Hello and Goodbye

So long and thanks for all the fish!

Not quite sure why that was the first thing that popped into my head to write in this post, but it did. This is going to be one really quick post just to say that, yes, I am still alive and, yes, I realise I have been posting a lot less than I used to.

I'd love to have a brilliant explanation for why that is, but I don't. I'm just exhausted right now. I have very limited energy and getting ready for my new job as a manager has actually been stressing me out quite a bit. I really want to get a good amount of content scheduled before I start posting again, so that I can try and actually keep up with everything blog wise. I say that all the time though and it never seems to happen, so we shall see how well that goes.

I have some time off now before I officially start the new job, so that's when I hope to get some scheduling done. I'm going to be taking a week or two off from blogging at least. Then I hope I will be able to come back feeling refreshed, with more energy and actually get on top of things blog wise. Probably not, but a girl can dream.


  1. Good luck with your new job and take as much time as you need, real life always comes first. ;)

    1. Real life gets crazy but I am looking forward to the challenge.

  2. Take your time and hope you'll love your new job :D

  3. Good luck with the new job - I know it's easier said than done but try not to stress too much, you were given this job for a reason - because you will clearly be an excellent Manager! As for blogging, I'm just glad you're not quitting altogether because when I read the title of this post that's what my first thought was, swiftly followed by NOOOOooooo!!!! See you soon! :D

  4. Oh Charnell! <3 I'm with you girl. I have pretty much no energy left and now that uni's starting, I'm basically cramped. I'm barely here anymore. Take some time for yourself. Put you first <3 We'll all be here supporting you! <3

  5. Hope you shed that stress soon! You'll be awesome!

  6. Good luck with your new job! Take as much time as you need for yourself, and hopefully you'll be stress-free again soon! :D

    Beatrice @ Book For Thought

  7. Good luck with your new job! :D

  8. I wish you the best of luck with your new job!

  9. omg, I had a small heart attack because I thought you might be stopping forever AND THAT WOULD MAKE ME CRY A LOT. I completely understand though. Have a super good break and DON'T FEEL GUILTY! Blogging can wait. We will all be here. ;-) Good luck with starting this job. *hugs*
    *showers you with cake*

    1. I'm not gone forever. I JUST SUCK AT STAYING ON TOP OF THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Sometimes life just gets in the way of the fun stuff. Take some time out to look after you first, and then worry about the blogging stuff. It's so easy to get stressed about when you should be blogging or whatever and then it becomes a chore. Starting a new job is stressful and I hope it all goes really well for you!

    1. Thank you, it's going quite well. I still miss my old job and all the people there, but I am getting into the swing of things now.

  11. OMG Charnell I thought you were leaving for good! I'm glad you're taking a well deserved break from blogging, congrats on your job as a manager. It's good you're going to focus your energies on that for now. When you're ready, we'll be here!

    1. Not for good. But I keep coming back and then disappearing agai, which isn't good. Hopefully I stick around for a while.

  12. NEVER do this again, you had me frightened with that title :o I thought you were announcing you were going to quit! I'm sending you good vibes to deal with the stress. You'll be great at your new job :)

    1. *and the first line isn't meant to be said in a harsh tone. I don't want you to think I mean it in a bad way, haha. You just scared me a little :p*

    2. Haha, sorry!!!! I'm not gone forever. I go then come back. Then go again.

  13. Good luck with the new job & I hope you do come back soon :) <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  14. I know I'm as late as hell - but seeing as I assume your break is now over, I hope your new job is going well. Hey, we both started new jobs at roughly the same time, didn't we? Oh no wait (Just scrolled up to check date of this post) I started mine at the end of Feb. XD I hope it's going well!

    1. WHERE ARE YOU!!?!?!?!! I MISS YOU. I have just seen this comment. I miss your blog.


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