Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I'd Like To Check In With


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Inspiring book quotes
Characters I'd love to check in with.

So this week is supposed to be about book quotes, but I missed last weeks topic and I want to do it so badly!!! It's talking about the book characters you wish you could go and check in with, those whose stories you have read. The ones whose books or series are over, but you're itching to know more about their life after the final page. I have hundreds, but I will try to keep it to just ten.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

1. About 50 Harry Potter characters.

The series might be over but it will never really be over. I need more, I want more and I will probably die still hoping J.K. Rowling will write more, even once she's dead and that would actually be impossible. I need to know what became of all my favourite characters, I need more of their stories. I need it. I need it. I NEED IT!
All the Bright Places
2. Violet Markey

I absolutely adored All the Bright Places, even if it did destroy all of my feels. It was such a beautiful book and I came to love Violet and Finch so much. I wouldn't want to change the end of All the Bright Places, but I would like for their to be a sequel... or a short novella. I just feel like I want to continue her story, like I want to follow that girl as she makes her way through the rest of her life.

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)3. Katniss and Peeta

Mockingjay wasn't the satisfying conclusion to the series that I had been hoping for. The epilogue at the end didn't really help much either. I need to be able to properly check in with these two and see how they are doing. Plus I wish I got to see more of their life together, not just the crazy part involved in taking on the Capital.

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)4. Finnick Odair

I'm not going into detail when it comes to this one because of SPOILERS! But it's safe to say that I wish I were able to go and check in on this guy. 
My Life Next Door
5. Jase and Samantha 

My Life Next Door is one of my favourite contemporaries, I just fell in love with the whole story. Jase completely won me over and I adored his family. I would love to be able to check in with these two, and the whole Garrett clan.

We Were Liars6. Cadence

If you have read We Were Liars then it should be beyond obvious why I want to and need to go and check in on this character. How is she? How is she coping? What became of her? I need all of the answers and I demand all of the answers.

Northern Lights7. Lyra Belacqua & Pantalaimon

I miss Lyra Belacqua! She's one hell of a character and I think it would be incredible to actually get to check in on her character. And you can't check on Lyra without checking in on Pan! I still want my own daemon, but for now I am happy to live vicariously through Lyra.

Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)8. Roar

Roar has to be one of my all time favourite secondary characters. He's a very large part of the reason why I ended up adoring the Under the Never Sky trilogy so much. He's an absolutely hilarious character, which is something I always love to find in my books. I don't think I would get sick of reading about Roar, so I'd happily have a whole new series just about him.

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1)9. Sephy and Callie Rose

The Noughts & Crosses series has been one of my favourites since I first read it back when I was about ten or eleven. There's already four books in the series and you follow these characters as they age and deal with so many different things. But I'm still not satisfied and I don't feel like I'm done with their story yet. Blackman has actually hinted that she might write another book in this series and I really hope so because I need it!
Dangerous Girls
10. Anna 

If any of you have read Dangerous Girls then I am sure you are just as curious as I am about Anna. She was a brilliant character and that book kept me up until the early hours of the morning because I couldn't put it down. But the end, although it gives you answers, doesn't really give me the resolution and closure that I need when it comes to Anna as a character. I need to see what she did next, what happened to her after the book ended.

So what about you guys? Which characters would you love to check in with?  Do any of my choices make your list too?

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  1. I really wanted to check in with Cadence from We Were Liars too. I wanted to know how she was dealing with everything - Great list!

    1. Thank you! I know, me too because that was such a brutal ending and I wanted to know that she was really okay after everything.

  2. Roar was number one on my list. He could definitely have his own series. I'd actually like to check in on Gale from The Hunger Games. I wonder how he's dealing with everything. Great choices.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT (quotes)

    1. I think I'd be interested to see what became of Gale too, the guy just kind of disappeared and we don't really get much information on how he is.

  3. Great list! :-) I would love to check in with many of the characters from Harry Potter to see how they're getting on. Anna would be really interesting as well! My TTT!

    1. Me too, I couldn't pick just one HP character because there are just so many that I am desperate to find out more about.

  4. The only one I haven't read is the Blackman book but a huge YES to all the others! I would love to know where they are now, especially in All The Bright Places. That book broke my heart.

    1. It broke my heart too. I would love a little novella sequel just so I could check in with Violet and see how she is.

  5. So much agreement -- especially Katniss & Peeta. That was not an acceptable closing. :/ And can one really check in on Finnick?

    1. No, one can't. But this was characters I wish I could check in with, and I really wish I could if you get what I mean!

  6. I had a hard time with this week's topic because I'm not much on quotes but I loved this topic last week! You've got some great picks. We Were Liars is a great choice! I'd love to see how everything is going for the Sinclair family as a whole.

    1. Me too, I always seem to finish a book and always want to know more. I felt like I could read a whole sequel about that family and how they coped after the events of the first book.

  7. Roar was on my list too! I would LOVE to see how he is doing. I love him. :D
    I would also like to check up on the characters from Harry Potter as well as, Katniss and Peeta. I haven't read any of the other books on your list, but there are several that I really want to read.
    Great picks!

  8. Great picks! Definitely would love to check in with the Harry Potter characters!! Thanks for stopping by Between The Spine!

  9. Yes! Just about any HP or all HP characters made my list too! Also wouldn't mind checking in on Roar! I think I almost went with him but then I remembered more pressing characters. Truly 10 is sometimes the smallest number in the world and I wish I could choose more for these posts! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Ten is very small when it comes to bookish questions, haha!

  10. I would definitely want to check in with Cadence. I want to see how she copes with everything after what she discovers. Putting that aside, I would want to go back to Callie Rose and Sephy as well. I just want to secure that they both get the happily ever after that they deserve.

    I would check in with Katniss and Peeta and hope she is regretting letting Gale go. Because they deserved to be together for life. #teamgale

    1. I know, I don't know how she could be coping after all that but I need and want to know.

  11. I will never not want to check in with basically every Harry Potter character ever. There's nothing I don't want to know. And I totally had Finnick on my list, too - CUE SOBBING.

  12. I loved this theme, so I can't blame you for time travelling back a week! So agreed on Katniss and Peeta. I wanted to know a lot more about how they settled back down, how they worked through issues, etc, etc.

    1. Me too, I need to see how it all worked out for them and if they're really happy.

  13. Um, HECK YES to Anna. I mean, it'd be disturbing, but I'd like to see if she did anything else...interesting. AHAH. That is so the wrong word for it, but yes, spoilers. Although *whispers* #2 is kiiiiinda still spoilery. ;-) I love that book though and totally agree: I want more.
    I had to skip this prompt because...I COULDN'T REMEMBER ANY BOOK ENDINGS. GAH! I have such a bad memory. And I haven't finished a lot of series yet, so my bad. I would like to know what happened after The Scorpio Races ended, and I'd read like 29452 books about Cole and Isabel from the Wolves of Mercy Falls books. xD I KNOW they got a sequel/standalone, buuuuut. IT IS NEVER ENOUGH.

    1. HAHA!!!! Yeah it probably was but...OH WELL!!! Haha People should have hurried up and got to it already.

  14. I would agree about Katniss & Peeta - I think I've seen that one in almost everyone's list. Great picks overall<3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  15. Katniss & Peeta, Roar and HP are a must! I haven't read the rest,but I'm sure you're right :)

  16. Roar almost made my list as well. And I would love to visit Violet Markey as well. And Harry Potter and co. Oh, and Anna too. :) Great list. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  17. Harry Potter all the way!

  18. YES! Our picks are super similar - I also NEED to check in on ALL the Harry Potter characters ♥ I wish we could know EVERYTHING that happened to each of them between the end of DH and the epilogue. I want to know it all, how they rebuilt the Wizarding World, how they mourned all the people they lost, how the couples all got together and every bit of their love stories...Gah! I need it and I will never stop needing it. Same goes for Katniss, Peeta and all the beloved HG characters. That ending was so sad and sudden, even though it was kind of a happy ending, it wasn't enough! AND YES Lyra! She was such a unique character, already as a kid...I can't help but wonder how she was changed by everything, how she was as a teen and as a woman! I still need to read UtNS though, but I like that you put the characters in here as well - it means I have a lot to look forward to :) Awesome selection^^ and thanks for stopping by my TTT yesterday! New follower via GFC and Bloglovin ;)

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

    1. I know. I feel like JK owes us so much. She needs to write a million new books in that series. I still won't be satisfied but it would be a start. Thanks so much for following, will be sure to check out your blog and give you a follow back.

  19. I miss this one too. I'll probably do it on a free TTT week. :)
    I'd mostly want to check in with couples. How are they doing? And more importantly, ARE THEY STILL TOGETHER?!
    Of course HP. I really want a yearly check up post for Rowling telling us what everyone is up to. This needs to happen.
    Violet. I'd like to think she's an advocate for mental illness. <3
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. EXACTLY. I need to know if the relationships actually worked out in the end. Most probably didn't though, haha so maybe it's for the best.

  20. Agree with so many of these, especially Cadence. How does she move on from that ending?

  21. "About 50 Harry Potter characters" this made me LOL big time. i couldn't agree more! great TTT this week! and thanks for stopping by my TTT post this week at Wholly Books!

  22. I remember a few months ago I pushed myself to read Veronica Rossi because you recommended it so wholeheartedly! It turned out that I didn't like it that much but I did love Roar's character. I love this list =D

    1. It's a shame you didn't enjoy it all that much, but I am glad you liked Roar ;) He's one of my favourites!!!


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