Monthly Recap: May 2015

I can't really do much of a recap on blog posts because, let's be honest, there haven't been any. I feel like I can't even call myself a blogger any more. I've posted two things in the entirety of May, which is absolutely ridiculous. I love my blog and I enjoy doing it, I'm just far too exhausted at the minute and have far less time to dedicate to it. Plus I'm struggling with other things. But I WILL get back on top of it.... eventually Just bear with me!

This month has been rather amazing for the events I've got to go to and all the amazing books I've got my hand on. The month might have been awful in every other way, but at least that all worked out. First I got to go to the filming of QI, which was absolutely amazing. I can't express just how excited and fan girly I got about the fact I was sitting three rows away from STEPHEN FRY! Oh, how I love that man. Plus I adore Bill Bailey and he was one of the guests on that day too.

Then I about died when I got to go and meet Sarah J Maas!!!! I definitely lost my shit over that because I adore that woman and all her beautiful books. And she signed them all for me, all her hardbacks and her paperbacks. Plus she was absolutely love, hilarious as anything and had me in stitches for the whole night.

My second cousin turned one this month too, which was a wonderful occasion and involved two days of celebrating. The first was on her actual birthday, which was a week day. It just involved my cousins, uncle and my cousins partner and then me, my mum and my dad. We went over during the day to give them presents and have a little tea party and then in the evening we went out for dinner at a restaurant, that had a soft play area for my second cousin. It was a wonderful night. Then on the Sunday they had a party with all the family and friends, which was at a soft play centre, which was so much fun and completely tiring. I'd love to share a pic of my gorgeous second cousin with you all, but that cutie doesn't go on the interwebs! 

I read 17 books.


99 Days by Katie Cotugno ★★☆☆☆ ┃ The Perfectionists by Sara Shepherd ★★★☆☆ ┃ All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher ★★☆☆☆ ┃ Open Road Summer by Emery Lord ★★★★☆ ┃ The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord ★★★★★ ┃ The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West ★★★★☆ ┃ Bad Romeo by Leisa Rayven ★★★★☆ ┃ Broken Juliet by Leisa Rayven ★★★★☆ ┃ Black Iris by Leah Raeder ★★★★☆ ┃ Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige ★★☆☆☆ ┃ Shut Out by Kody Kepplinger ★★☆☆☆ ┃ A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger ★★★☆☆ ┃ Something Real by Heather Demetrios ★★★☆☆ ┃ I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios ★★★★☆ ┃ Hopeless by Colleen Hoover ★★★★☆ ┃ Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover ★★★★☆ ┃ Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover ★★★★☆

Average rating: 3.4/5

I read 17 books this month, which is a lot for me and has finally got me to be 16 books ahead of schedule, where as I had been behind by 8 books just a few months ago. This was possible because I basically abandoned my blog and all blog responsibilities. I admit that I am struggling to blog now that I have changed jobs. I work every day and work further away, so spend a lot of time travelling. By the time I get home at night I am shattered and have such limited time that blogging has taken a back seat. I miss it, but it's just not been possible to keep up with. I hope to change that very soon. 

My favourite reads of this month were probably Open Road Summer, The Start of Me and You and I'll Meet You There. Those were all such cute contemporaries, but I'll Meet You There had a lot more going for it too and it confused me because there were things I couldn't get past, which stopped it bein a 5/5 read for me. I also really enjoyed Bad Romeo and Broken Juliet, which totally surprised me as I was certain I wouldn't. But Brit was right, they were sooooo good! It's made me go and order a whole bunch more NA with part of my £100 Amazon gift card I have. 

My least favourite reads this month were 99 Days, Dorothy Must Die, Shut Out and All I Know Now. All I Know Now wasn't a bad book, I just feel it's probably better suited to tweens. The advise is very generic and stuff I've read a million times before, and most of which isn't relevant to me any more. The others were all just rather disappointing and not books I enjoyed all that much and would ever want to read again.

I got 85 books this month.

I've not only been absent on my own blog, but everyone else's too! I have still been stalking all my favourite blogs, I just haven't been able to comment lately - something that will be changing starting this week too. I will be back, commenting away like a crazy person.

Here's some great posts on other blogs that you might have missed or might want to check out:

Cait @ Paperfury: Let's be honest, everything! I truly mean that, you might as well just go read the whole blog. But some stand out posts for me this month are: Are You Ever Blindly Protective Over Certain Books? Why I Am Scared To Write Diversity & 10 Problems of Being an Adult YA Reader.

Amanda & Stacie @ Beautiful Bookish Butterflies: 5 Things I'd Do Differently If I Were Creating My Blog TodayWhere Art Thou Lesbian and Bisexual Relationships? & Popular Vs Underrated Contemporary.

Brittany @ This is the Story of My Reading Life: The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West review & Unpopular Opinions Book Tag.

Olivia @ Olivia's Catastrophe talked about the Book Nerd Label and reviewed The Book Thief.

And so many more but I have been seriously absent from my blog and everything else. I'm sure there are so many more I could quote. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave me links to any of your posts from last month that you especially loved or think I should check out. I'D LOVE TO! I have missed too much and want to start devouring all your awesome posts once more. Link them below and I will stop by.

Awesome on the Internet

This needs to be shared because it's absolutely hilarious! 

So, what books would you like to see me review first? Have you been missing me or barely noticed I was gone? I don't blame you for not noticing, I have been a bad blogger for the whole of 2015! 


  1. Don't worry about the lack of posts, I've barely posted the last few months due to life getting very busy! <3 Also, I really want to read The Start of Me and You, The Fill-In Boyfriend and A Court of Thorns and Roses! :D

    1. Thanks, it's so hard trying to get back on top of everything.

  2. I've been missing you!! I love reading your blog posts and lately I've been checking to see if you've posted anything lol don't feel bad about not posting though, we all get busy in life! You got some amazing books this month. I can't wait to read your reviews on them :)

    1. Thank you!!! :) I'm happy you enjoy reading my posts and I really hope that I am back for goo this time.

  3. Aw thanks so much for the mention <3 I can understand how life has been crazy! I hope you are enjoying this new job though and it is giving you something you didn't have before. I have been able to keep up with blogging but my reading has definitely slipped behind, unlike yours though! You read a lot of books and I would love to see those reviews of ACOTAR, The Fill-in Boyfriend and I'll Meet You There.

    As for that haul though DD: I am always so jealous of your hauls! Some fab books in there, especially the sequel to the Winner's Curse. I think it's another gorgeous cover <3 I have Paperweight in common with you too, so I hope we both like those!

    1. I am enjoying the new job in some way, and not so much in others. I hope I love all of these when I finally get to read them all. If that ever happens ;)

  4. Summer is always tricky for me blogwise as well so I completely understand! I hope you get back into the groove of things soon!

  5. Hi - Loved the book haul. All I can say is, "WOW!" :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  6. Holy cow 85 books! I really liked I'll Meet You There - you should drop me a line about what you had issues with, I'd love to know! Even though you've been a little more absent lately (reading so many books in a month though, props!), it's great to see you're having a blast!! R x

    1. I will. I am going to review it very soon and we can have a big discussion on it.

  7. THAT SUPERNATURAL PARODY KILLS ME EVERY TIME. I watched it after the S10 finale (where I was bawling) and it was so perfect. :')

    AWW, don't feel bad though!! Life gets like that sometimes and you totally are a blogger. Pfft, don't think that. Look at all the work you've done on this blog! It's incredible and we're all just waiting here until you have a second to write about your awesomeness. *whispers* Don't stress about it tho, okay?! WE LURVE YOU CHARNELL.

    Also, *blushes* you are the nicest with those links to my posts. XDXD


      I hope I am finally back on top of things, which I do feel like I am at the moment. We shall see if it lasts.

  8. First of, good to see you posting again! Missed you! Hopefully life slows down a bit for you. Also thanks for the shout out. <3 <3
    You read quite a few of my favourite books. Of course Bad Romeo and Broken Juliet. But also I'll Meet You There, Something Real, Open Road Summer, The Start of Me and You, Black Iris, The Fill-In Boyfriend, Hopeless, Finding Hope, Dorothy Must Die. Okay pretty much more than half your reads. Lol!
    I'll Meet You There is still in my top 3 reads of this year. So I'd love to see your review on that one and Something Real. I gave both 5*. So I'm interested to see where we differed on Something Real.
    I'm excited to see all the NA books you bought! So excited to see the goods! :D
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I KNOW!!! I hope I can stick to it this time. I really, really hope so. I am doing good so far.

      I can't wait to get to I'll Meet You There to review it, it was an interesting read and I loved it for the most part, but not all of it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.