Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me

It feels like picking just ten is really hard, I kind of want Santa to bring me all of the books. I won't know what books I've gotten or how many until Christmas Day, so it's nice to kind of think about what I hope will be under my tree then.

Deciding what to put on my Christmas list was actually really hard. A lot of books I have as eARCs and just need to find the time to get to. So I saw no point asking for them when I could read them for free and possibly discover that I hate the book. So a lot of what I asked for were sequels I needed, books by certain authors, books I'd read and loved but didn't own yet and some others. And then the ten below:

These are definitely the ten I am most desperate to get my hands on. Snow Like Ashes being in the number one spot! I NEED THAT BOOK IN MY LIFE! There will be a very disappointed Charnell if that's not under my tree on Christmas Day! Some are ones I have wanted for so long but never gotten to - Unteachable, Sea of Tranquility and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Stupidly long title aside!). Those I've recently heard a lot about and really want - Doon, Of Metal and Wishes and Loop. And then The Murder Complex, Talon and Rebel Belle just because they both sound rather awesome for different reasons. 

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey 
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Reads of 2014
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
My Weekly Book Haul: 20/12/2014
The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey

Quick note: I'll be taking a mini-break over Christmas as I'll be with my family. There won't be any posts for a few days.


  1. Snow Like Ashes and Loop are on my list as well! The Murder Complex and Of Metal and Wishes I just loved so they are great choices!!
    I hope you get a ton of the books you want this year for Christmas! I think it is funny how most of us (bloggers and reviewers) are mainly asking for books or gift cards this year. :)

    1. Well what else could we possibly want or need. I really hope I get them all, but Snow Like Ashes and The Murder Complex are two books I'd really love!

  2. Great list, I would like Sea of Tranquility and Snow Like Ashes too! Hope Santa's taking note :)

  3. I loved Ari and Danta and Rebel Belle! They are both incredible. I can't wait to read most of the other books but especially Snow Like Ashes. I've heard amazing things about it.

    Great list!
    My TTT

  4. I have Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe on my shelves though I haven't read it yet. I really want to read Rebel Belle and Of Metal and Wishes as they both sound like great books.

    Great list and Merry Christmas!

  5. Some pretty ones in there. Hope Santa brings you a couple of them!

  6. I've seen The Murder Complex on a lot of lists this week! Aristotle and Dante is a book I had a lot of mixed feelings about, because it's SO hyped...but there's no doubt that it has a lot of really profound moments, and it's so unique for a YA book because it has two main characters that are both male. I hope you receive some of these under your tree this week and that you have a wonderful holiday celebration!
    My TTT

    1. Thank you, I was lucky enough to receive them all and I can't wait to get started.

  7. Nice list of books!! I hope you receive all the books on your list!! Here is my TTT list for the week:

  8. Great list! Unteachable was a really great book, I do hope you enjoy reading it.

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  9. Are you jealous? I have an e-arc of Talon! YES I DO. Sorry.. I'm pretty excited to see what it's about though, Iron Fey was great for me, Immortal Rules not, so lets see where this third direction goes shall we? Doon.. I've heard a lot, if you get it, I need to hear about it. Lets see, Rebel Belle, I just don't know enough about it to try it.. dang my memory. Anyway, hopefully you get some of them! :)

    1. Haha, I avoided the e-arc as I knew it was on my wishlist. But then I ended up hating the book. So... yeah, haha! :)

  10. The Murder Complex is on my list this week too. I have heard mixed opinions on the book, but I'm very much looking forward to forming my own opinion. I hope Santa is good to you! Merry Christmas! My TTT

  11. OOoh nice!! I LOVE Talon! Just got me a copy of Snow Like Ashes, but still need to read it! As well as Rebel Belle and Doon! Hope Santa comes through for you on all these awesome picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  12. SNOW LIKE ASHES SNOW LIKE ASHES SNOW LIKE ASHES I live to book push that one. I bought a couple for christmas and gifted them everywhere because I feel like I'm doing everyone a service <3 hahahahaha I HOPE IT'S UNDER YOUR TREE! <3

    I definitely want to give Tranquility a go. Everyone raves on about that one!

  13. I wanna read Snow Like Ashes! And Of Metal and Wishes! Good picks. Here's mine.

  14. Great list. I just finished Loop and it was fantastic. Definitely worth a read. My TTT

  15. I was a bit disappointed by Snow like ashes, but the cover *drools* Of metal and wishes has my interest after reading some positive reviews from trusted friends. Doon looks so fairytalish :D I can't wait to read Talon, I've loved all her work so far. I hope Santa won't let you down!

    1. It really does have a beautiful cover, fingers crossed I love it.

  16. Snow Like Ashes! I seriously hope Santa will bring that one to us!! Happy holidays Charnell :)

  17. I'd never heard of Doon before, but Scotland? Sign me up!

  18. Doon is also on my TTT :-D I borrowed The Sea of Tranquility from the library so I'm looking forward to reading that one! I'd also like to read Rebel Belle, Snow Like Ashes, Talon and Of Metal and Wishes!

    Merry Christmas :-D I hope you find some of these books under your tree!

  19. The Sea of Tranquility made my list too, and I completely forgot about Unteachable, I added that to my TBR wishlist after seeing you talk about it once. Loop is one I wasn't overly excited about, but then the reviews started coming in, so now I'm intrigued! Will you be doing an xmas haul?? That would excite me!! I think this year is the first year in a long time when I'll actually get books/bookish gifts for Xmas, and that excites me so much - looks like blogging has reminded my family that there is a die hard reader in their midst too!

    R x

    My TTT:

    1. I ended up doing 2 Christmas hauls because I got far too many this year.

  20. I hope these are all under your tree! I definitely want my own Snow Like Ashes, and Rebel Belle. The cover for Doon is SO PRETTY! Have a Happy Christmas. You Can see my list at
    I am following you on Twitter and Bloglovin.

  21. Thanks for the comment! I love your design! I've been contemplating on getting a new design. :) I love your list and I hope you get some of these for Christmas! :)
    Merry Christmas!
    xo Stephanie

    1. Thank you! I managed to get them all for Christmas so I was very happy. YAY! I'm glad you like my design.

  22. Snow Like Ashes, Talon and Rebel Belle are all on my TBR. :) I hope you find some of these under your tree!

  23. Snow Like Ashes is great! The next book is coming out, so maybe we can wish for it to magically show up under the tree together! The Sea of Tranquility has been on my list for a while now, too. I hope you get all the books (or the giftcards... to get the books) you want!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Danee @ Fiction Function

    1. I really hope I end up loving Snow Like Ashes, I've heard so many wonderful things about that one.

  24. These books are just things you NEED. I'd buy Rebel Belle just because of the adorable cover. I loved SLA, I hope you get get some of these books!! Happy Holidays girl <33

    1. Thank you! I was lucky enough to get them all and I couldn't be happier.

  25. I've heard great things about Artistotle and Dante; I need to read that too! Thanks for sharing your top ten list. I'd be happy with almost any book from Santa, though I didn't ask for anything specific!!


    1. I had a great Christmas and got lots of amazing books, I hope you did too! :)

  26. Ooh, yes, these are fantastic life decisions, yes yes. I've been so bleh lately I didn't even get my post up but YES FOR SNOW LIKE ASHES!! I want to read that so badly. :)) But my library did just buy it and I am on the waiting list, heeh. And Ari & Dante is beautiful. I so recommend it. I found Rebel Belle way too glitzy and fluffy. It's wasn't at all what I thought it'd be, still funny, but yes. Hehe. Too fluffy. xD
    I hope you have a good break and Christmas! AND GET TO EAT LOTS OF NICE FOOD. Yum.

    1. I'm not really a fun of fluff... but I hope I like it. Christmas was awesome and the food was INCREDIBLE! ;) Clearly one of the most awesome things about Christmas.

  27. Do you know I always thought the name of the book Doon was Doom this whole time??? Yes.. I am serious. Until right now! LOLOL! Happy Holidays!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  28. Very nice list! I have a few of these that I still haven't read (I know, I know!) but I need to get Loop! I think I am going to cave and buy it myself soon. Hope you get all of these lovely books :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  29. Awesome list! 4 of those books could totally have been on my wishlist as well. The Sea of Tranquility, Snow Like Ashes, Of Metal and Wishes, and Unteachable! I'm really looking forward to Leah Raeder's next book as well, Black Iris. I hear that's supposed to be LGBTQ NA which is quite rare so I'm excited! I should probably read Unteachable before then though.

    Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by @ Afterwritten!

    1. I was so pleased to get them all and I can't wait to read each and every one of them. Unteachable is one I am super excited to read! :)

  30. Great list! Rebel Belle sounds really interesting! I hope you find at least some of these books under your tree! Merry Christmas :) xx

  31. Rebel Belle, Talon and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe look AMAZING! I hope you get some of the books on your list and that you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year! x

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

    1. I was lucky enough to get them all and am very excited to read them. Happy new year! :)

  32. The sea of Tranquility, Talon, The Murder Complex and Snow like ashes are amazing!!! I really hope you get them :) Happy holidays!!!

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading

    1. Thank you, I was lucky enough to get them all and I can't wait to read them all :)

  33. I love the cover for Rebel Belle. It sounds good too :)
    I want to read The Sea of Tranquilitty and The Murder Complex as well.
    Happy holidays!

    Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves

    1. I hope I love them all when I finally find the time to read them.

  34. Great post!!! I've heard sooo much about Snow like Ashes. I will have to hunt that down in my local library. 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' - I've wanted to read that book for such a while! Loop and Rebel Belle sound really interesting, glad you mentioned them. I think I'll wait for your verdict on rebel Belle, but Loop is going on the TBR. Have a great Christmas!

  35. I've got The Murder Complex and Rebel Belle on my list too! Also, I've been dying to read Snow Like Ashes (because of the hype!!!) and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe!

    Hope that you'll get them all! Happy holidays!

  36. Loop…one of my favorite time travel books. It's so good!! Hope you ended up getting some of these. ~Pam

  37. Every single book excepting three is on my I want list! I actually own Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe but just have to get round to it. I also really want to read Snow Like Ashes as well. Lovely picks!


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