
Atlantia by Ally Condie 3/5
A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall 3/5
In a Handful of Dust by Mindy McGinnis 4/5
Timebomb by Scott K. Andrews 3/5
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers 2/5
The Maze Runner by James Dashner 2/5
The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith 3/5

I managed to post 9 reviews this month, and plan to have the 10th up later today. Two were mini-reviews but I am still pleased with that number. It was another average review month too, with an average rating of 2.9/5. That's actually really bad, I am in serious need of some exceptional reads!!!! 




TBR Pile Challenge

My goal: 50+ books

Have read so far: 26 books

I added 6 books this month, which is pretty good for me. I won't be reaching my target but at least I have made a lot of progress this month. I have been putting aside eARCs and making more time for books I own but haven't read yet. 

Falling For YA
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge

My goal: 50 books

Read so far: 58 books

I added 4 more books to this challenge, which I have already completed. 

Series Challenge Button take2
Series Challenge

My goal is to complete between 7-11 series this year.

Series finished: 5 series

1. The Program & The Treatment by Suzanne Young
3. Starters & Enders by Lissa Price
4. Nantucket Blue & Nantucket Red by Leila Howland
5. Pivot Point & Split Second by Kasie West

First In A Series Challenge

My goal is to start 20 series this year. 

So far I have started 36 series.

This month I started 5 more series.

With the blog break and also getting behind on visiting blogs at the start of the month, I don't have too many posts bookmarked.

Cait @ Notebook Sisters discussed YA 2015 trend predictions with other bloggers, including myself.
Anna @ Cool Girls Read Too discussed book hangovers.
Kay @ It's a Book Life shared her book nerd problems.
Jess @ My Reading Dress wonders why YA fiction contains so many love triangles.
Cait @ Notebook Sisters talked about the 10 types of book bloggers! It's really funny and you should definitely check it out to see which one you are.
Olivia @ Olivia Savannah talks about conformity. 
Mel @ The Daily Prophecy discusses upcoming fairytale retellings of 2015. 
Clee @ The Write Game gave some brilliant advice on writing loglines.
Inge @ Bookshelf Reflections wrote the most hilarious, brilliant and honest review of Fifty Shades Darker.
Amanda @ Book Badger discusses that Kathleen Hale article.
Cait @ Notebook Sisters looks at social media and whether we really need to do it all.

Awesome on the Internet

Just because it's beyond impressive:

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

The Maze Runner by James Dashner: 2/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Equalizer
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Book Cover Trends
My Weekly Book Haul: 25/10/2014
The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith: 3/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Maze Runner


  1. LOL I just love that. Blackalicious is one of my faves. He did a damn fine job with it.

    Sorry you're having a rough go with books and blogging. I hope November brings you a boost on both and gets you back in your groove!

    1. Haha, my mum sent it to me and I thought it was just brilliant! Go Radcliffe!

  2. DANIEL RADCLIFFE IS FREAKING AMAZING. I can't even fathom how anyone could possibly rap that song, but he was perfect. XD

    And also: I TOLD YOU SO ABOUT ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES. *nods* It was...omg, I just....I'm so so excited that it's becoming a movie and the author is SO NICE on social media and AJDSAFKSDL it's definitely on my pile of best books of the whole year.

    I hope November is a bit better for you though. :( Being sick sucks.

    1. I know, just another reason why he is so awesome!!!!

      YOU DID! I love and hate you for it. I still can't put my review in coherent sentences. That book was just everything I needed at the time. And THE FEELS!!!


    October went by in a daze for me as well (I can barely remember anything). It sucks that you didn't get any crazy amazing reads. For once I got some pretty decent books in but that was only because I broke my own rule and allowed a couple of DNFs to sneak in (I justified it with the fact that I'm low on time :P) I'm super excited for All The Bright Places. I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU REVIEW!

    CONGRATS ON YOUR GOODREADS CHALLENGE! And for 14 books this month!

    I hope the sickness clears up quick and that November is a better month! Think of how close christmas is. Crazy, right?

    1. That illness stuck around for far too long, but thankfully I feel much better now. I can't wait for my review to go live, but I'm going to wait until closer to the release date.


    Yes, anyhow, I think 14 is great hunny, more than me, I had such a flux of reading and then BAM, nothing for a week, how crappy.. and 9 reviews is great too! I get around 10-12 a month space wise, so well done! :D Remember, take days away, chill out and be yourself, don't let the pressure get to you.


    1. It's really new, but it's AMAZING! I can't believe I finally finished that challenge, especially with work and everything else getting in the way.

  5. Congrats on finishing your Goodreads challenge!
    Most of the books I've read lately haven't been that good either.
    Hope you're feeling better :)

  6. I think any books read is a good month. ;)

  7. I always enjoy your end of the month posts! And it's always a great way to measure your progress. You're doing great at posting regularly.
    I don't think I said but congrats on completing your challenges! I think I'll try them next year. no point trying them this year with two months left. (again, get well soon. c: )

    1. Thank you!!! It felt nice to finally complete it, especially with a month and a half still to go.

  8. I have honestly never read a monthly recap as thorough as this one! Thanks so much for featuring me in it, by the way! I feel so chuffed <3 As well as that, reading 14 books in one month is pretty good! And it looks like your challenges are progressing either steadily or really well too. Keep it up, and I look forward to more of those reviews...

    1. Thank you!!!! :) I love the end of the month posts because it helps me to see what I have been able to achieve during the month. Felt good to get that Goodreads challenge completed.

  9. Oh my gosh, why haven't I seen that video before!! It's amazing!

    14 books is fantastic! It sucks that they weren't all awesome reads, though :( When I read The Maze Runner back in the spring, I really enjoyed it, but now... I erm, don't really remember much about it :/ Guess I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I did! I have books two, but it's not appealing to me at all right now.

    And congrats on finishing your GR challenge!

    1. Haha, I know! Daniel Radcliffe is one talented guy!

      Thank you!! It felt really nice to finish that early, maybe I'll increase my challenge for next year.

  10. Busy month, Charnell!! Lots of good books read, so I see :) I love that Radcliffe video XD

  11. Cool wrap up! I adore that video of Daniel Radcliffe, weirdly impressive haha

  12. I just started Beware the Wild and it's a rather spooky start :D I'm excited to hear your thoughts and finish it myself ;-)

    1. I enjoyed the beginning, because of the very spooky start. I just thought it went away the longer the book went on.

  13. Thanks for linking back to my post! I'm very very very impressed by Daniel Radcliffe! You are doing great with your challenges :)

  14. I'm going to have to agree with you, it seems you didn't read the best books for you this month. :( I hope you read a whole bunch of four and five starts this next month!!!

  15. 14 books read is awesome! Sucks your rating wasn't so awesome though. It's sad that you didn't love Grave Mercy of The Maze Runner. But it is what it is.
    I'm still excited to get to Exquisite Captive and Love and Other Unknown Variables. Hopefully I have much better luck with them.
    I guess you enjoyed The 5th Wave then? I'll have to look out for your review. Guess I'm still the black sheep there. Lol!
    Hopefully November brings you some better reads.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Haha, yes I'm sorry but I really did enjoy it. Although Cassie became almost insufferable during the last half of that book.


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