Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Reads of 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Top Books I Read In 2014

The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

I was incredibly late to the ToG party, but I now completely in love with it! The last series I became this obsessed with was Harry Potter, and that is saying a lot. The romance between Chaol and Celaena is something I ship so hard that it actually hurts! I can't get enough of it and the wait for book four is actually killing me  I've reviewed all the books so far this year - AB, ToG, CoM and HoF.

Under the Never Sky series by Veronica Rossi

I didn't know what to expect from this series, my expectations weren't very high. I actually ended up loving this series, mainly because of the fantastic characters. Rossi writes some of the best characters I've come across, I especially loved Roar because he was absolutely hilarious. I read and reviewed all the books this year, along with one of the short novellas - Roar & Liv, Under the Never Sky. Through the Ever Night and Into the Still Blue

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

This series was such a pleasant surprise! I'd been getting a little bored of dystopians because I'd been reading far too many and they were all starting to sound alike. But this is so wonderfully unique, with a beautiful writing style, a strong lead character and a much more brutally honest approach to the whole thing. I could not get enough of it, Mindy McGinnis is on my auto-buy list now. It's also got the added bonus of having some of the most beautiful covers EVER! I reviewed both Not a Drop to Drink and In a Handful of Dust


All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven - This one is technically not out till next year but I was lucky enough to get a signed ARC back in October and I couldn't help myself, I had to read it. And it was amazing. And heartbreaking. And beautiful. And made me ugly cry so badly! You need this book on your 2015 TBR if you haven't done so already. 

The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu - I adored this one, even though it's written from different point of views, none of which are the one you really want. I liked that all the characters were so flawed and hard to like for different reasons. I thought it was funny the book made me feel like I knew Alice better than anyone else, despite the fact we don't hear from her until the end of the book.

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West - This was the first West book I ever read and it immediately put her on my auto-buy author list. She writes characters that make me laugh out loud and that are so easy to relate to. Plus she does romance in a way that doesn't make me want to gag!

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover - Hoover can do no wrong! I love everything she writes, but this was something special. IT COMES WITH IT'S OWN SOUNDTRACK! The characters write songs together, and then Colleen got Griffin Peterson to write the actual songs and record them. It made for one of the greatest reading experiences of my life. I highly recommend!

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han - Such a cute story! TOO MUCH CUTE!!! But... THAT END! I can't begin to explain to you how much I need book two in my life.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - Despite the rage-inducing final reveal that made me want to hit the characters for being beyond stupid, this book was amazing. It made me cry like crazy on my lunch break, I went back to work looking like someone I loved had just died or something. Very embarrassing but the book was totally worth it. 

Series Starters

Red Rising by Pierce Brown - Too awesome to put into words. I'm already planning a reread in the next few days, so that I can devour the ARC of the sequel that is glaring at me, begging me to read it! I can't begin to explain this book, it's so unique and not like anything I've read before - despite the fact it does have similarities to other dystopians. 

The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski - Another book I am planning to reread so that I can get to the sequel. It's not an action packed book, it's much more character driven and I adored the two main characters. The romance is very slow building, and I love a great slow building romance. 


Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas - OH EM GEE, this book! I don't know one person who has read this book and didn't love it. It keeps you guessing, it has you doubting yourself and it has the great ending you spend the whole book hoping for. It's a book that everyone should read, so if you haven't got to it yet then you need to!

Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas - I wasn't sure she could write another book that was anywhere near as good as Dangerous Girls, but she did! Haas is a genius and is now on the auto-buy list. She writes the greatest psychological thrillers out there. She also writes some of the most fascinating characters.

Far From You by Tess Sharpe - I admit to having very low expectations for Far From You before I got to it. I thought it was going to be a horribly predictable YA thriller, where the whole killer mystery would be predictable and boring. I didn't expect for this to really have nothing to do with finding the killer. This was all about the characters and it completely blew me away. 

Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot
'Bout This Blogger Tag
Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Authors of 2014
This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Love and Other Unknown Variables by Shannon Lee Alexander
My Weekly Book Haul: 13/12/2014
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey


  1. TOG is AMAZING! I am so glad that people pestered me until I FINALLY read it!! Can't wait for TOG#4! I'm dying here!

    Wanna read Under the Never Sky and Not a Drop to Drink so badly!!!!!! HEard such amazing things about them and NEED to read them!

    I pretty much want to read ALL the books in this list! I have heard INCREDIBLE things about most of them and they all seem so awesome!! <3 NEED TO READ! *sigh* "So many books, so little time."

    Great post and I'm definitely reading all of these book!
    ~Fari @ My Little Corner For Books 0:)

    1. Me too, once I finally did I was mad at myself for waiting so long!

      I loved both, so of course I'd recommend them.

      I know, that's the problem with this weeks topic, it's making my TBR far too long.

  2. You may have been late, but you are in the Throne of Glass party now so all is well. :)

    I liked Not a Drop to Drink more than a Handful of Dust, but both were good.

    It looks like you had a great reading year.

    1. Haha, I am completely in the party and I am never leaving. I preferred Not a Drop to Drink too, both were good but I just think that one was something special.

  3. I couldn't agree more with most of these (and only not all of them because I haven't read them all yet!).

  4. Chaol and Celaena omg THANK YOU. What is with this Celaena and Rowan nonsense? I love them as friends but people are shipping them romantically and I'm like: NO LALALALA MY SHIP WILL CONQUER. Lol!

    1. NO SHIPPING ROWAN AND CELAENA!!! WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?!??! Nope, no, no, no, nooooooooooo! My ship will conquer or I will cry, scream and pretend it did anyway.

  5. Oh oh totally DIDN'T see the Throne of Glass seires coming... ;-)
    Eepe. I kid. I kid. XD
    IT IS SO WONDERFUL AND MADE TOP OF MY LIST TOO. And I basically agree 100% with all of these books, well, the ones I've read. It feels like forever since I discovered Abigail Haas but she's on my auto-buy list for sure. XD
    I ship Chaol and Celaena so hard it actually emotionally RUINS me. I love Rowan but he's not a love interest. He's like a brother. I *whispers* actually thought he was her cousin, but obviously I got that wrong because the ship does exist. SO MY BAD. BUT NO. CHAOLEANA FOREVER I SAY.

    1. I know, who would have guessed! I can see it topping so many of my lists for years to come. I really hope Haas is planning more YA books, even if the first two didn't do amazingly well. I'M SURE HE'S HER COUSIN!?!? Like, I'm pretty sure they are in some way related. But no... THAT SHIP BETTER NEVER SAIL! It's a friendship and I like that. CHAOL ALL THE WAY <3

  6. I'm sure that's more than 10 girl.. hmm. Anyway! ToG series, I'm excited to continue it now I have Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire, excited times! Abigail Haas, duh, she's amazing! Kasie West, I second you there! ALL THE BRIGHT THINGS. *breathe* I'm getting an arc! The excitement, it's too much! :D This is a wonderful list, I'm considering loads of it, here's to hopefully loving some! :D

    1. No, it's totally ten... if you can't count properly! HAHA! :) I hope you love ToG more as you go along, I adored Crown of Midnight. I love Haas, she better be releasing more YA soon. I hope you love All the Bright Places :) :) :)

  7. Yay for Maybe Someday - that book was SO GOOD!
    Also, seeing All the Bright Places on so many lists this week have made me SO CURIOUS to pick that one up when it comes out!
    Thanks for sharing these and have a good Tuesday :)

    1. It really was, and the soundtrack added so much to the reading experience!!! :) I hope you love it when you finally get to read it.

  8. Nice! I enjoyed Rossi's series as well! Still need to start McGinnis!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. I've heard such good things about Throne of Glass that I think I'll have to read it soon! I also really want to read Not A Drop to Drink, We Were Liars, To All the Boys I've Loved Before and the Winner's Curse. Great list! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  10. To All The Boys!! THAT ENDING THOUGH, I DIED. How could that happen??? And I must check out Far From You! Everyone's given that one praise!

  11. ToG!!! Who cares how late you were at least you found the amazingness that is Maas. And yes, Celaena and Chaol are one of my biggest ships. I can't even.
    Spoiler; Maybe Someday will be in my top 3 reads of this year. Easily. I'm jealous that you just re-read it. I think I'll be doing that before year out.
    And This Distance Between Us was one of my fave reads of 2013. God, it's adorable and banter filled perfection.
    I really love your list. I see some that I still need to read and some faves. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Haha, exactly! Now I've got on the Maas train, I am never getting off. Mine too, they better conquer all in the end or I will be so depressed.
      The reread was awesome, love the book and the soundtrack adds so much to the experience.

  12. A seriously great list. I need to read THE TRUTH ABOUT ALICE.

  13. To All the boys made my list too. I hadn't given Far From You much consideration, but from what you said, I may have to check it out.

  14. I've been wanting to read the Throne of Glass series! I guess I'm even later to the party than you. Haha. I've also just been given The Winner's Curse as a gift. Looking forward to reading that one.
    My TTT!

  15. Yup. Awesome list, awesome books. I agree that Roar is the best. Love Roar. I still haven't read Not a Drop to Drink, but I have it and plan to read it soon. The other book you have on your list that I've really wanted to read is Far From You. 2014 was an amazing year for books, I can't wait to see what 2015 brings!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. Roar is just so funny and wonderful, love him! I hope you love Not a Drop, it's a brilliant book.

  16. I have been thinking about my favorite reads for this year. My list will different from yours. The best novel and perhaps the best book was not a mystery. A GOOD YEAR FOR THE ROSES by Gil McNeil.

    1. I haven't heard of that, will have to look it up on Goodreads.

  17. I'm so glad you liked Under The Never Sky, it's an amazing series that needs more love.
    My TTT

    1. It really does need more love, I am so pleased I finally got to it.

  18. Great list!! I put all of the Veronica Rossi books higher on my TBR thanks to your previous recommendation. But my library doesn't have it, so I'm basically hunting around the boroughs of London for a library that does LOLOLOL. Oh yes I must remember to put Mindy McGinnis on my TBR.

    1. Well I can say that a lot of them have it :) I work in a London library and made sure we had all three books.

  19. Throne of Glass and Under the Never Sky are two series I really need to kick myself and start! They seem like such good books and everyone goes on about how good they are. There must be a reason ;) We Were Liars is a book my friend just gifted me for Christmas. Because it's such a short read I think I will take it with me to England and finish it in a day, along with a few others of the very short novellas I own in print. Oh yes, a novella a day! I can envision is ^^

    1. YES! DO IT!!! I love both and Throne of Glass has taken over my life. I hope you love We Were Liars!

  20. YAY, the Throne of Glass series! I agree that the wait for book 4 is agonising. I’ve kept The Assassin’s Blade back so I can read it in the New Year – I’m hoping it’ll take some of the agony away until #4 gets here! And the Under the Never Sky trilogy – I LOVED the characters, but Roar stole my heart a little bit more than the others in the end :) I’m SO GLAD those books didn’t go down the love triangle route, and it made them even more special in my mind.

    Oh gosh, I have to read We Were Liars and Not a Drop to Drink! I bought them both as ebooks when they were on sale, and I keep forgetting about them :/ That’s my HUGE disadvantage of ebooks – I keep forgetting I own them!! I also have Dangerous Girls sitting on my (physical) shelves, and I really hope I can get to read it over Christmas. Awesome list, Charnell!

    1. I know, I am not sure how we're expected to wait for it. IT'S NOT FAIR! AB is AWESOME!

      You really do need to get to them, they are awesome. GET TO DANGEROUS GIRLS! GET TO DANGEROUS GIRLS! GET TO DANGEROUS GIRLS!!!

  21. I stiiiiill need to read We Were Liars, Sarah J. Maas' work, Dangerous Girls... well, most of these, really. Great list!

  22. I love seeing everyone's favorites. I have a couple of these on my tbr pile (probably from reading your reviews lol)

    1. Haha, possibly. I hope you enjoy them if you ever find the time to get to them :)

  23. Colleen Hoover. Sigh. I am so in love with her. Can't wait to read more of her stuff next year!

    1. Me too, and with three releases there's going to be so much Hoover to read.

  24. I was obsessed with Harry Potter too! My latest is Percy Jackson. I haven't read Throne of Glass or Under the Never Sky yet. Red Rising made my list too! Yeah it's so hard to describe it. I couldn't wait, I'm reading Golden Son right now! :) Winner's Curse sounds good too!

  25. I've read the 1st book of Throne of Glass but haven't got to the rest yet. So happy to see your list as I have many of these in my pile to read and it's always good to know they are going to be amazing :)

    1. I think Crown of Midnight might have been my favourite, but mostly for the Chaoleana moments! :)

  26. ToG didn't become amazing to me until CoM. But once I read that second book I was COMPLETELY ON BOARD. Heir of Fire only enhanced my love for this series. SO GOOD.

    I just finished Golden Son... all I'm going to say is that you MUST read it ASAP. Then tweet me and I'll freak out with you.

    1. ME TOO! CoM sealed the deal for me, mostly for when my ship sailed. Before sinking for a while. BUT IT SHALL RISE AGAIN ;) I KNOW IT :)

  27. I loved the two books Maybe Someday and To All The Boys I've Loved Before - Amazing list, I have yet to read Throne Of Glass :(

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  28. I love the Throne of Glass series too, although I haven't read Heir of Fire yet. And the Under the Never Sky trilogy too! To All The Boys I've Loved Before made it on to my list as well, I can't wait for the sequel to be released.

    I really need to read Maybe Someday and Not a Drop to Drink and so many others from your list... Great list!

    Jolien | The Fictional Reader

    1. Heir of Fire is so good, I hope you get to get to it soon! :) That sequel needs to hurry up and get here already.

  29. I've only read Maas off your list but love her to pieces! I am super excited for Red Rising, still haven't had the chance to read it. Looks and sounds amazing.
    Happy reading!

    1. I hope you love Red Rising, such a wonderfully unique story. So excited for the sequel :)

  30. Some of my favorite books on this list! Obviously Throne of Glass series and yes, ship Chaol and Celaena so hard! Distance Between Us and To All the Boys…two of my favorite contemporaries! But that ending in To All the Boys, what??? I couldn't believe it, to be honest. A cliffhanger in a romantic contemporary? Killed me.

    Under the Never Sky series, Red Rising, Winner's Curse…love all of those!

    Great list! ~Pam

    1. I know, I was not expecting a cliffhanger ending in a contemporary! I didn't realise it was a series when I started, so that was a big shock. Need book two asap!

  31. Im late to the ToG party too- I read ToG late last year, and must start Crown of Midnight soon! The Truth About Alice sounds like a book I would love.

    1. I hope you love the rest of the ToG books, Crown of Midnight is my favourite of the series so far.


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