Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Looking Forward To In 2015


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Books I'm Looking Forward To In 2015

Throne of Glass #4 by Sarah J. Maas

This doesn't have a name yet, but that about sums up what it will probably do to us all. It shall sit at the top of this list because it's my most anticipated read of 2015. It needs to hurry the hell up and get here already. 

The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2) Invaded (Alienated, #2) Golden Son (Red Rising Trilogy, #2)
The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski (The Winner's Curse #2)
Invaded by Melissa Landers (Alienated #2)
Golden Son by Pierce Brown (Red Rising #2)

Three sequels that I am so excited to get my hands on. I've already got two of these, WC & GS, so I'll actually be able to get to them sooner rather than later. I just can't wait to see where all these series go in the next book, they all have a lot of potential. 

New Series
A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) The Orphan Queen (The Orphan Queen, #1) Six of Crows (The Dregs, #1) All Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1)
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
All Fall Down by Ally Carter

And we find my other most anticipated read of 2015 here, another Sarah J. Maas book. These are the series that I am very excited to read. I quite enjoyed Shadow and Bone, although I didn't love it as much as everyone else seemed to, so I'm interested to see what Bardugo does next. I haven't read any Jodi Meadows before, but I love the sound of her new series. I've enjoyed all the other Carter books I've read, so I will definitely be trying her new series.

The Start of Me and You The Fill-In Boyfriend Confess Never Never
The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West
Confess by Colleen Hoover
Never Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

Emery Lord is an author I have to get to soon. I've owned Open Road Summer for months now, but have not managed to get to it. This has to change soon, so I plan to read both of her books next year. I'll read anything Kasie West writes, so her latest one goes straight on the TBR. I'll be reading it as soon as I can get my hands on it. I actually forgot both of Colleen's 2015 releases, but had to come back and add them in. I am beyond excited for both and can't believe I forgot them the first time I did this list.

Highly Recommend
All the Bright Places
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

I have read this already and my review will be posted within the next month. I honestly can't recommend this book enough, it's incredible. It's so moving and heartbreaking, I ugly cried at this one. 

Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker
Book Blogger Problems #3: Hardback vs Paperback
Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Love, Rosie 
My Weekly Book Haul: 29/11/2014
Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman


  1. Oh wow. I've never heard of any of these books! Most of the books I'm looking forward to next year are the unread books I've been staring at on my wardrobe for the whole of THIS year. -le sigh- I've heard of All The Bright Places... I thought it sounded like a sad book =( Thanks for sharing!

    1. It is such a sad book! It made me cry so much! I remember when you posted about all of those books, so you definitely have a lot to get through next year.

  2. Great choices! It looks like we have a lot of the same taste in books. Thanks for checking out my blog! New Follower.

    1. Thanks for checking mine out too! :) Thanks for following, will do the same!

  3. Is it crazy that I'm excited for The Winner's Crime and I haven't even read the first one yet? It is on it's way though and I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it. [:

  4. I have a few of those on my list (and I want to add a few others you have listed). It was hard choosing only ten books! Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. I know, I found it so hard to choose just ten and even then I cheated a little.

  5. I'm excited about all the standalones you named. Many made mylist as well. Also the Winner's Crime and the new one by Maas of course.

    here's my post

    Thanks! I also have a $30 giveaway going on, so be sure to check that out.

  6. All Fall Down and Fill-In Boyfriend, all of the yes! Pretty darn excited, excited to be continuing Throne of Glass, and starting Winners Curse/Crime next year too, isn't it all so exciting?! Great list hunny! :D

    1. IT SO IS! I am looking forward to 2015, it's going to be a great year for books.

  7. Great list - I really want to start the Winner's Curse series and I'm looking forward to reading all of the books that Sarah J. Maas has written. Some of the other books you mentioned are new to me, so I'll definitely be checking those out!

    1. I hope you get to The Winner's Curse soon, I loved that book. I also adore Maas, I have become OBSESSED with her books!

  8. I still need to read Red Rising and Alienated. Both series sound good.

  9. Oh gosh, yes to ALL of these reads! Next year is going to be an exciting year for releases and I can't wait for them all!

  10. The Winner's Crime and All Fall Down are so good! I'm also looking forward to The Orphan Queen!!

  11. Lol you make the best fictional titles for ToG! I remember a post you did earlier in the year haha :D I'm so excited for all you standalone picks!! Can't wait!!

    1. I know, I just recycled it because I couldn't be bothered to make a new one. But we know it will be true. She's going to destroy our feels.

  12. I am over the moon in love with The Winner's Curse, so I am also really exited about The Winner's Crime. I hope it doesn't break my heart too much.

  13. I like how you broke up your list! I have All the Bright Places on my GR shelf for 2015. It sounds really good. Will look out for your review!

  14. Colleen Hoover kicks out books like crazy! I haven't read anything by Kasie West yet but I really need to, her books sound so cute.
    Great List!

    1. I know, I'm not sure how she manages to write them so fast.

  15. EEEP yes Colleen Hoover books!!! Very excited to read those! Also I need to start reading the Throne of Glass series XD

  16. And I still haven't read The Winner's Curse... I ordered it though, so I am excited to jump on the bandwagon. I have some of the same picks, they just sound so great: anything Sarah J. Maas, All Fall Down, Confess and Never Never. I really want to read them all.

    Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo! I really loved her Shadow and Bone series, I can't wait for this one.

    Great list!

  17. Oh I know so many who are just dying for Golden Son :)

  18. I love your cover for Throne of Glass #4 - spot on! Mass and West can do no wrongs in my book so I of course have them both on my list as well. :)

  19. The Winner's Crime would be on my list if I had actually read the Winner's Curse yet. I want to but just have not made time for it. Looks like I have time until March though!

  20. I really want to read that Kassie West book too. Honestly, I probably won't make it to 2015 before reading Ally Carter's new one. I should get to it in the next week or two.

  21. YES to all of the new series and standalones! I actually added All the Bright Places to my wishlist this morning, it sounds amazing and I'm already hearing great things about it!

  22. Ooh, so many great books! I love your title for the 4th Throne of Glass book. xD

    Here's my TTT:

  23. I forgot about Colleen's second book, she is a writing machine at the moment but the quality of her writing never goes down. I heart her! Great choices, I'm really looking forward to The Winners Crime too (and might even dip in before 2015 as I have it on my kindle :)!

    1. I know, no idea how she's getting so many out. She's actually got three coming out next year and I am so excited for them.

  24. I am looking forward to your review of All The Bright Places. I have seen the cover around but haven't really heard much in terms of reviews for the book. I like your list as well. I have so many on here that I want to be or should be reading too!

    1. It is AMAZING! I can't wait for my review to go live, even though I can't seem to do the book justice.

  25. Wow! lots of great picks here! Definitely looking forward to ACOTAR, All Fall Down and Six of Crows as well!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  26. All the Bright Places should have been on my list. I like ugly crying every now and again :( I also really want to read that new Ally Carter series! And I never heard of Never Never until today (and I don't really like NA), but it sounds intense and now I want to read it!

    My TTT

  27. Kick to the Feels....what a great title! I can't wait until I'm holding it in my hands! September is so very far away.
    Here’s my TTT post.

  28. Great picks!! I'm so excited for The Fill-In Boyfriend, Start of Me and You, OQ, ACOTAR, Six of Crows, and All Fall Down. Throne of Glass #4 is going to be EPIC. I need to mentally prepare myself starting now... Great picks Charnell <33

    1. I know, I am trying to but it's hard. I know Maas is going to destroy me over and over again with each book that releases.

  29. So many great books! I love how you call ToG #4 "Kick to the Feels." That might as well be its title!! Also, did you know that Golden Son is currently on NetGalley? You don't need to wait until next year to start that one!!

    1. I know, I actually have it already but just haven't had the chance to get to it. I will though! Along with The Winner's Crime, so excited to read both.

  30. Lovely, lovely list full of books that I want to get my hands on! :-) I hope you enjoy them when they do come out!

  31. I was going to put Six of Crows on my list but I decided it could wait seeing as I didn't fully enjoy the two Shadow and Bone books I have read. GAH I need to read The Winner's Curse! I have it sitting here but it keeps falling behind other books :(

    1. I didn't fully enjoy them either, it was the last two books that didn't really work for me.

  32. Great list! We have a few in common too :) The Orphan Queen has been on several people's lists, so I will have to check it out. I am absolutely dying to read A Court of Thorns and Roses!

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

  33. I really can't wait for anything by Sarah J Maas! plus I'm really looking forward to The Start of Me and You!

  34. All The Bright Places has just been put on my TBR. And I've heard such good things about Kasie West but that cover would usually put me off - high praise from you though puts it back on my radar! Lol

    My TTT:

    1. I love West, her books never disappoint. I'm not a fan of that cover either. If it wasn't by West then I would never pick it up.

  35. Ugly crying is the ONLY response to All the Bright Places. *reaches for tissues just remembering it* Never ever ever going to recover.
    I'm basically looking forward to ALL of these too!! Except for The Winner's Crime. >_< My bad! I do want to read it, but I only gave The Winner's Curse 3-stars. I didn't ship the ship and gah, send me to the corner of shame for sure.
    And omg, how long has it been since I've been here?! TOO LONG. Hiatuses are half awesome and half lonely, lol. x)

    1. I know! And never going to be able to write a good enough review that sums up the awesome.

  36. I LOVE YOUR COVER OF ToG #4 PERFECT DESCRIPTION. I'm desperate for All fall down. REALLY DESPERATE. Charnell, get to you Winner's Crime ARC!!! I'm making my way through mine and I like it so much more than Curse. AND SO WE NEED TO FLAIL TOGETHER OK <3 x

  37. Thanks for stopping by! So many good books! Orphan Queen, A Court of Thorns and Roses, ALll Fall down! So many good ones, I cannot wait :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  38. I am so pumped for A Court of Thorns and Roses as well as Orphan Queen…definitely excited for both! I have never read Throne of Glass series, but am hoping to read the first book this winter! Great list!

  39. So many great books on this list! Several of them made mine as well. I think one of my goals for next year needs to be finally reading a Colleen Hoover book. I've heard lots of great things about them!

  40. Great picks! I have most of those books on my TBR list! It's actually a bit entertaining- I haven't read the first book of any of the sequels, but they are all on my need for read ASAP list. The Fill-In Boyfriend also sounds amazing. Of course I also can't wait for The Orphan Queen, ACOTAR, and All Fall Down.

    Thanks for checking out my blog!

  41. The Start of You and Me and The Orphan Queen both have caught my eye already! All great picks!

  42. I haven't read anything by Kasie West, though I do have The Distance Between Us on my shelf. The Fill-In Boyfriend sound so good! And I still need to read The Winner's Curse. Nice picks! Thanks for stopping by!

  43. Confess and Never Never FTW! I have it on my TTT list too. The Start of Me and You &
    The Fill-In Boyfriend are on my TBR too! Thanks for stopping by!

    Carmel @

  44. LOL. "Kick to the feels" is probably going to be a very accurate title, if you ask me!! Fantastic list--I am also really looking forward to the new Kasie West book!

  45. So many books here that I want to read, including Court of Thorns and Roses & The Winner's Crime! I loVED Red Rising as well so just went and added the golden son onto Goodreads :D Great list hun!

  46. Hahaha “Kick to the Feels” would sum up all the Throne of Glass books perfectly! It NEEDS to be released already, or preferably, yesterday! But, I’m kinda scared to imagine what the heck will happen in #4… it’ll be awesome and terrifying and how the heck will we wait that long?! Thank goodness A Court of Thorns and Roses is one the way! It sounds so AMAZING, and anything Sarah J. Maas writes, I shall read it :D (With a HUGE box of tissues close by... just in case!)

    1. I know! I really don't know how she expects us to wait so long, it's killing me. But love that she's releasing a new series to tide us over while we wait.

  47. lol @ kick to the feels. I want to read Golden Sun too. I'm hoping it's more like the beginning of Red Rising with a matured Darrow. I'm so jealous that you have it already! Yes to Orphan Queen and Court of Thorns! Yes I agree on the Grisha series. I really liked books 1 & 2, but 3 not as much. The main characters being thieves is what got my interest.

    1. I'm like 99% sure that's what she's going to call it ;) Mine too, I really hope I love the new series more than Grisha.

  48. All of these are on my TBR list except for Ally Carter's. I've never read her books but it sounds like I should. And you should read Jodi Meadows' Incarnate series, it's sooooo good. Can't wait for this new one. And yes, Kasie West is an auto-buy for me too. Just love her books! Great list! ~Pam

    1. Kasie West just never disappoints, I've loved everything I have read by her.

  49. I love your little cover(?) for Throne of Glass #4! Absolutely perfect! I'm also looking forward to all of the Sequels, New Series, and Fill-in Boyfriend!

    1. Haha, I am almost 99% sure that's what she is going to call it. It's definitely going to do that to me.

  50. We, of course, have a very similar list this week. ToG #4 didn't make this weeks list but that's because I had it on the TTT from a few weeks ago. BUT ACOTAR is definitely a must!!! My friend won a copy from Bloomsbury and she's read it twice in the past two weeks. Clearly it is perfection(like we expected anything else). And because she is the best person in the world she has stuck it in the mail for me. OMG!!! <3
    I'm reading The Winner's Crime right now and of course it's epic. Did you get a copy off of NG? If not it's up there!
    Invaded and Six of Crows aren't on my list but they are very high up my list. Especially Six of Crows! More Fantasy from Bardugo, gimme, gimme, gimme.
    Hoover never fails to disappoint of the publishing front. There's at least three books from her next year and I'm sure we'll get a few more as the year progresses.
    Great list! 2015 will be fantastic!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Haha, I AM SO EXCITED FOR ACOTAR!!! I am starting it today and I am beyond excited. I BETTER LOVE IT! :) :) :)
      Yes, I got a copy on Netgalley and I am so excited to read it! I'm planning to read ACOTAR, then reread Alienated so I can get to my copy of Invaded, reread The Winner's Curse and then The Winner's Crime. followed by Red Rising and Golden Son! It's going to be a busy day.
      Hoover publishes so often, I LOVE HER!

  51. I love how you broke this down!! I still need to read The Winner's Curse and Throne of Glass (I know, I know). And gahhhh, I can't believe I forgot about The Fill-In Boyfriend and CONFESS. OMG NEW COLLEEN HOOVER CAN'T WAIT! Also excited about Never Never. Because CoHo. And every time I see The Start of You and Me, I feel sad cause I haven't yet read Open Road Summer. But I've heard amazing things.

    Thanks for stopping by The Fox's Hideaway! :)

    1. I highly recommend both, obviously ;) GET TO THEM!!! :) I don't think it will diappoint you. I need more Colleen Hoover in my life, all the Hoover!!! :) I haven't read Open Road Summer either, but I plan to as soon as I can.

  52. There's SO MANY FANTASTIC-SOUNDING books coming out next year! Personally, I'm really looking forward to The Winner's Crime, A Court of Thorns and Roses, All Fall Down and The Fill-In Boyfriend! All the Bright Places is the book I'm most looking forward to! Thank God I only have to wait until January.


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