Book Blogger Problems #3: Paperback vs Hardback

The Hardback vs Paperback debate is one that is talked about a lot. It's probably talked about too much, but I've wanted to do a discussion on it for a while now. I like being able to give my opinion on it, but to also see what everyone else thinks.

I prefer paperbacks.

Shock horror! It seems like such a silly thing to do a discussion about, but it's a decision that a lot of people take seriously. Most people have a preference, because one or the other works for them better. Paperbacks will win for me every time. Not because I don't like hardbacks, but paperbacks are just easier for me. That's not to say I don't like hardbacks, I love them. They're just so pretty!

Now, I'm going to discuss why and in handy list form! 

1. They're cheaper.

I could probably stop after that reason really. Why would I want to pay more for something if I don't have to. The only difference between my hardbacks and paperbacks are their size and how sturdy they are. The contents are the same. I'm getting the exact same story, I'm just paying less for it. It always hurts me to have to pay out more for the hardback because the publishers won't release the paperback for another six months or so. 

You want me to pay more for something I can get a lot cheaper in paperback...

2. They take up less space on my shelf.

This doesn't seem to be the case with US paperbacks, they're HUGE! Why are the paperbacks so massive? I like the standard size you get because then you're books are all the same height. Yes, I hate when my books are different heights because I'm that OCD. But the size issue is a big deal when it comes to hardbacks. They don't fit upright on all of my shelves. They take up much needed space. When you've got almost 700 books you need all the space you can get. If every book I owned was a hardback then I'm pretty sure my shelves would have collapsed by now.

3. Easier to read.

This may not be the case for a lot of people, but I find hardbacks difficult to read. They're just so big and heavy. And the words seem so spread out across the page. I'm used to it all being squidged inside a tiny paperback. And also, if you didn't know, I'm only 5ft and 0.1 of an inch tall (that 0.1 inch matters!), and my hands are the size of a small childs. They don't do well with hardbacks! I am tempted to share a picture of my tiny baby hands trying to hold a hardback so you can understand my suffering. 

4. They're smaller and weigh less.

The pain is real.
This is vitally important to me. I usually always have a book on me. That means it needs to fit into my bag and not weigh a ton. As I've said, I'm really tiny and I have the upper body strength of a toddler. I don't want to be carrying around a heavy hardback in my bag all day. And, what's more, it wouldn't really fit in my bag either. I need a nice small paperback.

I prefer paperbacks because they are easier for me to read. I have tiny baby hands and hardbacks just feel way too big when I'm holding them. I also take a book to work with me everyday, so I don't like having to lug around a huge, heavy hardback. There are many reasons why I love hardbacks, mostly just how pretty they are to look at. I mostly think about how much space hardbacks would take up. I'm going to have to move eventually and I can't even imagine how much hassle that would be if all 650 of my books were hardbacks. 

What do you prefer, hardbacks or paperbacks? Do you think about space when you decide on what to buy? What do you own more of?


  1. I feel your pain! When it comes down to it, I prefer e-books because they are cheap and take up no space in my house... but if I had to choose, I prefer paperbacks to read and hard covers to look at and put on shelves.

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

    1. That's how I feel! I love hardbacks because they are beautiful and look better on my shelf. But I don't find them easier to read! But they are so pretty! It's hard to choose.

  2. I agree with all of that but hardcovers are SO PRETTY :D

    1. Haha, I know! If I didn't have to think about space/money and travelling with a book then I would have ALL hardcovers!

  3. I prefer paperbacks as well for all the reasons you mentioned. I rarely buy a hardback, especially since the kindle book is so much cheaper.

    1. I only like hardbacks because of how beautiful they are. But then I'm going for beauty over convenience, which is a little crazy.

  4. You're right about everything and yet, if I could, I'd just buy hardcovers. They're just so pretty that if it wasn't for the price, I wouldn't resist them.

  5. I prefer paperbacks too. Pretty much for the exact same reasons that you do. The only thing I like more about hardbacks is that they don't usually show wear and tear as much or as quickly. I'm careful enough with paperbacks that that isn't really a problem for me though.

    1. That is true, but I am incredibly careful with my paperbacks and I never crack the spines.

  6. Personally, when it comes to paperbacks and hardbacks, as long as my series match that's all I care about. Both options have their good and their bad so I just end up buying whatever is the cheapest. I'm totally with you that carrying paperbacks is easier though. Even though my purse is gigantic, paperbacks are still much more convenient!

    1. They really are, especially if you're going to carrying it around for a large amount of time. I'm tiny and am not good when it comes to carrying things all day, haha.

  7. I literally just had this dilemma half an hour ago. And I wish I read this post to persuade me or something because I went with hardcover D: Hopefully it was worth it! You're so right, they do fit on shelves better. Why did I not think of that?? The only consolidation, I suppose, is that it'll be pretty, right?

    1. It will be beautiful! I love how beautiful hardbacks are and how they look standing up on my shelf, just don't like how big and heavy they are.

  8. I'm exactly the same Charnell, I prefer paperbacks because of the reasons you said - smaller and more portable, easier to read, and they come in the same size. I'm just glad in Australia that publishers don't give preference over hardbacks being released first, then the paperbacks 6 months later because that would drive me crazy.

    1. It is so frustrating and I wish they wouldn't do it. They do it with most of the big releases and it's really frustrating!

  9. I like both. Certain books and series, I need them in hardcover because they look prettier. (Yup, I'm that shallow.) Others, I'm fine with getting them in paperback, particularly if it's cheaper. Hardbacks seem sturdier to me, though - less likely to bend or rip. But I definitely get where you're coming from, pertaining to book size. For example, I love the Throne of Glass series and have them in hardcover (and that's what I want them in), but holy wow, they're HUGE and I'm just as small as you are.

    1. I am so careful with my books so I don't worry so much about wear and tear. I just worry about price, size and convenience. But I still think that hardbacks are beautiful!

  10. No no, I LOVE paperbacks too, they're floppy, easier to read, no weird dust jackets, urgh, BUT, I am planning on buying a fair few Hardbacks in the new year because I can get second hand, REALLY GOOD condition hardbacks for cheaper than a new paperback, so.. duh. Also, you're only 5ft 0.1?! Holy shoot! I didn't know that, wow, I feel like a giant now, jeez.. anyway, back to the topic. YES to the waiting so long, say, why does that happen?! YES to the fact that paperbacks are different heights, is there a logical reason for this?! YES to the weight, oh my golly, the weight of hardbacks is crazy! I cannot imagine holding more than one, wow.

    QUESTIONS! Do I consider space? Err, not really, not during the year, but then, around now, I start making space, clearing our, culling and such so I can start to imagine where the new books will go, but generally, my hardbacks tend to lie down because TOO TALL and my paperbacks either get stacked (if I have a lot), put in front of one another (because saves space yo, good for series ;)) or just normally on show spine wise. Meh. I also own more paperbacks by like, well, I have.. 9 hardbacks? No! 11, yes, 11, and I have like, over 200 books, so yes, paperbacks most of the way, but I'm tempted by the pretty :D

    1. I hate the dust jackets when I am reading, so I always taken them off and leave them on my bookshelf. Haha, I know! I am very small! I think most people feel giant standing next to me. There really isn't and it really bugs me, I like them to be the same size because I am that OCD.

      I own a good deal of hardbacks, but it would still be like 80-90% paperbacks I think. I own about 600 books, so that's a fair amount of hardbacks for me.

  11. I definitely prefer paperbacks too, mostly because of the weight issue. I really like to carry books with me, and my bag would be just too heavy if I were to carry around a hardback every time. But I agree, hardbacks are so much prettier!

    1. They really are, I just wish they didn't weigh almost as much as I do!

  12. Basically because of all the points you state is why I prefer paperbacks as well. Lugging around hardcovers can get annoying and frustrating. :) I don't mind when someone else buys me a hardcover though because they are way prettier and I love that moment when I take off the jacket to see what is underneath.

    1. Me too, they really are beautiful. They just have a lot of drawbacks! I like having more space on my shelf for new books. But I do love how beautiful hardcovers are.

  13. I definitely agree with everything you said but I love hardbacks lol. They're definitely more expensive and more work to lug around but I just love them :P I wish I loved paperbacks more but I always go for the hardbacks if they're available. Bad for my wallet but I can't help it :S

    1. I do love them, mainly because of how beautiful they are. But I don't think I really have the space to have all hardbacks.

  14. I am a hardcover girl. I'm not exactly sure when I started hating paperbacks, because I used to do both paperback and hardcover. But then one day I just decided, "Nope! I hate paperbacks" and it's turned into a passionate hate ever since. ;) I just love how they look, how they feel, how they open; I love feeling their reassuring weight in my bag when I go places, and knowing that it can double as a defense weapon if need be. ;) I love how they look on my shelves, and I love how they last so, so much longer than paperbacks. I'm willing to pay a bit more for a hardcover that will last longer than a paperback.

    1. I don't hate either, I think there are positives and negatives to both. I love how beautiful hardbacks are, it's just the size and weight that put me off. I take really good care of my paperbacks, so they could last forever. You can't really tell many of mine have actually been read.

  15. I like my hardcovers. That's not to say that my bookshelves aren't primarily paperbacks because you made an excellent point... they are cheaper. However, I love the dust jacket of hardcovers, I love that once you take it off, the book has a whole new look to it. Sometimes the book itself has a design to it (my favorite is KMM's Shadowfever). Plus, I feel like they will hold up over multiple uses than a paperback would. However, unlike paperbacks, you cannot get a used hardcover for only a penny on Amazon. LoL Sooo when I'm purchasing a book, unless I already have the series in hardcover, I tend to purchase paperback because I save a lot more money that way.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. I do love hardbacks, thy're beautiful! They just aren't convenient for me, especially with how much space they take up.

  16. I'm also prefer paperbacks for those reasons. I have some hardbacks (and larger size paperbacks) sitting around the place waiting for me to have a free weekend to read them, as I can't carry them around on my commute. Now Paperback vs Kindle.... that I would be hard-pressed to pick as I love them both

    1. I love how beautiful hardbacks are, but paperbacks are more convenient. Paperbacks would win for me!

  17. I prefer paperbacks for all the reasons you've listed. I only ever get hardbacks if I'm desperate for the book and its first release is in that format.

  18. Hardback...hands down. But it's just because they look better on the shelf. They're substantial and they don't get messed up like paperbacks do (so bendable). For actual reading, I prefer my Kindle. So I'm the worst when it comes to spending money because I'll buy most of my books on Kindle and if I really love the book, I'll then buy the hardback and just look at it on the shelf. Yes, Amazon loves me. :) ~Pam

    1. I love how they look, but they aren't as convenient for me. They look pretty on my shelf but they also take up more space. I need all the space I can get.

  19. I am someone who prefers paperback as well. Yes, hardbacks are longer lasting and is probably good in the long run, but I am all for the cheaper option, being a teenager with a very small budget to myself ^^ I also really like to read in bed, and it's so much easier to hold up a paperback to read when lying down than a hardcover book.

    I definitely own more paperbacks than anything else. I have about six hardcovers in total, which is a small amount in comparison to my total amount of books!

    1. Yes, they're just much more convenient and I definitely prefer them overall.

  20. I did a similar discussion post earlier this year. :) I didn't have many readers then, so I wasn't able to hear many other people's opinions, but through yours I am able to. :) I actually don't have a preference...and, if I was to choose one over the other, I'd probably choose hardcovers. Although I do think there are pros and cons to each of them. I definitely have more paperbacks than hardcovers as they're cheaper and it's rare for hardcovers to be sold in shops over here in Aus (and I'm only new to buying online.) However, I hate stiff paperbacks! They drive me crazy trying to read them. I've always had to put up with them though, if I wanted the book, but now with my discover of TBD, there's a lot more options available. I also dislike how there are so many different paperback sizes whereas there's only a handful, if that, of hardcover heights. You can find my discussion post here, if you're interested. :) Unfortuntely I haven't gotten around to re-formatting the post just yet.

    1. I love how beautiful hardcovers are, and they are sturdier, they just aren't as convenient for me. I need the space and they are so hard to hold and they're so heavy. I'll definitely check out your post :)

  21. Cheaper and easier to read are two of the main reasons I prefer paperbacks too :) The only thing I love about hardbacks is how it looks on the shelves and the naked spines are sometimes GORGEOUS.

    1. I know, that's the thing I love most about hardbacks too. Damn them for being so pretty!

  22. I agree with you! I prefer paperbacks as well. I always get a bit angry when publishers release hardbacks first and then take their sweet time releasing the paperback version. It pisses me off, because it's like they're forcing me to either wait another 6 months (or more) or buy the book when it releases and pay a lot more. I feel like they should release both version, because honestly, fans of hardbacks will always buy hardbacks, no matter if paperback versions are released at the same time.

    I also struggle reading the giant version of the book. I find them too heavy and too big. I am one of those people that will find a somewhat comfy spot to read and not move for quite a long time, so having a hardback perched on my knees gets uncomfortable fast. I also like to have a book in my bag to read when I'm taking a break at work or while I'm on the bus. I really can't carry a gargantuan book with me and make it comfortable.

    As far as long-lasting goes, I kind of disagree. I think it's more about how you treat the books. I have books that belonged to my grandmother, so those books are way older than me, in paperback version. Granted, maybe the glue was better or something, but they still look good, I can read them without pages coming undone or breaking if I sneeze near them.

    1. I know, I don't get why they can't just release them at the same time.

      I take a book with me almost everywhere, so carrying around a heavy hardback just doesn't work for me AT ALL!

      That's true. I do treat mine amazingly well and they will last me forever ;)

  23. You know what I've noticed? Most readers that prefer hardbacks over paperbacks are Americans/Canadians because for the most part we're the ones that get the hardbacks as the first edition. Where you guys mostly get paperbacks editions as your original releases. That's what I see anyhow. Lol.
    I've thought about this a lot lately, and I don't really prefer one over the other. The main thing I want is a pretty cover and if it's a series, for them to match. I tend to buy more hardbacks as like I mentioned that's the edition that gets published here in Canada first(for the most part) and I think they look better on my shelf.
    Paperbacks can be a little easier to read. But that also depends on the make of the paperback. The floppy ones are great, but the more sturdier ones are a little harder to read without breaking the spine. And yes, some hardbacks are massive and heavy and that makes it hard to read outside the house. But a lot are pretty durable.
    See, I'm indifferent. I'll read either versions. I just want the prettiest edition available to me. Lol.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Yes, we get a lot more paperbacks over here. You rarely see hardbacks in the shops, especially in the YA section. But I have noticed that US shops are fille with them.
      I don't have a massive preference looks wise, but paperbacks are more convenient for me. They don't weigh as much, they're smaller and they're cheaper.
      I am an expert at reading paperbacks without breaking the spine, mainly because I am so OCD about that.

  24. It really would! Probably why I love the new HP hardbacks, they are the same size as the paperbacks and don't weigh much more.


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