Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Big Hero 6

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

Big Hero 6

Baymax Big Hero 6 animated GIFIf you've been following my blog for a while then you should already know that I am a big fan of Disney. And also that I am just a big fan of kids films in general. If a new Disney movie is released then it is guaranteed that I am going to go to the cinema and watch it. I have two friends who are also big Disney fans, and they are usually more than happy to come with me. But my sister had told me I had to see it and so did a guy at my work, so I caved and made the boyfriend take me after work on Monday. He definitely wins lots of awesome boyfriend points for coming, especially since he hates Disney.

I didn't know what to expect from Big Hero 6, I went into it not really knowing anything about the story. My sister had told me it was the best Disney film she had seen since The Lion King, which is pretty high praise. It also meant that I went in with ridiculously high expectations, and it seemed impossible that this movie could live up to them. BUT IT DID!!! Now I want to go shout at everyone to go and see this movie because it was beyond amazing. Forget Frozen, forget Tangled, forget every Disney film you've seen recently. Big Hero 6 is better then them all. 

Big Hero 6 Disney animated GIFThe movie is set in the futuristic city of San Fransokyo, where Hiro Hamada spends his time taking part in illegal robot fights. Hiro is a genius, but he's wasting his talent and it's up to his big brother Tadashi to try and set him on a better path. So he takes him to the robotics lab at the University he attends, where he meets all of Tadashi's friends, as well as the project he's been working on - BAYMAX! Baymax is a personal healthcare robot, and also one of the cutest Disney characters ever! Hiro falls in love with the university and decides he must do whatever he can to get in. Now this is where I stop and tell you no more, because the direction the story took was one I wasn't expecting and I don't want to ruin that for you.

Funny Disney films have always been my favourites - ones like Hercules and The Emperor's New Groove - so I was so happy that Big Hero 6 is one of the funniest Disney films I've seen in a long time. Even the boyfriend laughed at this one, and I can't explain to you how much he hates Disney! I also liked that this was a movie that tugged on my heartstrings and made me sad as well. And also made me freak out when I thought it was all about to go horribly wrong. But I think the biggest sign that this was an amazing Disney film is the fact that my boyfriend actually enjoyed it. He actually felt it was a good film and said that when I buy it on DVD when it's released he will actually watch it again. THAT'S A BIG DEAL! I can never get him to willingly offer to watch a Disney movie, let alone willingly offer to rewatch a Disney film.

10/10 Butterflies

Big Hero 6 is the Disney film I have been waiting years for them to release. It's absolutely hilarious, and filled with amazing character after amazing character. It also tugged at my heartstrings and had me wanting to cry on more than one occasion. And what's more, it managed to convert my anti-Disney boyfriend. This is one I can tell I'm going to rewatch a lot whilst it's still out at the cinemas. 

Alienated by Melissa Landers
The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melissa Landers: Blog Tour& Giveaway
My Weekly Book Haul: 14/02/15
Invaded by Melissa Landers

I've got a UK only and an international giveaway on the blog at the minute - both are for copies of The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melissa Landers. For more details and to enter go here


  1. Darn it! We didn't go see this one because some people said it was just alright. Now I wish I would have. Oh well, it will be out on DVD soon right? :P

    Glad you loved it so much!

    1. It wasn't just okay.... this was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So glad you did a review on this!! I heard of it a long while back and I wanted to watch it... then I realised it wasn't out yet. XD The big white robot is really eye-catching. For a long while I wasn't sure what it was. I thought maybe it was a snowman or something. Heh. It sounds amazing. I can't wait to go see it.

    1. IT WAS AMAZING!!! I just want to scream about how amazing it is all the time. I need the DVD in my life.

  3. Such an adorable film!! Loved it so much!

  4. I loved this movie! :D It's so awesome! :D

  5. Oh, Big Hero 6 was amazing! My boyfriend took me for Valentine's day, but neither of us were really expecting much. Except for 'hairy baby'. He asked me if I'd go and see it with him again the next day. Now that is a seal of approval!
    Beth x

    1. I KNOW!!! I have been desperate to see it again since then. NEED THE DVD!!!

  6. I LOVED Big Hero Six and I am very impatiently waiting for it to come out on DVD. IT is hands down one of the best kid movies I have ever seen! I loved Baymax and all the characters, it was a very good story too. It is also hilarious! I laughed so much. Your review has me all excited again about watching it. :D

    1. I NEED THE DVD! I am going to be watching it obsessively.

  7. I saw this last week with my sister and LOVED it!
    It was funny and I cried so much (even at the short film at the beginning!).
    I want my own Baymax!
    Great review :)

    Jess @A Book Addict's Bookshelves

    1. I have my own Baymax! But he's soft and cuddly and doesn't talk ;)

  8. The full 10/10 butteflies?! Whoa, this must be a crazily good film! I definitely want to go see it with my family on Saturday (we're choosing a movie) and it looks like this one would be well worth our time. Can't wait! Thanks for the outstanding review <3

    1. I just came back from seeing it and I loved it so much! I thought it was amazinggg and <333 Hiro <3 Go Go <3 I love the superhero theme and when a certain something I almost cried even. I felt those tears welling up... Their brotherhood was so cute <3

    2. IT REALLY WAS!!!! This movie was just the most awesome thing ever. I NEED THE DVD!!!

  9. aHHHH I WANT TO SEE THIS SO BAD! I wanted to see it in January (I think it's out of cinemas now in Australia) but my family wanted to see the last hobbit. ;( SO I DID NOT SEE IT. Wah. But as soon as I can, oh my gosh, I know I'm going to love it. XD I love hilarious movies and I don't think I've seen a Disney kids movie that's disappointed me yet.
    Although, come now, The Emperor's New Groove stands in like a category of it's own. XD

    1. I hope you see it and love it!!!! The Emperor's New Groove is definitely a class all of it's own, that movie is beyond amazing. I feel bad that you had to see the last Hobbit film over this, poor you. I gave up after the disastrous second movie.

  10. i loved big hero 6 so much! and i'm 27 with no kids. (and my fiance loved it too!) <3 Bee @ Bee Reads Books

  11. I plan to see it with my kids. I'm a big Disney fan, too. Love the escape and fun.

    1. Disney blows me away. they have been releasing some amazing movies recently!

  12. See I actually wasn't planning to watch Big Hero Six but your review makes it sound so awesome! I think I'll have to go and check it out soon! Great review Charnell!

    1. Yeah, you're going to want this movie in your life. And then you're also going to want your very own Baymax!


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