Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors of 2014

Sarah J. Maas has to top this list because that woman is the shit. She has earned herself a spot on my auto-buy authors list and she's never coming off of it. I finally started the Throne of Glass series this year and I have fallen madly in love with it. The last time I became so obsessed with a series was back when I was 9 and I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I am obsessed! I need 2015 to hurry up because we get TWO Maas releases! I read and reviewed Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire, as well as The Assassin's Blade.
Jennifer Niven wins the award for author who made me ugly cry the hardest this year. All the Bright Places basically broke my heart, and I am still trying to recover! I have had months to get my review completely written and scheduled, but I am still struggling with the words to express my love for that book.

It took me a while to finally try a Kasie West book, but once I did I couldn't stop. I read everything she had out at the time and was not disappointed. I think if I had to pick a favourite of hers then it would definitely be The Distance Between Us, just because I adored the main characters in that book. Then it would probably be Pivot Point, followed by Split Second and On the Fence. I am very excited for 2015 and her next release, The Fill-In Boyfriend (even if I hate the cover and the title!).

Abigail Haas is another author who earned a spot on my auto-buy list this year. She has written two of the most amazing YA psychological thrillers. If you haven't tried her books yet then you really need to, you won't be disappointed. Both books had me up until the early hours of the morning because I could not put them back. I reviewed both Dangerous Girls and Dangerous Boys, and I completely loved both.

It took me forever to get to the Under the Never Sky series and finally discover Veronica Rossi, something I am kicking myself for now. I absolutely loved this series and can't believe it took me so long to finally read it. But I'm also glad, it meant I didn't have to wait between books! Rossi created some of my all time favourite characters with Aria, Perry and Roar. I reviewed Under the Never Sky, Through the Ever Night, Into the Still Blue and Boomerang this year, and I loved them all. 

Tess Sharpe is a debut author of 2014, so I guess she's technically new to everyone. I was completely blown away by Far From You. I'd been expecting some really predictable YA thriller, with a teen hunting down a killer. That was a tiny part of the story. This book was so much more than that and it took me completely by surprise. I absolutely loved it, one of my top reads of the year for sure.
Pierce Brown is another debut author of 2014! Red Rising was a story that I became completely addicted to. That book was so much more than I could have expected, I admit to assuming it would be a bit of a rip off. The book has similarities to other dystopians, but it's also unique and unlike anything I've read before. I am so excited to dive into Golden Son this month and see what else Brown has to offer.
It's getting to that point where I want to curse blogger and throw my laptop out the window. This post is giving me all kinds of headaches because it won't format correctly. Pictures are doing whatever the hell they want and I've given up. So the last two are E. Lockhart, who gave me the amazing We Were Liars and Mindy McGinnis, who wrote Not a Drop to Drink and In a Handful of Dust

Love, Rosie by Cecelia Ahern
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Love, Rosie 
My Weekly Book Haul: 29/11/2014
Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman
Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot


  1. I personally can't wait to read Red Rising, I've heard a lot of good news about it. I was surprised that I have heard of most of these authors, even though I have read literally none of these books (I'm not counting TOG, lol.) I can't believe 2014 is about to end. Crazy...

    1. I KNOW! 2014 has come and gone so quickly, it's not fair. I loved Red Rising, can't wait to read the sequel.

  2. OOh nice! I read Veronica Rossi this year as well! Still need to read Mindy McGinnis though!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. So many books on this list I want to read. At least if I read them next year at least my list will be longer... I didn't realise Veronica Rossi had that Boomerang book haha. You're right though, the cover is definitely off putting.

    1. Yeah, she wrote Boomerang along with another author and so they used a pseudonym.

  4. Sarah J Maas is everything. How did we not know about her before this year? WE'RE SO SLOW ON THE UPTAKE, MAN. And E. Lockhart too - her book was the dog's bollocks. So haunting (literally :P)

    1. Haha, we really are! But at least we're in on it now and we're never leaving ;)

  5. I really want to read Sarah J Maas' books - I've heard such good things! We Were Liars is also on my TBR pile, I've heard endless amazing things about it. :)

  6. Great choices but eeeeeeeek, I've only read E. Lockhart out of all of them, think I need to do some major catching up!

    My TTT  - Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  7. I can't wait to read All the Bright Places! I've heard such amazing things about it :)

    I love Kasie West, I'm excited for The Fill In Boyfriend next year! And OMG, Dangerous Girls and Dangerous Boys! LOVE them, everyone should give those a go because they are mind blowing :)

  8. I wanna read Pierce brown so bad....Red Rising is still to expensive....but I will get it! Soon :D

    great list! Happy reading!

  9. Sarah and Abigail have hit so many lists today and Abby hit mine, so that's instantly amazing! West was on mine too, and Lockart, wowzer! Such great authors this year and nice to see some men hitting the lists this year too, so yipee! :D Wonderful list hunny! :)

    1. I need more Haas in my life, she better hurry up and write more YA fiction. I NEED MORE!!! :)

  10. Ahhhh Sarah J Maas and Kasie West <3333 I just read and LOVED The Distance Between Us :D Awesome list!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  11. I love all of these authors too! I still need to try a couple of them but I have their books and can't wait to give in, especially Abigail Haas, I have both her books and can't wait to read them!

  12. Oooh Sarah J. Maas is just pure awesomeness! It's a no brainer really, and yep, she's on my list, too (I can't imagine not including her, actually! ToG has become one of my all time fav series. :)) And YAY for Veronica Rossi! I absolutely loved books, but I haven't got around to Boomerang yet. Definitely need to!

    You're reminding me that I need to read Not a Drop to Drink and We Were Liars! I have both of them sitting on my Kindle App, and I never remember them when I'm deciding on a new book to read. Physical books always win out =) Awesome list!

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

    1. She really is! I am going to read whatever she writes... EVER!!! Boomerang was a fun NA, I quire liked it.

      Yes, you really do. Get to them as soon as you can ;)

  13. I still haven't read Throne of Glass, but I think I'm finally convinced to do so.

    Red Rising was good, but the beginning was great. I'm hoping Golden Sun's more like that.

    Sounds like I need to get around to Under the Never Sun too!

    1. I hope you do, it's awesome! I can't wait for Golden Son, it's going to be awesome.

  14. I love Veronica Rossi. Kasie West is on my list, too (she's on a lot of people's lists). I just got All the Bright Places and I'm really excited to read it. Awesome list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  15. Haas has made it onto my auto buy list as well! SHE HAS STUNNED ME. I'm speechless by her works! Jennifer Niven was that beautiful?? Oh god, I really must add this to my TBR. I've heard nothing but AMAZING things about this one!

    1. Me too!!! She needs to hurry up and release more books because I need them in my life. IT'S A BEAUTIFUL BOOK! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND :) WITH CAPS!!!

  16. You have a ridiculous amount of amazing authors on this list! I love Kasie West's writing. My list can be found:

  17. Sarah J. Maas and Kasie West are two of my all time favourites! I really want to try Dangerous Girls!

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  18. I loved reading Lockhart's Ruby Oliver series when I was growing up it. And this year she proved that she can pull off much more serious devastating books too. She is a very talented writer.

  19. Sarah J. Maas and Kasie West are on my list too! And I highly enjoyed Veronica Rossi's trilogy as well. I really want to read so many of the books on your list, like Red Rising.

    Great list!

  20. Sarah J Maas is amazing! Love love love the Throne of Glass series! Loved We Were Liars this year too! I really need to check out Kasie West. Great list!

    Becca @ Lost in Thought
    My TTT :)

  21. I've seen Red Rising on a couple of posts today. I love Kasie West. I'm not a fan of the new cover either. Great List.

  22. I love how Sarah J. Maas is basically on every single list this week. (Including mine.) Also, so glad you discovered Veronica Rossi! Her Under the Never Sky series is the bomb. And, Pierce Brown is on my list, too. Did you know that Golden Son is currently on NetGalley? I just finished my ARC and am DYING TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT. So when you do read it, let me know. That series is insane.

    1. Me too, she deserves it. The wait for her next book is killing me, quite a bit. Yes, I've got a copy of Golden Son and can't wait.

  23. Literally every author you have read for the first time I haven't, but I have their books on my TBR list. Well, everyone excepting Mindy McGinnis and Tess Sharpe. Their books sound okay but they don't seem like the kind of thing that I would like. Either way, I look forward to trying the others! And this sounds like there are a lot of good authors there :3

    1. There are so many amazing authors out there. I recommend them all, obviously ;)

  24. So many new authors. Love it :) I have a couple on my tbr pile for hopefully 2015 :D

  25. How on earth could I have forgotten about E. Lockhart?? I blame all the Christmas cookies I've been eating. Great list!

  26. I hear ya with pictures doing whatever they want. ;-) lol That's like 89% of the reason I wanted wordpress so I could put the dang things where I wanted them to go. Why is blogger cantankerous like that?! It's weird. *sighs*
    AAAANYWAY. Like I love your list. Jennifer Nievern, Sarah J Maas and Abigail Haas are all new to me too this year! And like insta-favourites. heeh. I actually read Red Rising soo early I think it was this time in 2013? Urgh. It was forever ago. I seriously want to reread before Golden Son. SQUEE WHICH IS SO SOON I AM EXCITED!!

    1. I KNOW!!! Blogger hates pictures and I HATE blogger for it. But making the change feels scary. I don't know... MAYBE ONE DAY!

      I can't wait to read Golden Son, it's going to be AMAZING!

  27. You listed so many of my auto buy authors which I discovered this year, Sarah J. Maas, E. Lockhart, Abigail Haas, Pierce Brown (LOVED RED RISING). So many wonderful books we got this year, I can't even keep it to my top 10! What a wonderful list, I'll be reading All the Bright Places soon too.

  28. Most of these I still need to try... I feel so behind! (But at least I heard of them?) It's a great list!

    Here's mine.

  29. Kasie West and Sarah Maas are two of my favorite authors! And Veronica Rossi too. Great list! ~Pam

  30. Maas and West make me extremely happy! I'm sooooo excited when more people discovers those amazing ladies.
    I've enjoyed Rossi's books. More so Boomerang than the Under the Never Sky trilogy. Totally excited for Rebound.
    I still really need to read Haas and Brown. They're both near the top of my TBR.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life


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